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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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As for Scream, which I rode on Monday, I agree this coaster needs landscaping, water, dirt, bark, trees, fire, fog, tunnels, just something exciting.


After that first drop, loop and tight inverted corkscrew, the track goes into a dip with the pavement, well they can use that as a tunnel, and put some fog and lights in there. I wonder why when they built Scream, they never excavated the parking lot, when they placed those concrete slabs in. It's like if they built this thing in a hurry, and wanted to save money.


I love Scream, and I would hate for SFMM to remove it. It just needs some love and nurturing, with landscaping to make it even more exciting, and fun.


Here are some pictures I took of Scream, and some other randomness.




Any idea what these things are for? They may be refurbishing them froma gift shop or ride, or something new. I saw even an old horse-buggy of some kind back there. Who knows.


I wonder what this building is for, perhaps this is where all the business dealings are done. You can see this from the Scream entry-way platform.


The parking lot was so full, they started sending people far out beyond the property to park, as I saw from the Sky Tower. It was a busy, packed day.


Random shot of the trains empty, and getting ready to be loaded up and shipped out.


Inside the station getting loaded up. The coaster operator announces to all the ladies to Scream before the train takes off.


Scream's crazy loops and track towards the end of the ride, great fun stuff. As you can see, something needs to be done with landscaping, even though when riding you never focus on the concrete, but added effects and a tunnel, fog and fire, and things I mentioned above would bring this ride to more awesomeness.


Scream train coming back to the station. Look at that boy in the front row, he's still screaming, even though the ride has ended.


Scream train going up the lift.

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For all I know, someone has probably posted this before, but I came across this while doing some random surfing about Magic Mountain and thought some people here may find it interesting.


The Legend


Courtesy of a very well-informed fan of the trolls, I have a bit of the old lore that accompanied the trolls at Magic Mountain. It was the legend that helped explain how Magic Mountain came to be. The following is from Larry Ellis Reed. If you want more info, email him; he has a lot of good info to give:


"It turns out that there was this quite elderly Wizard (as turned out to be a close relative of Merlin, as in the Arthurian legend) who resided in a small cave in what we mortals call the Santa Clarita Valley--and, as it turned out, he had a habit of strolling around this hill every morning for inspiration and exercise. Yet, as it turned out, things looked pretty dull and boring.


"One morning, during our Wizard's daily stroll, he noticed some bizarre sounds coming out of a smallish cave opposite his. And, curious fellow that he was, he walked briefly into the cave, only to spot four strange-looking, furry creatures in highly-animated conversation. Unfortunately, he couldn't make head nor tail of what those creatures were, or what they were saying.


"With much haste, the Wizard returned back to his cave and conducted some research into the subject through a series of spells. Which revealed to him, among other useful things, that the cave he encountered was home to a race of Trolls, and that they needed a liberal dose of Vitamin F (fun) every day if they were to avoid extinction. As it turned out, the Vitamin F was quite low in those parts, and they were seriously doomed to extinction unless drastic action was taken.


"As for what they were saying, he referred to a volume of Special Vocabulary Spells, and decided to employ #5565 (Understanding Troll Language) to find out. Once successfully cast, our Wizard returned back to the Trolls' lair, and the message given him (this may sound a little childish, as it was in rhyme) explained their plight:


"Without lots of fun, we just wither away, For fun is our food, we could eat it all day!


"This mountain we share, it's lovely, but glum, But if you could make magic, then fun, it will come!


"And with kids of all ages, making fun every day, We'd make it a mountain of magic. HOORAY!!!"


"With that, the Wizard decided to get acquainted with his new friends in the Trolls--and as it turned out, Trolls didn't normally have names; hence, it was decided to give them such:


*The Troll as wore a jewel-encrusted crown and regal robes was given the name of "King Troll."


*The pair of youngish-looking such were given the names of "Bloop" (the male) and "Bleep" (the female), so given by The Wizard because they pretty much looked the part.


*The infant child of the pair was given the name "Blip."


And so, without further delay, work began in earnest among both Wizard and Trolls in turning a barren piece of Santa Clarita Valley hillside real estate into one spectacular place where the Trolls could have their Vitamin F and eat it too--and also have this same magic rub off upon all who would visit that very enchanted place. (And no mean feat, mind you!)


After the dust had settled, the Wizard wiped his brow, and remarked:


"This certainly is a magic mountain!"


Whereupon Bloop responded:


"That's the perfect name for this place right there: Magic Mountain!"


And so Magic Mountain it became.


Link to the site where I found it: members.tripod.com/heylownine/troll.htm Note! The site does have some annoying, but harmless pop-ups. Consider yourself warned.

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Scream! is great in my opinion. I wouldn't say its an amazing coaster but its a very good solid coaster. And I think the parking lot doesn't really take away from the ride. Its not as though its themed to like a jungle and there is just a parking lot. I consider it a must ride because it is a long solid ride as well as there is rarely a long wait for it.

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I think Scream is alright until I head north and ride Medusa. How is it that two coasters that are similar in layout can be so different in the experience they deliver? Medusa is smooth like buttah and Scream is pretty rough and much more intense because of it. It is a good ride, but there is a reason it sits lonely in the corner without a long line.

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^I'm not sure what your tone to that is, but all rides are annually rehabbed. The manufacturer requires after so many cyles to strip, inspect, and replace certain componets on each train. (Goliath and Riddler's both currently have a train in rehab now for example)

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I've seen Tatsu's train like that before, hell I saw V2's (sfdk) train completely dismantled and organized into piles of corresponding parts last December


EDIT: All west coast people, vote for Tatsu in the tournament of thrills on Six Flag's facebook page, we can't let that over trimmed Raging Bull beat us, properly trimmed RB would be acceptable, but not over trimmed!

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^ They're not coming back unless something drastic happens. Neither are any of the other defunct rides you've listen in this thread.




Thanks for the info. Also, can't wait to get out to Astroworld. Never been there.

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I think its funny that they still have the Metro trains. And they don't even appear that run down. They still have bright stipes on the side.


I'll like them to turn it into a IndyCar speed track. 8 Seater Indy car on track making a loop around MM at 200 MPH.

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^ Though a bit exaggerated, that may not be too far from a possible future attraction. At WCB, it was mentioned that there were "some ideas for use of the old Metro track." We all know that Metro isn't coming back as a slow monorail ride because the expense can't be justified for a ride that can't be marketed as a new attraction. But something along the lines of Disneyland's defunct Rocket Rods could work here. And I think it would be fun.



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