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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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^That map doesn't show it very well. Basically, when you are walking toward Revolution (you have already passed Orient Express and the Grand Carousel, and took a right at the fork), just before you reach the entrance (the ramp next to a drinking fountain), there will be a sign for the Flash Pass entrance on the right. Walk up this path (which goes under Revolution's brake run), and you will be at the exit to Revolution. From here, there is a set of stairs. Climb those stairs, turn right, and follow the walkway to Rapids Camp Crossing.


If you are going to Tatsu first (recommended), this is about 15% quicker than walking toward Panda Express and climbing those steps (and much faster than going all the way by Viper). The map makes it look shorter than it actually is, but you will still beat everyone who is bypassing Tatsu and heading for X2 by a minute or two (which is all that really matters).


When you visit the park, after you get off Tatsu, go clockwise, riding anything of high priority (probably Apocalypse and Riddler's Revenge) and skipping anything else (unless it is a walk-on). Whatever you do, try to get to Green Lantern: First Flight within an hour or so of when the park opens. Depending on how fast you move, you could end up avoiding any long lines except for X2. One additional note: If for whatever reason Tatsu has a significant line (more than a single section of the switchbacks if two trains are running), you are better off skipping it and coming back later so you will still get on more rides with a shorter wait (the additional time you'll spend waiting for Tatsu is less than you'd spend combined for everything else). Finally, if you don't care about riding Ninja, there is no reason to go to the top of Saumrai Summit since Superman will be closed.

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Has anyone else read the recent trip report from The Coaster Guy? The new Totally Kickin' Chicken sign and Foods Etc. wrap really improve the overall appearance of the park and these shorter trams really make Magic look like a clean and decent theme park, I really think they should switch to these trams and ditch the old ghetto ones.




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I will be going to SFMM on Thursday the 19th of April. I'm from Australia and can't convince my wife to come with me. Will it be that unusual to see a 35 year old male standing in line waiting to ride coasters? Being from Australia, we don't really have parks like these, so I have to do it while I have the chance!


I'm 59 and normally ride alone, so I'm standing in line too. If you don't do it you won't ride...

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I heard a rumor that Dole Pineapple Whips are being served at the old Johnny Rockets next to Log Jammer.

According to The Coaster Guy, this is true! Pineapple AND mango(?!).


This is a good move for the park as I would assume Dole Whip would become an instant hit. However, the parks reputation in serving food licensed by chain brands is not too favorable, and sometimes even unrecognizable from those chains' core standards outside the park. It's pretty hard to screw up dumping a bag of Dole Whip in a machine, so perhaps this will avoid the initial opening quality dropping off as time goes by, much like Johnny Rockets or Papa Johns did.

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I will be going to SFMM on Thursday the 19th of April. I'm from Australia and can't convince my wife to come with me. Will it be that unusual to see a 35 year old male standing in line waiting to ride coasters? Being from Australia, we don't really have parks like these, so I have to do it while I have the chance!


I did it myself a few years ago when I was about 35. No strange looks (that I noticed). I had a great day and you don't need to suit anyone but yourself.


And you'll love the park.

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I heard a rumor that Dole Pineapple Whips are being served at the old Johnny Rockets next to Log Jammer. Can anyone confirm this? If true, this is even bigger than Lex Luthor

According to The Coaster Guy, this is true! Pineapple AND mango(?!).

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^Congratulations. Tell me again why a Johnny Rockets replacement is really that important?


I mean, it's great that the park is putting something in that spot that isn't a generic food stand, but come on...

It's the fact that Dole Whips are closer to my house, although many people don't like pineapple, I am a Dole Whip fanatic.
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Went to the park for a bit today, not really a whole lot different since the last Coaster Guy update. The park was DEAD, but I don't think X2 ever opened while I was there. I was only there for about an hour.


The place next to Log Jammer wasn't open while I was there so no Dole Whip.


Rode Colossus, took some pictures and that was about it.

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Hey everyone. Going to the park today. Haven't been since June 2008 so it should be fun! I'm buying a pass. In the past few weeks i've read this thread as much as I can to catch up on what's been going on. Let me know if any of you are going to be there and want to meet up.

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Im going to magic mountain for the first time on april 11th, which is the wednesday during spring break for most schools, and i have a few questions for those who are experienced:

1. I am planning to get a gold flash pass. will that actually be necessary or beneficial on that day? i dont want to spend all that money for it, and then not need it. but i also dont want to not get it, then end up needing it.

2. With or without the flash pass, i would love for someone to type out a good "day plan" so i will be able to ride the rides. BUT KEEP THIS IN MIND: i do not want to do x2, tatsu, or anything really huge first. this is my first time being on coasters this huge and intimidating, so i want to kind of build my way up from ninja, which i plan to do first.

3. How early should i get there to GUARANTEE that i will be able to get a GOLD flash pass before they run out.

4. How does the system work for reserving a seat on X2. i want to do it last, but when and how do you "reserve" it. Can you choose your time? Seat?

5. How rough is Colossus and Apocalypse (A.K.A. Terminator) compared to either Giant Dipper at Santa Cruz, ROAR! at Discovery Kingdom, or Grizzly at Great America? I want to know partly because ROAR almost killed my back, and partly for my dad.

6. Finally, My dad has never Ever been on a coaster that goes upside down, or anything really huge, and i want to bring him on something big. He has back problems, so anything rough is out of the question, and he gets sick on some coasters, so i want something fun, smooth, and without too much sharp turns or loops. I was thinking Scream or Batman, are these good ideas?


My sincere thanks -Lucas

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