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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I'm surprised Tatsu faded so quickly.


So Quickly?


It's been in the weather since 2006- original paint, anything painted that has endured the sun/rain for that long will fade. This is normal.


Wow, it's already been there for that long?

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I'm surprised Tatsu faded so quickly.


So Quickly?


It's been in the weather since 2006- original paint, anything painted that has endured the sun/rain for that long will fade. This is normal.


Wow, it's already been there for that long?

Can't believe it either. Going on seven years! I believe Tatsu was done with cheap paint, that's why it looks so bad. Goliath through Tatsu I believe all used the cheap stuff.


Back in 2008, I think it was Tim, said it cost them $800,000 alone to use the "10 years guaranteed paint" for X2. They probably saved a couple hundred grand per ride using crappy paint back in the early 2000's.

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There's a decent chance Tatsu might get some paint, simply because it's partially in the same area as YOLO. They always try to spruce up the areas around new rides, so it looks good for the media day cameras and all that.

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I know I have my head out over my skis here, but is there any chance that we can just have the name Full Thr0ttle read as it is typed (not YOLO)? I get the joke, I understand the humor disclaimer, but it seems like you should be able to to post/discuss one of the most unique additions of 2013 without a word filter snagging it.


In any case, it does seem like that loop will REALLY change the skyline of this park.....obviously the supports of Tatsu did quite a bit to the entrance "look", but it seems like this is one of the biggest visual additions (even from a distance) to the park since....when, Superman?

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I know I have my head out over my skis here, but is there any chance that we can just have the name Full Thr0ttle read as it is typed (not YOLO)? I get the joke, I understand the humor disclaimer, but it seems like you should be able to to post/discuss one of the most unique additions of 2013 without a word filter snagging it.


In any case, it does seem like that loop will REALLY change the skyline of this park.....obviously the supports of Tatsu did quite a bit to the entrance "look", but it seems like this is one of the biggest visual additions (even from a distance) to the park since....when, Superman?


I get what you're saying, but to be fair I think the r-i-n-g-s filter was added while Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit was under construction, right? And I'd say that was a unique and highly anticipated addition to USO when it opened. So it's not like this is the first time a filter's been put into place for a new ride. Personally I like coming onto TPR and reading "YOLOcoaster" instead of "F-u-l-l Throttle".


But I do agree about the loop. Even though most of us (myself included) would like to see something that isn't a gimmick, at least YOLOcoaster will be nice to look at! I'm going to enjoy taking photos of it once it's open!

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I know I have my head out over my skis here, but is there any chance that we can just have the name Full Thr0ttle read as it is typed (not YOLO)? I get the joke, I understand the humor disclaimer, but it seems like you should be able to to post/discuss one of the most unique additions of 2013 without a word filter snagging it.

Seriously, if our word filters and sense of humour bothers you that much, please find a more serious theme park forum to post to.


--Robb "Thank you for suggesting another spelling of Full Throttle to add to the word filter!" Alvey

Edited by robbalvey
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Hi there, newbie here, longtime SFMM patron.


I went to SFMM on Saturday, Jan. 12. Chilly, but a good day to go nonetheless. Some observations:


1. The ticket booths don't seem to be bothering with a daily updating of the ride-closure boards. On the day I went, it said that Lex Luthor, Superman, and Gold Rusher were all to be closed (along with Roaring Rapids and Tidal Wave). I expected that might be the case with the FT construction. But inside, all three rides are operational. However, X2 was never open. Not sure if this is a lingering problem, but in my previous visits, those boards have been accurate.


2. You mean to tell me the only ride with a single-rider option is Viper?


3. The ride-station staffs all seem to be meeting their timed deadlines for unloading/loading passengers ... except Riddler's Revenge, which had an interminable wait with one operational vehicle. (On top of that, the ride gave me a headache for the first time, which added to my frustration. Since Scream was the last ride to make my head hurt, I skipped that one this time.)


4. I downloaded two ride-wait apps: Coasterilla and Ride Hopper. Neither were reliable (I gave up on them), but I wasn't sure if maybe that was because they relied on user input and I was attending during a slow day/month.


5. I have never waited less for Tatsu (15 minutes for the front seat). I could have ridden three times in the amount of time it took me to ride RR.


6. I read a million complaints on FourSquare about Green Lantern and how it was going to mutilate my crotch and bruise my legs and bring back my headache and pretty much maim me. However, I found it really comfortable. And the ride, I think, is generally underrated.


7. My Colossus train barely made it up the hill after the flattened camelback and before the last three bunnyhop drops. That's never happened before in my experience, and made me kinds sad. As much as I love that traditional ride, I really do hope they get a Texas Giant-like refurb.


8. Only waited 20 minutes to register the season pass ... but no discount books? Anyone know if they're mailing them out this year? (I forgot to ask when registering, and when I did remember, I wasn't able to visit Guest Relations.) I'm in NV and can't get to the park a whole lot.


9. I have always found Apocalypse boring, but I've also always ridden it first thing in my previous visits. I purposely rode it this time right before closing, thinking a) the darkness and b) the hot/maybe oily rails from all-day operation might make for a better ride. My intuition served me correct. A much faster, more intense, more unpredictable ride -- wow. My favorite ride experience of the day.

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The best part about the SFMM thread is that the same topics always find a way to make their way back into the discussion---Green Lantern being no exception.


It's the only ZacSpin I've been on and I found it horribly uncomfortable and pointless, since it only flipped once.

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