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Everything posted by boldikus

  1. I love this park and I'm stoked for this to open, it looked really great sitting there closed and ready to go when we were there a month ago - yes I'm a little spicy about it, but in all seriousness I can't help but feel non-enthusiasts (tourists and locals alike) will just see this as a budget VelociCoaster, from the unimpressive stats to the nonexistent theming. I try not to hate for the sake of it, but with everyone still losing their minds (and rightfully so) over what is no doubt the best coaster to open anywhere in the U.S. in quite some time, I can't help but feel a little bad for SW and the reception I think this is going to get.
  2. https://www.cachevalleydaily.com/news/archive/2022/01/02/stan-j-checketts
  3. Weird, I've taken Ubers from Atlanta airport to SFOG a few times now and its never taken more than 20 minutes.
  4. Absolutely loving this thread. Amazing photos as always, I'm always blown away by your rider/reaction close-ups. Having visited USO for the first time almost a month ago to-the-day, and going absolutely gaga for both VelociCoaster and Hagrids, these photos are most certainly helping to further push off my post-vacation depression which hasn't quite hit yet I think thanks to the holidays, etc. So thank you! Bummer that Hagrids was a bit of sour experience for you. We rode it first thing and waited less than an hour with no notable breakdowns or queue snafus to damper the experience and then by chance landed front row and we just loved it. I'm obsessed with both of those rides, thank you for all these amazing photos.
  5. I haven't actually had them this year but we noticed them on the menu while grabbing some beers at the spot next to Nitro's exit/across from JDC two weeks ago.
  6. Do the bacon-wrapped pork kabobs at GAdvs HITP count? They're certainly an experience.
  7. Is there something that directly points to B&M? Serious question. Could this maybe be a Mack or Intamin? (You can't answer with CF doesn't work with Intamin)
  8. Have you considered calling that number they listed right there to I dunno... ask them?
  9. The usual... Moreys, Great Adventure, Busch/KD, Orlando...
  10. The mighty Maverick has finally fallen. https://coasterpoll.com/u/boldikus/rankings P.S. don't even @ me about Hagrids.
  11. Our Nitro night rides on Saturday were absolutely otherworldly. Since the park was a ghost town there wasn't even more than a train wait for the front so we rode up there a bunch too and those were some of our best laps. Hauling ass. Not only was it f*cking flying, the entire area was shrouded in this grey haze/mist so coming up that first airtime hill after the first turn we were just kind of floating up and over this moonlit cloud that had settled just above the tree line and then back down into it before being whipped through the hammerhead and back up and over the cloud on the next hill. Just simply amazing, some of the best rides we've ever gotten on it. Before Saturday, I'd only managed one single (back seat) ride on The JDC (its a thing) not long after it opened this summer. Any time I've been to the park since its been mobbed or the ride was down. I'd hoped all season that one day during HITP we'd get a weather day like that (mild, kinda rainy) where I could just sit on the the thing all day long and well... we got it. They were running two trains and filling them but we would walk around and right back on, over and over. We rode at least a dozen and a half times, probably more, all over the train. Keep in mind its my only single rail coaster, but I actually find it to be a very intense ride, the best moments being the first drop (especially in the back - ho-lee-shit), the hanging stall thing, and the turnaround right after it. They had the midcourse mostly off all day so the final bunnyhops were all providing ample air, especially the tiny straight pop right before the final brakes. I'd probably say I prefer the back over the front but I think the best rides were in the middle-back-ish part of the train. It's a very intense ride, especially to marathon. I've said it on here before, but we're spoiled AF at this park. We were just down in Orlando two weeks ago so going back to the ol' local SF felt janky as all hell, but we have some absolutely amazing rides and the fact that we're able to ride things like Wonder Woman, Nitro, JDC etc in December when people are out Christmas shopping is something I'm certainly still grateful for. In addition to the extended marathons on Nitro and JDC we managed rides on Wonder Woman, Batman, Justice League, Dark Knight, Skull Mountain, and Superman (wow the suck really shines after riding Manta last week). The Skyway is sadly closed for maintenance, Cyborg is FUBAR'd, Houdini actually had a line when we passed it and neither of us felt up for Joker. All in all one of the best days we've had at the park in quite some time. I guess this is kind of some sort of trip report now so some photos?
  12. Apparently someone in maintenance f*cked up and put Batmans winter wheels on Nitro for HITP this year. This thing is running like a rocket.
  13. Intamin are calling it a "high speed transfer track", Hagrid's has basically the same thing.
  14. No surprise it looks absolutely amazing but what a terrible, terrible name... regardless of who it is named after.
  15. Can't wait til the "El Toro is not a wood coaster even though its totally made out of wood" crew gets a hold of this one.
  16. Exactly. Who gives a shit what the theme or color is. The ride is great and its not going anywhere and its getting a paint job which will extend its life even further and everyone should be happy about that.
  17. OK... I'm not that deep into DC comics stuff. *Shrugs* Bummer if it is a retheme since Bizarro has the best entrance portal in the entire park.
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