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Six Flags Leaders

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On Screamscape today, Sharpio mentioned the "no touch parks" while in an interview. These "no touch parks" included Six Flags Fiesta Texas, Six Flags Graet America, Six Flags New England, Six Flags Over Georgia, Six Flags Over Texas, and The Great Escape.


You can get to this info by going to Screamscape

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hmmm...no SFGADV?


I thought SFGADV was just a larger version of SFGAM, but I guess SFGAM is better. Well I'm happy nothing is happening to my park, but I hope that he does not think that because it is a "no touch park", that it does not need new rides.

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Also, looks like SFFT is receiving a family ride in 07, a longer extension into its season (including the winter holidays) and most of all-NO TICKET PRICE increase! Someone is waking up at the Snyder/Shapiro camp...lol


Here is a link to an article relating to the original post:



*Unless I misread an earlier article about a month ago, SFGAD is still on the 'safe' list and they were planning on the hotel(s) being built. I believe the interview was on a USA-Today business or money page.

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This does not surprise me at all that Great Adventure would be up for possible sale. The park has proven to be in decline as far as the "family friendly" image goes in Shapiro/Snyder's master plan and doesn't get much better each year. Yes, the rides rule at GADV but the general public that frequents the park is packed with many of the undesireables that Shapiro speaks oh so fondly of.


I just don't see the park being sold to put up houses.


HOWEVER I do see them selling off land around the park to the highest bidder. Great Adventure has more than enough room to spare without selling off any land immediately occupied by any part of the park as we speak. I could see some higher incoming housing built around the park. Thats the rich families Snyder and Shapiro want in the park anyway.


I also can totally see them selling the park to another theme park company. Or, they are just stuck keeping it.


I have faith that someone can turn the park back into the great place it once was. I just don't see it happening right away with Snyder in charge. I'm willing to give him time to prove his vision of the company can come to fruition.

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On Screamscape today, Sharpio mentioned the "no touch parks" while in an interview. These "no touch parks" included Six Flags Fiesta Texas, Six Flags Graet America, Six Flags New Englad, Six Flags Over Georgia , Six Flags Over Texas, and The Great Escape.


You can get to this info by going to Screamscape


So these were the parks considered the top 6 in the chain. Wow! Drive-by shootings do wonders for a theme park.

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Well, lets evaluate the loners in Colorado too.


If SFEG is sold, and demolished, well...tough cookies.


But Lakeside is also for sale!


So lets see here...


subtract the 2


add the 60


multiply by 9.73


divide out the moles on your body...


OH! 7 hour drive to nearest amusement park, Lagoon in Salt Lake City.

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I had good feeling about all of those, though I am slightly suprised to not see GAdv on there, which seems to be on the right track.


I think Great Adventure is "touchable" because it has many acres of land around the park that can be sold to whoever is the highest bidder. So Great Adventure's land is technically for sale but not necessarilly the park.


But the park doesn't fit the whole "clean, safe, fun" motto to a T so it's possible they want to sell the park as well. But I fell thats very unlikely.

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