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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I have mixed reactions when it comes to SFMM. I have never been to the park, but after researching and reading several reviews this is what I have come up with. The park defiantly has a lot of trill rides. For thrillseekers this could be one of the best parks to attend. However MM seems to me to be lagging behind in other categories. For example, the park has many thrill rides but seems to be missing the family attractions, shows, and small rides for the young ones. Now I now they have a section for children, but it just doesn't seem to be enough. My home town park is Six Flags Over Texas and this park really seems to be the best when it comes to variety of rides and attractions. SFOT has the thrill rides, family rides, and shows. I really do believe that MM is missing out on these other family attractions. With Full Throttle opening, and droop of doom last year it just seems like MM caters to the thrillseekers. And there is nothing wrong with that if you are a thrillseeker. But for those who want the trills, and other family attractions, shows and so on, it just seems like MM is not the place for that. I mean MM even took out their family log flume ride to build Full Throttle. Listen this is just my personal opinion on MM as we are all entitled to. I'm sure MM is a good park and hopefully one day I will make the trip to Valencia to check it out.

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Magic Mountain is great for roller coasters - honestly, it's one of the few parks out there that has a set of really, really great rides and actually has rides to compliment them rather than a severe gap between the super-thrilling rides and the mediocre ones that you ride just because they're there. But it's in Valencia, and the clientele isn't the greatest you'll find out there, and the operations are terrible. Minus the clientele, the park's issues really are fixable if management would take an interest (which, unfortunately, Jay seemed to be doing a great job of until he left). Heck, even the clientele can be improved a bit if the park would improve its image - Six Flags America has spent years seeing that happen. It's just going to take a solid management team and probably even a clean slate in terms of the employees, which is something that really helped SFA improve.

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A few twist and turns alongside the mountain (something along the lines of Maverick before the first airtime hill) would really do wonders for the ride, either after the loop or after the top hat. This coaster just really seems like it was just rushed to break their own coaster record.


I agree with you 100%.

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I think the Metro tunnel should've been just a "booster launch", just having it so the train goes over the top hat. I think that going through the tunnel at a high speed then accelerating even faster sounds more fun than stopping and going backwards.

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I think the Metro tunnel should've been just a "booster launch", just having it so the train goes over the top hat. I think that going through the tunnel at a high speed then accelerating even faster sounds more fun than stopping and going backwards.


"It goes backwards"


It seems that when MM is fixed on a gimmick, the whole ride revolves around it.

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At this point they mine as well rename the park "Six Flags Gimmick Mountain" and use the marketing slogan "more gimmicks, more fun".


Only like 2 or 3 of the rides there are gimmicks... I dont think LL or X2 are gimmicks... every theme park has them sadly.

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^ I don't know any other park that has built a coaster with three launches that has a length under 2000 ft. YOLOcoaster may barely pass 2000 ft. but surely not by much.


All impulses have 3 launches, though for non-shuttle coasters, I can't find anything that short for a multi-launch coaster.

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^ I don't know any other park that has built a coaster with three launches that has a length under 2000 ft. YOLOcoaster may barely pass 2000 ft. but surely not by much.


Superman up at SFDK?


SFMM obviously had a limited budget for this coaster. The company just isn't building massive, expensive coasters like Premier used to.

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^ I don't know any other park that has built a coaster with three launches that has a length under 2000 ft. YOLOcoaster may barely pass 2000 ft. but surely not by much.


Superman up at SFDK?


SFMM obviously had a limited budget for this coaster. The company just isn't building massive, expensive coasters like Premier used to.


I mean isn't that chain (SF) wide? I mean we wont see a Tastu type coaster being built for a while..

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^ I don't know any other park that has built a coaster with three launches that has a length under 2000 ft. YOLOcoaster may barely pass 2000 ft. but surely not by much.


Superman up at SFDK?


SFMM obviously had a limited budget for this coaster. The company just isn't building massive, expensive coasters like Premier used to.


Not doing exactly what Premier did to send the chain straight into insolvency and bankruptcy isn't a bad thing.


It's just sad that Six Flags, SFMM in particular, doesn't buy into the idea that building one really great ride every 2-3 years is a better long-term strategy than building mediocore rides every year. After 3 years the park is much better off with the one fantastic ride over three gimmicky rides weak in substance, and even weaker in their ability to draw people north to the park, for the same amount of money.

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The other sad thing is Cedar Point (the park SFMM get's compared to most) get's it, and it is really working for them. Higher attendance and more liked by just about everyone. Not to mention a few amazing star attractions that SFMM just can't quite light a candle too. X2 and Tatsu are nice, but Maverick and a few other CP coasters just blow them away.

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^ I agree with that. A truly great roller coaster every 3 years or so would be ideal. Unfortunately, the current SF management seems to care more about Season Pass pre sales and bloating the numbers for investors every year, then they do smart investing in their parks.


I mean come on, trying to spit shine a used Boomerang as an exciting new attraction was one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen a major theme park operator do. Jeez, hold off until you can really excite people and stop going for the short term.


Say what you want, Premier knew how to build amazing roller coasters.

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the current SF management seems to care more about Season Pass pre sales and bloating the numbers for investors every year


I can only imagine they want to do so given their location and competition. Cedar Point doesnt have a Disneyland Resort 60min away.

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^ There are plenty of things they could add in the years they aren't adding a new major ride though, such as new shows or flat rides.


Only thing I could see them add are flat ride(s). IN regards to shows.... I dont think many people go to a theme park to see shows (unless its Universal studios)

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^ Agreed. It speaks volumes that SFMM has been managed by 3 different teams in the last decade, yet all of them eventually conceded that coasters and extreme thrills were the only thing they were going to add. Even within a limited budget and company cutbacks, the coasters still keep on coming.


They obviously know something we don't.

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