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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I have shorts w/zipper pockets on the sides to store my phone & money & my camera which is all I need. Thats the best way to go. I won't pay those locker fees.


Where do you get shorts like that nowadays? I had a pair like that from Old Navy, but I bought them at least 5 years ago and they're so faded and worn out that they aren't fit for wear anymore.


Paul "Would love to get another pair or two fo those" Miller

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^ Goliath Jr. is a symmetric layout. It also doesn't have individual footers but rather one giant rectangular-frame shaped footer. So it really is just a matter of turning the sucker around. I'm not sure if new footers would have to be drilled--more than likely--but still, the process at least appeared easy as it happened so quickly.



I had assumed because it was so nice and symmetric of a layout that the ride could easily be flipped around, never noticed though that it only had a single (large) footer. It would have been interesting to see how they flipped it around, can't imagine that a ride that size would have taken all that long to turn around.

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And to VivaLaVibora, the above two posts is the kind of experience I'm talking about.


These are guys who work on rides and don't care about the $1 charged for the locker. What they care about is *PUSHING TRAINS THROUGH* to make that line shorter for you.


And if their experience says "the lockers make that happen" then I for one am 100% in support of it.




I was saying to put the lockers on low capacity rides. That's what I was saying. People think that they don't want to wait an hour for Deja Vu. It's always has a long line. For Tatsu, you can't send another train out until the other train passes a point on the ride. So, you can be speedy as heck, but it won't help because you have to wait some time for that train to pass a block. It is going to reduce some time with this new policy, but how much? I know that Deja Vu's target capacity per hour was supposed to be 640. It usually reached around 400-440. Heck, Vekoma says it's even supposed to be a little higher than that.


Anything to help that slow moving line would be such a benefit for that ride. At SFGAm, they had to check the seatbelts, and than go back and chek the harnesses. It was a long time for each cycle. Add in people going to the other side, and putting things in the bins, and the time really added up. Part of the reason why they removed Deja Vu was because of capacity. The other reason was because of maintenance. If they cared much about increasing capacity, they would do this locker policy on that ride. It sounds like they don't really care about capacity for that ride.


I wasn't saying that this idea wasn't going to help the lines at all. I understand it's going to help, but I still think they want more money so they put it on more popular rides. The more popular rides are probably going to have tv screens so you have to watch them, and they can tell the advertising people that people are forced to watch the tvs.


They can't take anything with them that's valuable because they have the no loose article policy. So, people are bored in line, and watching the tv network. The park is making more money both ways. I got this from the horses mouth himself. Shapiro said this in the a conference call, about people being bored in line with no loose articles, they have to watch the tvs.


He acts like he's trying to help, but in the end he wants to make more money. It's kind of obvious to me why he's doing the things he's doing. Yes, the lockers won't make much money as the advertisements, but who knows, maybe they will charge even more money next year. With the lockers alone, they will be making money whether it's a $1.00, or not. Yes, they are paying 2 extra people, but how much more money are they making? Money adds up over time.


If you get $50 for 2 hours on the lockers. Than, let's say that's $450 a day. For the workers, that's costing only $63. For 150 days, they are making $67,500. Workers are going to cost only $9450. They are doing 4 rides, and how much money is that. Oh, they aren't making much money at all. Right? That's the lockers alone. Add in the tv's as he said in the conference, and there is a reason for this policy. If this works out good, they will probably do more next year, and make more money.

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^ I don't know what you're basing a lot of your financial and ride capacity numbers on and don't necessarily give them weight, especially as I see the ride capacity numbers daily, see how many lockers get rented out, etc...


First of all, you're over simplifying the profits produced by lockers. These are NOT Magic Mountain's lockers. They're lockers by SmartCarte, the company who has luggage carts in airports everywhere. SmartCarte installs the lockers and keeps their own crew on-site to service the lockers (or not on-site, if you went to WCB ). On TOP of that, SFMM now has their own locker crew to actually "operate" the lockers, if you will.


The point is, there are much more people to pay for than you suggested AND the lockers are all in part of an agreement between the two companies (Six Flags and SmartCarte, the outdoor vendor), one of which you don't know where the money flows and cant make such assumptions.




Secondly, this is the trial season. The selection of rides to receive a locker treatment were very intentional. If they prove to be a great success on many levels, they could possibly be rolled out to more attractions.


Finally, in regards to the Tatsu v. Dejavu thing, I know for a fact that increasing efficiency at Tatsu can yield more rider throughput then increasing Deja's ever could. We're talking thousands more guests in a single day. Oh...and Tatsu's block clears rather quickly. That's no excuse either.





