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Spam Threads - Respond to them and be BANNED!

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Is there a setting that when someone creates a username, they aren't allowed to create a new topic/thread. When they get to 10 or so posts, they are allowed to create a new topic/thread. That should stop the one post new topic spam creators.

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^ I've added it to the "posting rules" which is stickied, it's also in the TOS that everyone has to agree to before registering, and then there's also a link to the posting rules.


At the end of the day, it seems that the "smart" people know enough not to respond to the spam, and if someone responds to it, well, I kind of call it the "TPR Weeding Out Process!"


^^ And to the idea about not letting people create topics until they have a certain amount of posts, well, if we did that, then some poeple, like amusement industry members who only post when there is something to share, wouldn't be able to. And I think us and the mods do a pretty good job of deleting it as soon as it's posted so I can't justify creating a limitation unless there REALLY is a need.



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^ We've been getting about 2-3 spam threads per day. They mostly seem to appear in the morning for me, and most of them are usually deleted by our east coast mods before I can even see them.


We have been getting a lot of spam lately, and I think part of it has been that we are the #1 google response for a lot of searches and we've been listed as the #1 ranked theme park & coaster site on Alexa several times now, so we get targeted a lot by the spammers. (Not saying that to be smug, it's just a matter of fact, and if it wasn't for all you awesome members, we wouldn't be in that position - so THANK YOU)


What we've found is that the spammers aren't really 'bots' but they are real people hired by real companies to spam popular message boards.


Regardless of having email notification or image verification they still get through. So if you say you haven't seen any spam, thank the ASSistants for doing a really kick ASS job!



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We're pretty good at getting them deleted fairly quickly. Yesterday I myself probably deleted 5-7 messages. It's been picking up a little more lately. It's unfortunate that they exist (there was an especially profane one last night), but it doesn't take too long to delete them and delete the account. I also want to thank the members, no one has really responded to them, which makes it much easier for us!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is there a setting in phpBB that would require a certain number of posts before somebody can create a new thread? I know vBulletin has one but I've never used the phpBB software myself so I'm not sure. But all the spam posts I've seen have been new topics, not posted in existing ones. So even if it was as few as like, 5 posts before you can start a new topic, it would stop a lot of the spam, since to my knowledge these are automated bots doing it.

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And to the idea about not letting people create topics until they have a certain amount of posts, well, if we did that, then some poeple, like amusement industry members who only post when there is something to share, wouldn't be able to. And I think us and the mods do a pretty good job of deleting it as soon as it's posted so I can't justify creating a limitation unless there REALLY is a need.



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I love how a communication of general information from the administrator of the website, becomes a discussion, suggestion page.


Thread Purpose: Tell people not to respond to spam that appears on the board....Sounds simple enough to me....


Thread Reality......15 suggestions on how the admins should run their site. Some of which are repeated more than once by people who post before reading the thread.


It is just funny to me how everybody has a better way of doing everything..this thread was meant to inform and WARN all members of the board. That was it's sole purpose. If you know a better way to do things run your own board...

I for one am merely a long time lurker who occasionally posts, but I am extremely grateful for the entertaining and informative site which Robb and Elissa with the help of the Mod's have provided for me to check out on a pretty much daily basis. I don't know if I would ever have the patience to deal with the anonymous GP in the way that running a website like this would require....

So I figured in a thread full of headaches that there should be a least a few heartfelt thank yous for the the work that goes into keeping this place going...sooo Thank You

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How have I missed this thred? SPAM and Donkey Porn. Two of the greatest things to hit the internet since... well... the internet.


Q: Does anybody know why the Hawaiian people love SPAM/ Potted Meat so much?


A: I was told that it comes from their pacific Island tradition of Cannibalism. It was the only meat that the white settlers offered them that tasted like human flesh.


I personally love SPAM. A grilled teriaki SPAM and cheese sandwitch with a slice of grilled pineapple on top is one of my favorite lunches. It's also great on an omlet. If you grind it up into spamburger, it makes for great meatloaf. Just throw in your assortment of carrots, potatos, onions, mushrooms, celery, peppers, etc. SPAM is awesome! I don't know why anybody would get banned for eating SPAM.


As far as Donkey Porn goes. What's not to love. It's donkeys and Porn. Two great tastes that taste great together. I especially love it when its the real nasty donkey porn. The DWDP, donkey spit for lube, donkey bodily fluid filled donkey porn. I love it when the chick donkeys talk dirty to each other. Hee Hawwwwww! Heeeeeeeee Hawwwww! Oh jeebus! That's hot!


Guy "If you can't beat em'. Join em'." Koepp

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How have I missed this thred? SPAM and Donkey Porn. Two of the greatest things to hit the internet since... well... the internet.


Q: Does anybody know why the Hawaiian people love SPAM/ Potted Meat so much?


A: I was told that it comes from their pacific Island tradition of Cannibalism. It was the only meat that the white settlers offered them that tasted like human flesh.


Wrong, it had to do with the rations soliders had in Hawaii, during WWII and other times. Spam apparently was the main stuff since it lasted a long time.

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  • 1 month later...

Spam is many this. It could either be:

-a single response('lol', 'oh', or 'no' come to mind)

-a post that doesn't contribute to the thread

-an uneccessary bump

-mass use of smilies


-just posting nothing at all ('skfjsdfkljsdklgjfkl')


Some people join boards just to spam, and it gets tiring on the mods. The site I mod used to get TONS of spam, and it was just a pain getting these people dealt with.

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^ No, that's not what we're consider SPAM. Those are annoying posts, but they should NOT be reported.


We consider it SPAM if it's a blatant advertisement for another site, ie: links to porn, prescription drugs, travel deals, etc. etc.


If you are unsure if something is SPAM, don't report it.

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