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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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  radiohead8989 said:
SFMM was selling tickets, until 10 minutes before opening. There were around 50 people lined up at the gates, waiting to get in. So they didn't make the decision until the last minute. That's the only reason I'm angry. I knew there would be some downtime due to rain. But I hoped I could get some rides when it wasn't raining. I don't think the decision was based on the weather. I think it was based on the empty parking lot. Based on the weather forecast, they had to know that would happen.


I don't think it had anything to do with low crowds. I have been to SFMM dozens of times when the park was virtually deserted, with walk ons to every coaster including X/X2, and they still opened for normal operating hours. In some visits they had less then 10 people in line for each ride and less than one section of the parking lot full.


^^^ When I was at SFMM on 1/31 they had a sign up in the Season Pass Processing Center which said that Value Books will not be available until early March.

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^Yeah, but has it been raining ALSO those times? And were those times in the last two years? Didn't think so. The rain gives them a better excuse to 'close due to weather', when in fact they are closing due to low crowds indirectly caused by weather.

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I respectfully disagree. They have closed when it rains regularly for a long time now. Most of the rides do not operate in the rain and it rained most of the day today. If they can't operate the rides, why should they be open? About 10 of the "deserted" visits I referred to have been in the last 2 years.

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I remember during WCB '09 while at Tatsu I asked a mechanic about when Deja would open and she said that they have to wait to test it because they can't run it if the track is wet due to hydroplaning. But I have seen them operate it before in the past whilst raining. So I don't know if she was just pulling it out of her a$$ of if they just have these polices and follow them when they please.

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Deja Vu was closed for a major rehab from approx. Oct, 08-March, 09 so if WCB 09 was during that time I think they might have been yanking your chain. It was closed on every visit I made during that 6 month period, except for 10/9/08 and was open again when I visited on 4/20/09. I don't know the exact date it reopened but it was closed when I was there on 3/1/09.

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  Brandon4579 said:
IMO, SFMM might (if they're lucky) get the superman power of tower ride from SFKK.


Sure... if you want a hammy-down ride that CUT someone's feet off... go right ahead


I'll pass.




I think that ride is in the garbage can for good. I wouldn't take a risk with this.... even if it was a malfunction of any sort.


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  AWill961 said:
  Brandon4579 said:
IMO, SFMM might (if they're lucky) get the superman power of tower ride from SFKK.


Sure... if you want a hammy-down ride that CUT someone's feet off... go right ahead


I'll pass.

What? Really? You can't be serious? Really???


So do you not ride Scream! and Magic Mountain because it KILLED someone, or Revolution? Or Colossus? Or Goliath?


Do you not go on airplanes either?


What about your car? You know that there is a very good chance that more people have been mangled and killed in a car EXACTLY LIKE THE ONE YOU DRIVE RIGHT NOW than there have been deaths and freak accidents on any amusement park ride.


Geez, you probably shouldn't ever LEAVE THE HOUSE!



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Hey everyone, It's been two weeks since my visit to the mountain and I finally have an opportunity to post my photos from that trip. All I can say is we had a wonderful weekend at the park!




First thing to note Terminator Salvation: The Ride was my 100th credit! I really enjoyed this coaster and is a coaster I don't mind riding over and over again!


Gotta love the station fly-thru!


I love Déjà Vu, but it's down for its annual rehab, cant wait to ride it again!


It's not like anyone has taken this picture before...



Goliath is looking pretty spiffy with its new coat of paint!! I can't believe it's already ten years old!


I really love how Batman: The Ride now really stands out in this shot!







I love sky coasters!




















X2 was down both days for maintenance, but that didn't stop us from having a wonderful time at the park!








Hope you all enjoyed this quick update! It was a bit quiet at the park, but that meant lots of re-rides! I cannot wait for West Coast Bash 2010! Hope to see you all there!



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  robbalvey said:
  AWill961 said:
  Brandon4579 said:
IMO, SFMM might (if they're lucky) get the superman power of tower ride from SFKK.


Sure... if you want a hammy-down ride that CUT someone's feet off... go right ahead


I'll pass.

What? Really? You can't be serious? Really???


So do you not ride Scream! and Magic Mountain because it KILLED someone, or Revolution? Or Colossus? Or Goliath?


Do you not go on airplanes either?


What about your car? You know that there is a very good chance that more people have been mangled and killed in a car EXACTLY LIKE THE ONE YOU DRIVE RIGHT NOW than there have been deaths and freak accidents on any amusement park ride.


Geez, you probably shouldn't ever LEAVE THE HOUSE!




Most of those incidents that you have referenced really had nothing to do with ride itself, malfunctioning, or whatever. Not to say something cannot happen on any of our rides, but that's kinda irrelevant here... because the whole Superman ride from KK wasn't a similar type of incident as the incidents you referenced.


I'm aware that riding roller coasters you assume the risk of something terrible happening... that's not where I'm coming from. Don't know where you're going with all the assumptions though... and so I digress...


A ride operator getting killed by Revolution's train, because they were in the way of the train, shouldn't taint the ride. A cord shattering or w/e and severing the feet of a girl obviously does. . I'm all for getting it relocated to our park though. I'll pass, myself.

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^In the case of the Superman tower slicing off the girl's feet, it was the idiotically moronic maintenance department's fault for not taking care of the ride cables. It had zero, nada, zip, zilch, nothing to do with the ride or Intamin. Maintenance let a cable that was rusted through go to the point where it snapped, and used corn starch as a "de-lubricant" instead of lubricating the cables to reduce friction, which made the problem exponentially worse. Then the operator did not hit the E-stop like she was supposed to when she noticed the snapped cables. She was 16 and had been improperly trained.


That accident was 110% the fault of Kentucky Kingdom, and nothing and no one else had anything to do with it. Several similar Intamin drop rides operate all over the world and not a single one has ever cut feet off in the same manner. It was an isolated incident.

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I did a fair bit of hunting around, but does the SFMM website have a page for ride closures or maintenance? I'm going to be back in LA from the 12th till the 23rd of Feb, so I'll be hitting the park on one of the Saturdays when I'm there, though I have no idea what will be shut (Hopefuly not Ninja of all things, since I missed that last time around)


On a side note, why is the park open specifically on the 15th?...The whole month it's only open weekends except for this one random Monday Special Event? Public Holiday?

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  Gav said:
I did a fair bit of hunting around, but does the SFMM website have a page for ride closures or maintenance? I'm going to be back in LA from the 12th till the 23rd of Feb, so I'll be hitting the park on one of the Saturdays when I'm there, though I have no idea what will be shut (Hopefuly not Ninja of all things, since I missed that last time around)


Use this link and click on each coaster name to see which ones are currently closed. Ninja and Deja Vu are closed right now. http://www.sixflags.com/magicMountain/rides/ThrillRides.aspx


I went to the park on 2/17/08, the Sunday of Presidents Day weekend. Crowds were pretty light. I got on 33 total rides. Tatsu and Deja Vu had about 45 minute lines. Goliath, Batman and Riddler's Revenge were about 20 mins. X2 was closed for the remodel or I bet some of those would have been even shorter. Everything else was a walk on. I think Sunday or Monday of that weekend would be a good time to go.

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I know this was discussed about two pages ago but as far as the Superman ride from SFKK, I have always had trouble understanding why it was made into such a big deal yes it is very bad that the girl had her feet severed but I felt it was blown out of proportion and I see no reason why the ride had to be closed considering that SROS at SFNE and DL had deaths on those rides and they opened within a matter of months, and people are still riding the hell out of them. So to say that you would not ride the tower even if it was relocated and refurbished to like new is a little extreme in my mind.

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