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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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^ Though a bit exaggerated, that may not be too far from a possible future attraction. At WCB, it was mentioned that there were "some ideas for use of the old Metro track." We all know that Metro isn't coming back as a slow monorail ride because the expense can't be justified for a ride that can't be marketed as a new attraction. But something along the lines of Disneyland's defunct Rocket Rods could work here. And I think it would be fun.



Rocket Rods was my favourite Disney ride. If they build something like that at MM I can die happy.

But could they pull it off? I mean, Disney managed to bollocks it up, so how would Six Flags fare?

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^ Disney screwed it up because they got lazy and decided not to modify the track to make it work. And Six Flags seems to have no problem getting corporate sponsers, which was another reason Rocket Rods failed. But I think a RR type attraction at Magic Mountain would be awesome and a hit with all crowds.


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Even something like the Seuss Trolley at IoA would be cool. Provided the track is structurally sound, it may well be reused for something.


How funny it would be if they got a fleet of quick vehicles going that stopped at all three stations and reopened it as "The Mountain Express."




EDIT: Come to think of it, "Mountain Express" might have been a good name for SFMM's current FlashPass system...

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I just got back from SFMM and I just cant believe how people STILL run to X2 first! Um HELLO! There is a new ride called Terminator, that just opened! Yes? No? Apparently no one cares about it. SFMM can build 5 more new coasters, and people will still run to X2 first. What I dont understand is why people continue to wait in line for this for hours. Thank god I arrived early and got on within 10 mins. X2 is a great ride, but not worth waiting more than 1 hour. Its funny also how Terminator didnt even have a long wait. Maybe because its over-rated and just too short of a ride. I wasn't impressed.

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X2 is a great ride, but not worth waiting more than 1 hour. Its funny also how Terminator didnt even have a long wait. Maybe because its over-rated and just too short of a ride. I wasn't impressed.


I'd guess that you're seeing a combination of park geography, personal preference, ride capacity, and ride reputation at work here.


People know that X2 will likely have the longest wait all day, so it's no surprise that they run there first. X2's the very first coaster they see while driving in, and creates a jaw-dropping reaction in pretty much anyone in every car. Right then many people will decide to hit that first before anything. Then there's the people who know X2 and say X2's their favorite ride, and will hit that first anyway.


X2 is also much closer to the front of the park, while Terminator is towards the back. By default, that means X2 will have more of a wait initially than Terminator will.


After that, ride capacity determines wait time, and I'm pretty sure X2 has far less capacity than Terminator does. That'll lead to X2 having a longer wait than Terminator, just like in Disneyland you'll see Soarin' have a longer wait than Space Mountain at times during the day. It doesn't make Soarin' the better ride. It just means Space Mountain has much higher capacity.

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I'm all down for sfmm getting some kind of transport system, I'm a track runner and even I get really tired there, they don't even have any leisurely rides that you can relax on for a decent amount of time i.e dark ride or DECENTLY SIZED train

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That's an interesting concept about the Seuss Trolley taking the place of the old metro line. Maybe Zamperla could adapt one of their train rides to run along the old rail line.

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Don't get me wrong, I would love to see some form of transport in the park like metro or even a train that runs the perimeter, I just don't see them spending that kind of investment when it's not going to bring the crowds like a new coaster will. Maybe in the future when the park is a lot more profitable it will happen but that's still a few years away at least.

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Bringing back a new park transport is like asking the park guests "Do you feel lazy today, and don't feel like walking, well take the transport?", however, there are many people who require minimal walking, due to stress, heart rate, and especially those in wheelchairs. The old metro track is still in the center vicinity of the park in a like square rotation. They would need to expand the track far out over by X2, Roaring Rapids, Terminator, Riddler's Revenge, Scream, Colossus, Hurricane Harbor, and main gate area.


