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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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How do we get a mod to block this guy?

That is the worst thing I've ever seen. Why point me out though. BTW I'm not even Asian. Please get that off of here!

Yeah, that was some of the worst crap I've seen on TPR. Edited by transfo
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Finally let the grad nights begin at SFMM. First one tomorrow Thursday is a Sr grad night backed up on Friday with a Jr grad night. I sure wish in my day SFMM was a option for grad night instead of that mouse park down south.

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I don't completely understand how YOLOcoaster displays an opinion on life though. A launch reaching not very impressive speeds, a large loop, and another launch. It's a short ride


Dawg, homie. We call it YOLOCoaster


Get in on it.

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Finally let the grad nights begin at SFMM. First one tomorrow Thursday is a Sr grad night backed up on Friday with a Jr grad night. I sure wish in my day SFMM was a option for grad night instead of that mouse park down south.
^Does that mean tomorrow will be crowded at the park during the day?


Thursday shouldn't be affected since Grad Nite is an after hours event. At least, I hope it won't be affected, as I'll be visiting tomorrow and can't make opening due to school (estimated arrival 11-11:30 A.M.). Since Junior Nite occurs partially during operating hours, I would avoid those two days (Friday, May 16th and Friday, June 6th) as attendance will likely be quite heavy then.


Bonzai Pipelines is looking great, and it's exciting to see something new for Hurricane Harbor after over ten years. Looking forward to returning to my favorite So Cal waterpark this summer just to try the new slides.

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So... ...let me get this straight. They took out the black speed slide and put in the exact same speed slide only in blue. Then put in that other one that is pretty much exactly the same as the one right next to it on the other tower. Uhhh... ..m'kay.


Better than nothing?

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Finally let the grad nights begin at SFMM. First one tomorrow Thursday is a Sr grad night backed up on Friday with a Jr grad night. I sure wish in my day SFMM was a option for grad night instead of that mouse park down south.
^Does that mean tomorrow will be crowded at the park during the day?


Thursday shouldn't be affected since Grad Nite is an after hours event. At least, I hope it won't be affected, as I'll be visiting tomorrow and can't make opening due to school (estimated arrival 11-11:30 A.M.). Since Junior Nite occurs partially during operating hours, I would avoid those two days (Friday, May 16th and Friday, June 6th) as attendance will likely be quite heavy then.


Bonzai Pipelines is looking great, and it's exciting to see something new for Hurricane Harbor after over ten years. Looking forward to returning to my favorite So Cal waterpark this summer just to try the new slides.



I concur, but aside from 102 degrees and high wind warning for Thursday it should be a good day. Winds are schd to switch a 180 starting coming from the East to start the day but by 2 pm winds will be coming from the West so something to watch when looking at the Sky-tower flag. And yes Friday to Jr Highers start arriving in buses around noon so those are a hidden number as they wont be arriving in cars.

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I am hoping some MM regulars can help me out with a few questions.


My wife and I usually got to once MM every couple of years, however this year we will be going to LA twice and have decided to hit MM twice. I was looking online and saw that they are selling Gold Passes for $130 per person. So 2 people would be $260 and from what I can see that includes parking. If we went twice this year we would pay $47.99 x2 (we are going this weekend, so cant get the cheaper advanced) plus $42.99 x 2 plus parking $20 x2, so about $222. Cost wise it would be an extra $38 total, but what caught my eye was the early entrance. I have not found a ton of information on the early entrance other than it looks like it is 10 min early (which would help us get to X2 first). However someone mentioned on this thread that the early entrance was not working well.


Can anyone comment? Is it worth the 38 for the early entrance twice? Can you use it right away if you buy online? The other issue I have read about it actually getting the pass can take a long time, any suggestions? We will be buying FP, but still want to maximize our time. Thanks in Advance. Of and if days matter we are going this saturday and then the Labour Day long weekend.

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So... ...let me get this straight. They took out the black speed slide and put in the exact same speed slide only in blue. Then put in that other one that is pretty much exactly the same as the one right next to it on the other tower. Uhhh... ..m'kay.


I'm assuming they reason why they took out the black slide is because of the risk factor and the accident last year or the year before when the idiot jumped off it and landed on the fence. With these capsules, it would somewhat prevent the morons doing stupid shit.

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They have started the fingerprint scanning and it moves pretty slow. However. If you show up to the main gate area about 950-1000. The gold pass line is only a few people deep then and you should have no problem getting in early. However. If your buying a new pass. I'm not sure if you still have to go to pass processing or not. So I would get there an hour early

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They have started the fingerprint scanning and it moves pretty slow. However. If you show up to the main gate area about 950-1000. The gold pass line is only a few people deep then and you should have no problem getting in early. However. If your buying a new pass. I'm not sure if you still have to go to pass processing or not. So I would get there an hour early


Thanks Jeromy, quick question do you need to get the actual plastic gold pass before you enter the park or can you enter the park with the voucher you get and then sign up inside? If you can do it outside what time do they open? Thanks!

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