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Everything posted by mtbiker99

  1. Wikipedia has a listing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpine_slide They are mostly located at ski resorts. The nearest one to Texas is Colorado
  2. I was staying at All-Star Sports during the week Pop Warner football players/cheerleaders were there. I have never seen so many security guards roaming around at a Disney resort. Throughout the week, I’ve seen numerous incidents where security guards were breaking up altercations. The parents of these players need to know the rules, and not let them run around creating problems.
  3. Rob Is there a setting that when someone creates a username, they aren't allowed to create a new topic/thread. When they get to 10 or so posts, they are allowed to create a new topic/thread. That should stop the one post new topic spam creators.
  4. Back in 2004, I did Disneyland and Knotts Berry Farm over labor day weekend. On the Saturday before labor day, I went to Disneyland from 4pm to midnight. I just got into the LA area an hour beforehand (thats why the late start). The park wasn't very crowded at all. Not a long wait for anything. Fantasy Land was empty after 9pm, so I did all the kiddie rides. On the Sunday before labor day, I did KBF. In the morning it wasn't too bad, but it started to get crowded in the afternoon. Left at 6pm. On labor day, I did Disneyland/California Adventure (started off at DL, then CA, then back to DL) It also wasn't crowded at all.
  5. I was reading an article about the US Army building a military-theme amusement park at Fort Belvoir (South of Washington DC). At the end of the second page, it states that in 1994, Disney pulled the plug on a theme park near Manassas battlefield (southwest of Washington DC) that was supposed to draw 6 million guest a year. Anyone else hear about this before? Also, I wonder what other locations in the US that Disney is still considering? Or about the ones that were scrapped? Here is the second page of the article. Its the last paragraph. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/07/AR2006080701182_2.html
  6. I also went to the Worlds Fair in Knoxville. The only thing I remember was getting free milk that comes in a box, and can be stored at room temperature. I also remember the gold and blue Sunsphere. I was driving by Knoxville this past April, and the Sunsphere is still there.
  7. thanks viking86 for the quick reply ... I was on Goliath last year, but I don't remember it looking like that. I think the big yellow bar on the picture through me off. Thanks again.
  8. I went to a Wendy's in the Scranton, PA area, and on the Kids Meal bag had SF stuff on it. Can anyone identifiy this Six Flags coaster? BTW the toy was the SF bus.
  9. Dorney is 1 hour, 10 minutes from Tamiment. Knoebels is 1 hour, 40 minutes. If you like water parks, Camel Beach (Camel Back Ski) outside Tannersville is very nice. Its only 35 minutes from Taniment.
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