I would also like to see Magic Mountain with a Hotel built, and they can do this on that piece of land on the right hand side of X2, as you drive into the park. The new transport would be connected to the Hotel, so park guests can hop on the transport, and stop at any section of the park, and get off. The hotel would be for guests who won't have time to see the entire park in one day, and for those who travel many miles, out of state to visit Magic Mountain. However, the park would have to expand larger, and have many more rides and attractions if this will ever happen. Disneyland has it, so hopefully one day Magic Mountain will expand in this direction, however it might be unlikely. It would cost alot of money to do this, so we'll have to see in 5-10 years, see what happens. Do we want Magic Mountain to look like a carpon copy of Disneyland, not really, but if they designed it in a different way, perhaps it could work.



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Years ago there were tentative plans to build a hotel at the park that never materialized. Personally I've never been under the assumption that there is much of a room shortage in Valencia, so I'm not sure that a hotel would make much sense.

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"I like the walking at Magic Mountain. It's like a workout and coasters in one." (rawrtotheargh)


Being an avid walker, I also treat a visit like a workout. If I recall, I asked someone out there how far it is if you walked all the way around the park and was told that it's almost two miles. I'd like to measure it some way and find out for sure.



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Yeah they hauled off Goliath's trains on Tuesday. How long does it usually take for the trains to be done?


They take the trains offsite to perform work on them? I always thought that they were refurbished onsite.


They have their own shop for refurbishing trains...but they don't have the resources to do that many rehabs on their own.

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I really just don't see Magic Mountain spending any significant money on revamping a transport ride (metro) or installing a new one. It just doesn't seem like a smart move buisness wise.


Maybe if they found a couple big sponserships for the Metro I could see them reopening it while getting some of the costs covered. Instead of the plain colored stripes on the trains, they could cover them and advertise with those huge graphics decals you see on big SUV's. They could Coca Cola logo the entire train, for example. If they installed flatscreens like they've been doing on a lot of their rides, they could also advertise for more revenue and inform guests of park information while on the Metro.


Six Flags seems to be willing to spend money in areas that don't always offer high returns (Thomas Towns, Wiggle Worlds) and with the friendlier park attitudes they have been maintaining at Magic Mountain, a transport ride would be icing on the cake for the park. Its nice when families can bring the stroller on the ride and sit down, even the older crowds enjoy a break from walking to relax on a tour of the park. I think the guest satisfaction would outweigh the costs if you do it right.

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^ Your last sentence is dead-on right in my opinion. But the facts are, Metro won't be coming back. It's all about money. Any new attraction has to be marketable. The general public will neither get excited nor flock to the park to ride "the all-new...METRO!!!" The money folks at Six Flags would never approve the funds, nor would the stockholders agree to spending money for something like that.


In a nutshell, that's the reasoning. I've spoken to Jay and Neal about that, and they do understand. But putting out $12 million (Jay's estimate) for a revamped monorail just isn't wise use of money---especially with the current financial state of the company.


And there are more pressing needs for capital improvements at the park, the revamped restroom program being one of them.



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^For 2011 it will be another kiddie land: a Wiggles World & something new for Hurricane Harbor. But for the new coaster for next year I sure hope it's not going to be a THBS.(Can't go on anything spinny) That would be cool if it could be something like Revenge Of The Mummy, Flight Of Fear or a Rock N Roller. I know though it won't be a Dark Night.

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On SFMM's wikipedia page, they do have the coaster listed for 2010, and Wiggles World along with Hurrican Harbor expansion for 2011. Who knows if that is really accurate or not.


My personal experience with spinning coasters hasn't been that positive , so I kind of hope they don't clone something like Sierra Sidewinder. Are the Tony Hawk's better than SS? I've seen some of the footage from the European spinning coasters thanks to this site, and some of those do look pretty impressive.


I do think SF in general is on the right track with adding themes to the coasters despite the cool reception people gave the Dark Knight. I don't think they can afford something on the level of Mummy's Revenge though.


After seeing the popularity of even pretty modest 3D/4D movies at Seaworld CA, imo, that kind of install (Magic Moments retrofit?) would be a nice addition to the entertainment side of the park. Also, while I know they could never spend Buzz Lightyear level money, would be nice to see something like LegoLand's shooter attraction installed at SFMM. Even Oregon's very modest Enchanted Forest has one of these, and if they can afford it, certainly SFMM can as well.

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