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If you get $50 for 2 hours on the lockers. Than, let's say that's $450 a day. For the workers, that's costing only $63. For 150 days, they are making $67,500. Workers are going to cost only $9450. They are doing 4 rides, and how much money is that. Oh, they aren't blah, blah, blah, silly, silly, silly, blah, blah, blah.....
^ I don't know what you're basing a lot of your financial and ride capacity numbers on

Dude, he's making them up. Creating out of thin air. He's like a mathematician in Mike's Fantastical World.*


He refuses to listen to people who actually work at parks and then presents us all with these numbers that make no sense.


That's why it it's a waste of time to discuss with the guy. No matter what you say, he'll have some made-up silly number he presents as fact to debate you with.


--Robb "You're better off spending your time eating Cheerios." Alvey


* Note - of course in Mike's Fantastical World he'd also be dressed as a giant lobster wearing a Tutu

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My wife and I came in for a 2 hour visit today (in the Cyber Cafe' as we type). Happy to announce they did in fact make us fresh donuts.. though the cashier we approached (Nu, 6' blk male) was too busy on his t-mobile sidekick to help the customers in line- we just walked up to him and ordered.


Great day outside, very clean and happy atmosphere thusfar. Love the cafe'!



-Sam @ San Diego

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Having a locker policy at Deja Vu wouldn't work at all, there will still be loose articles such as shoes that would be put on he side.


That's what I was leaning towards also. Then again, they could be forced to keep them on as NO things can be left at the station (for those certain rides) but than that would take even longer just to give back to the person and explain to them NO means NO.

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SmartCarte installs the lockers and keeps their own crew on-site to service the lockers (or not on-site, if you went to WCB ). On TOP of that, SFMM now has their own locker crew to actually "operate" the lockers, if you will.


Does the Six Flags crew have the ability to get into a locker in case someone tries using the locker twice? I know here at SFDK, we have one or two SmartCarte people that end up running back and forth across the park unlocking people's belongings.

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SmartCarte installs the lockers and keeps their own crew on-site to service the lockers (or not on-site, if you went to WCB ). On TOP of that, SFMM now has their own locker crew to actually "operate" the lockers, if you will.


Does the Six Flags crew have the ability to get into a locker in case someone tries using the locker twice? I know here at SFDK, we have one or two SmartCarte people that end up running back and forth across the park unlocking people's belongings.


When I visited SFFT last weekend I experienced some kids who went to retrieve their locked items, it was really crowded around that area of the locker since the only change machine was next to it (Superman Lockers). The kid scanned his bar code, the locker opened automatically, then someone kicked it shut on accident. The locker wouldn't open with the bar code again after that so he had to find someone at the park that could open it. What happens when someone else rents that locker before the kid can find the person to unlock it? Just another of many problems with this horrible (IMHO) idea. People spent just as much time taking off their shoes on superman and retrieving them as any other items.




P.S. I'll be at SFMM for my first visit on April 22nd. If anyone in the area wants to be my guide at the park let me know!

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Curious why cant they move it?? i know something happened, but i was just curious why??

(and if this has been answered i apologize)


Well if the lift isn't working there really is no way to get the train over the hill. Plus with anti-rollback devices it's not like they can put the train in reverse and lower it back into the station. Plus there really isn't any problem with the train staying where it is currently, so no real point in moving it.

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Curious why cant they move it?? i know something happened, but i was just curious why??

(and if this has been answered i apologize)


Well if the lift isn't working there really is no way to get the train over the hill. Plus with anti-rollback devices it's not like they can put the train in reverse and lower it back into the station. Plus there really isn't any problem with the train staying where it is currently, so no real point in moving it.


that makes since to just leave it where it is. If there is no problem with it sitting there.

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^, ^^ Yup. There's physically no way to move it other than to winch it, and no mechanical reason to do that.


SmartCarte installs the lockers and keeps their own crew on-site to service the lockers (or not on-site, if you went to WCB ). On TOP of that, SFMM now has their own locker crew to actually "operate" the lockers, if you will.


Does the Six Flags crew have the ability to get into a locker in case someone tries using the locker twice? I know here at SFDK, we have one or two SmartCarte people that end up running back and forth across the park unlocking people's belongings.




When the lockers were first rolled out, the scenario you described was Magic Mountain. And I'm pretty sure the guys hated running back and forth from Scream to Tatsu. Now, a few people at Magic have the ability to troubleshoot "locker problems" (which are typically "guest problems", but you can't say "you're doing it wrong" on the job). I myself have been trained to retreive guest items and whatnot.






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