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Valleyfair (VF) Discussion Thread

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  andy232221 said:
  VF15 said:

I don’t see Corkscrew going anywhere until the park adds a new looping coaster, they’ve been maintaining it pretty well over the years. The Wave also probably still has some life left, it’s popular with families and draws a fairly long line on warm/hot days.


As for a Blitz coaster, while it would be wonderful if the park had a Maverick-like coaster, Cedar Fair is not going to drop $20 million+ on a new coaster at Valleyfair, at least not anytime soon.


they could make it an inverting coaster. and they could make a nice new log flume ride where the amphitheater. and yes that is all way too expensive for cedar fair to put at their second smallest park.


I don’t see a flume ride coming back as Minnesota already has a good one at the MoA and correct me if I’m wrong, but I also don’t find them to be all that popular among the general public anymore.

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I don't see another log flume. Now that there's somewhat close to adequate capacity in Soak City that's depreciated the other water rides. Riptide went away and no one really noticed. Most people want to get wet in their swimming suits, not their street clothes.


Non-Ride ideas, besides moving the park road in preparation for a waterpark expansion.


* Winterize the utilities, insulate some of the buildings, etc to leave open the possibility of a winterfest


* Replace the last of the ugly 1990s parking lot style path lights with the acorn lights found in the rebuilt areas


* Replace the last of the asphalt with pavers.


* Repave the parking lot an install LED lighting. They're actually using enclosed only rated metal halide bulbs in the non-enclosed fixtures; a lamp could explode and rain down glass on guests. (The mercury vapor bulbs those fixtures were designed for didn't have that issue.)


* Rebuild the parking lot gate.


* Build a canopy by the ticket center for guests waiting in line


* Build a larger Panda Express building


* Enlarge the Caribou by the front gate for more inside seating by taking over the gift shop, then enlarge the gift shop on the other side to compensate.


* Second Caribou location somewhere on the other end of the park.


* Rebuild the Red Baron bathrooms, possibly closing down the ones by Stupid Cat, or else consolidate them in front of Wild Things.


* Another permanent haunt structure


* Widen the path back to Dark Harvest, etc so guests don't have to walk through the whole Dino loop back to the park.


* Beef up the fence in by Wild Thing / Route 76 to prevent a repeat of the fence jumping fight night.

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I noticed that Valleyfair's new coaster is ranking 3rd on USA Today's poll for best new amusement park attraction of 2018, with only Steel Vengeance and Time Traveler ahead of it. Is it really that good, or is everyone just glad that the park finally added something new?

I'll lose my faith in humanity (at least, the part of it that voted in this poll) if a Super Loop beats Hangtime.

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  joelwee said:
I noticed that Valleyfair's new coaster is ranking 3rd on USA Today's poll for best new amusement park attraction of 2018, with only Steel Vengeance and Time Traveler ahead of it. Is it really that good, or is everyone just glad that the park finally added something new?

I'll lose my faith in humanity (at least, the part of it that voted in this poll) if a Super Loop beats Hangtime.

“It’s not a coaster”

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I just cast my vote for Delirious. Not that I think it's the best new attraction but anything that can bring Valleyfair some mention in the media is great. I rode Time Traveler last summer and it was fantastic!! Super fun to ride and very re-ride able.


On another note, Adventureland in Iowa is getting another new coaster! Its a Maurer spinning coaster that looks totally fun! Not massive but a great addition for them. Valleyfair needs to answer soon!!

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I know that this isn't what any enthusiast wants to hear but if I were Valleyfair I would focus heavily on Soak City. Not only is it terrible (even with the new additions), but right now it's one of their main selling points over Mall of America and that's possibly about to change. They should be more worried about improving Soak City than "answering" a spinning coaster that's hours away from them and surrounded by cornfields.

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  coasterbill said:
  garyman6 said:
Valleyfair needs to answer soon!!


It's a small park that's almost 250 miles from Valleyfair. No they don't.


Umm, I have to both agree and disagree. Valleyfair needs a boatload of new additions to get to where they should be but I agree with the waterpark addition. Valleyfair will have to make some additions to compete with MOA. They need to add attractions that you just cant really do indoors.

But I disagree about answering Adventureland. Adventureland went 20 years between new coasters. In 2016 they build Monster. Now just 3 seasons later in 2019 they are adding another coaster. I can almost guarantee you they saw a huge increase in attendance from Monster. Gee, add something people want to ride and attendance increases. So what do they do? Add another one! It will be at least 13 years before a new coaster for Valleyfair. That's assuming they get one in 2020 which is a BIG IF????? Are people from the twin cities going to start flocking to Iowa to get their coaster fix? No! But if Valleyfair doesn't start doing something Big time soon attendance is going to drop. Yes, a water park addition will increase attendance from families but a big coaster addition or two would also see a big boost in attendance from every other demographic. That's why they really need both plus maybe a few more major flat rides! Ugh, where to begin?!?!

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