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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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All of the S&S rides shown at WCB look like fun, but I think they'd be a capacity nightmare at SFMM. That may also explain why there isn't a wild mouse ride as of yet.




I don't know, I don't think a wild mouse could have worst capacity than Deja Vu or S:TE (hopefully I wont add X2 to this list in a future post).

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^ I have some faith in X2, being that I've been on a couple of tours of that ride and believe that Tim Burkhart and company has a handle on it.


The S&S concepts are good, but if somehow they could hook a couple or three cars together it might help capacity a bit.



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I am optimistic that X2 will be better than it was before capacity wise, but I doubt that it will load anywhere near 'fast'.


My expectation: It will run as fast as Tatsu running 2 trains with 1 station.

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I am optimistic that X2 will be better than it was before capacity wise, but I doubt that it will load anywhere near 'fast'.


My expectation: It will run as fast as Tatsu running 2 trains with 1 station.


Last season, there were days where X itself dispatched quicker than Tatsu.

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I was at the park on Sunday, and I think the only gripe I would have would have been the one thing the park couldn't control, and that was the weather. It was brutally hot.

The park was clean, and everything was running top notch. Finally saw the Looney Tunes parade thing, and i thought it was cute. Felt bad for the people in there, it must have been murder with the heat.

I really like what is going on at the park. Jay, Neal, Tim, I can not say tell you enough how much I, and the group with me, appreciate what you guys are doing with the park. Thanks to you guys, i left WCB with so much faith, that i actually became a stock holder in Six Flags. I really feel that your management style could reverberate through the entire company.



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I probably should have put it in my last post, but it slipped my mind. I'm not sure how many of the rest of you can relate to this, but here it goes anyways. Me and my girl are veggies, we differ on our reasons, but being meatless has just been part of our life together. The one request that i failed to pass on to management at WCB was perhaps adding a veggie burger option to Johnny Rockets. I know the stand alone Rockets have that option. I know Mooseburger has the veggie burger, but its not like a Boca style burger, where it actually tastes like meat.


Anyway, just wanted to know if anyone else out there could relate.



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No I can't relate, but I'm sure that many people would. I don't know if I'm being stereotypical, but it seems like a lot of people over there in Cali are interested in healthier options like a veggie burger or turkey burger. I personally prefer a turkey burger over a regular hamburger. I already know that Six Flags is doing something to make their meals more healthy, but I agree that they aren't doing anything for vegetarians.

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I was at the park on Sunday, and I think the only gripe I would have would have been the one thing the park couldn't control, and that was the weather. It was brutally hot.

The park was clean, and everything was running top notch. Finally saw the Looney Tunes parade thing, and i thought it was cute. Felt bad for the people in there, it must have been murder with the heat.

I really like what is going on at the park. Jay, Neal, Tim, I can not say tell you enough how much I, and the group with me, appreciate what you guys are doing with the park. Thanks to you guys, i left WCB with so much faith, that i actually became a stock holder in Six Flags. I really feel that your management style could reverberate through the entire company.




at least you bought stock now and not last year at $6.00/share (*cough* Like I did *cough*). I have a lot of faith in the new management, especially with the turnaround that was incredibly apparent at SFGadv last year. Too bad the stock price doesn't reflect any of that right now.

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I went to SFMM yesterday, and everything was running smooth their was no trash or anything. I was supost to be going to a job interview, when i arrived a little early maybe hoping to get some rides in before i went.So I decided to stop by the HR building to check and make sure that my interview was on that day, and they told me that they were not hiring minors. So i just went straight into the park and rode everything but colossus,and Ninja because they closed it at 5:30. Mind you everything was running and the park closed at 6.


Other then that for a 4 hour stop at MM it was great.

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I don't think I'd ever buy stock with Six Flags. If I remember correctly it used to be up in the $12-16 range, back around in 2003. I remember watching the price because I picked it in history class, and it was always dropping. I actually don't think it's ever gone up, maybe a quarter or something...


And how much debt they're in right now, it probably won't for a while.


Sorry Vegetarians, you choose your diet, not Six Flags.


Although it'd be great if they offered them (which they already do at Mooseburger and those just aren't good enough for you)(and even though it might be relatively easy to get some in the park at the JR, its just another pain in the ass thing for them to have to worry about) to me it sounds like a personal problem.

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Wow, other photo huts. They have x, viper, tatsu, scream, the kiddie one, goliath, the antique photo place and the main gate one and the one in the back, oh and jet stream. The only removed ones are batman and superman. Do you really need that many pictures? Maybe they could hide the fact that they are removed a little better but most people have digital cameras now. Although their photo card thing is neat to just hand the one you get at the main gate to the ride photo place and buy them from home might be nice for kids who go without parents. Never thought that much about the kodak people, just try to avoid them at the main gate but I feel bad for the workers who probably get paid more for more pictures. Oh well.

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I don't think I'd ever buy stock with Six Flags. If I remember correctly it used to be up in the $12-16 range, back around in 2003. I remember watching the price because I picked it in history class, and it was always dropping. I actually don't think it's ever gone up, maybe a quarter or something...


And how much debt they're in right now, it probably won't for a while.


Sorry Vegetarians, you choose your diet, not Six Flags.


Although it'd be great if they offered them (which they already do at Mooseburger and those just aren't good enough for you)(and even though it might be relatively easy to get some in the park at the JR, its just another pain in the a$$ thing for them to have to worry about) to me it sounds like a personal problem.

What about people that have religious beliefs in not eating meat? What about people that cant eat meat for health reasons? What the hell did that comment add to this conversation other than the fact that you think its a personal problem that someone wants to be a vegetarian? We all don't need to answer to the almighty pure before we make a suggestion to the park, do we? Come on man have some respect for peoples beliefs!

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If you're a vegetarian just try to plan ahead a little bit better and be prepared. As others have said, Mooseburger has some veggie options. If that isn't what you're looking for, there really isn't any reason that you can't get your hand stamped and look for food outside of the park.

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Is not having vegetarians meals going to be new problem now. From what I know you can get a vegetarian meal from Food Etc Mooseburger lodge, and Eduardo Grill. At food etc You can get pasta or Salad, at Eduardo's you can get a bean and cheese burrito. I just notice that SFMM website just added a count down for X2.

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^^^As I clearly stated in my post, there are vegetarian style meals at Mooseburger Lodge in High Sierra Territory. Along with pretzels, cheese pizzas, fruit and various other "non-meat" choices at several locations around the park.


Where in my post did I say I had anything against people's religious beliefs or people's need to be vegetarians?


The "personal problem" I was referring to included those too picky to want to eat the veggie burger at Mooseburger, and not being satisfied with what the park already offered.


I just notice that SFMM website just added a count down for X2.


Wow, I don't think they've ever done that for any coaster EVER.


I wonder how long it will be till everyone on here's complaining about it...

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I am Wondering what the next complain will be. It seems like this thread has been turned into a complain thread with people complaining about anything such as taking out flats, no vegetarian meals, and the lockers. From now on please post a good comment with your complaint.

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^^Re-read your post. You started with a comment that comes off as "it's not Six Flags fault you are a vegetarian" and ended your post with a confusing paragraph with two sets of parenthesis and "it sounds like a personal problem." So the message definitely isn't clear. It may not have been your intent to come off that way, but you could have definitely been more careful with how the message was posted too. Just keep that in mind when posting.



Besides, all he did was suggest they introduce a product already available at regular Johnny Rockets. If the Mooseburger one tastes like crap, I wouldn't want to eat it either. Nor is every vegetarian going to want to have a sit down lunch just to get the veggie burger which apparently sucks. So I would also make the logical suggestion of "Hey...I like the Johnny Rockets one...since they already have a Johnny Rockets, maybe they can add that to the menu here?" if I was in his place.


^There's a difference between a complaint and a suggestion. The guy made a simple suggestion for Johnny Rockets. Didn't seem like complaining at all.


Besides, Jay made it known he wants our feedback/suggestions, and he's getting them. That doesn't mean we need to have 15 pages going back and forth on the same topic, but if someone sees something they don't like/think the park can improve upon...they SHOULD be posting it. If everyone only wants to hear the good, things can't improve.

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Besides, Jay made it known he wants our feedback/suggestions, and he's getting them. That doesn't mean we need to have 15 pages going back and forth on the same topic, but if someone sees something they don't like/think the park can improve upon...they SHOULD be posting it. If everyone only wants to hear the good, things can't improve.



I feel if you have constructive criticism about the park, it should be posted. But ask yourself before you post "Am I being constructive? Am I arguing? Or am I just complaining?" Please ask yourself that before you hit the "Submit" button.


I felt the comment about needing more vegetarian options was 100% totally valid, constructive, and a good point to raise.


The back and forth pointless bitching about it didn't add ANYTHING to the conversation other than annoyance.



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I feel if you have constructive criticism about the park, it should be posted. But ask yourself before you post "Am I being constructive? Am I arguing? Or am I just complaining?" Please ask yourself that before you hit the "Submit" button.


Be careful....I think people are starting to get too sensitive as to what is 'allowed' to be posted now a days. There is a time when a complaint is valid too. Yours about how you weren't being allowed into the park an hour before closing, and over cold donuts, and inattentive or uninterested employees for example. Perfectly valid, and useful to the management of the park. The way I see it is if it is something bad enough that you would warn friends about before they go to the park (possibly impacting a sale through negative word of mouth) then I have to imagine management is interested.


There is, however, a difference between outlining a valid complaint and downright bitching. We all have done both and we know when we stretch it too far. That said, just because somebody complains doesn't mean they should be attacked.


For my own personal take on the whole food situation, I have to give MM a big thumbs up on a lot of their offerings. I am by no means a vegetarian, but I love that they offer fruit in various locations in the park. I hunted for 45 mins for some fruit at Cedar Point, not wanting a burger or fried chicken on a hot July day before I gave up completely.


My only question is (and has been for years) how the heck did they end up with a Panda Express in Baja Ridge? You have all this Spanish theming, Viper, giant cactus plants... and Asian take out. Always makes me do a double take


::Starts debating with self over whether he needs to explain to the group that the last paragraph was a bit of a joke. This is getting too serious::

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