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Everything posted by boldikus

  1. Didn't see this coming... https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/25/us/icon-park-amusement-park-death-family-lawsuit/index.html
  2. Apparently two of Orion's trains bumped this evening. Anyone have any more info?
  3. It may be half-way through April, but sometimes it still snows in PA this time of year. From their FB page...
  4. Probably just an app glitch or something. Both operated this past weekend and the website mentions nothing of them being closed. Since the whole park is closed this week, no one here is going to have any more solid info. You could call the park and ask but I doubt they go into detail either.
  5. The trick with free-spins is to staple yourself so you can't move around too much. Once I started doing that I began to enjoy them. I don't love them but I'll ride them if I'm in the mood. The good thing about them is they're all really short. The missus, who is iffy on a lot of rides/coasters absolutely loves them. The one @ SFNE is my favorite so far, it just ran well and I was in the mood for it when we rode. I generally skip ours @ GreatAdv, for the same reason I skip Superman most of the time - we just have better coasters.
  6. Agreed about KD being freaky at night when its empty. We've walked from I305 to the entrance at 12-12:30 at night after marathoning I305 in the dark during Haunt and between the music and the dark, empty, fog-filled paths I don't know if I've been nearly as creeped out at any other time in a park.
  7. Shocked to see it but this is a nice encouraging email. Let's see if it actually runs on Saturday. Supposed to be pretty nice by mid afternoon (mid-50s) so weather shouldn't be an issue.
  8. It's 6'4, not 6'3, not that that helps you at all. And unless they alter the supports under the first drop (that create that wicked little headchopper moment), they are not modifying the max height requirement for this thing.
  9. LOL seriously. Unless you're sitting in each others laps, seeing your friends reactions is going to be pretty tough on this ride. If anything, trying to crane your neck around while riding in order to see your buddies face will be what is going to make the entire experience awkward.
  10. Its only gonna be awkward if one of you gets a boner. (Kidding, the ride ops would probably not let two grown men sit in one car, but then again its Kings Dominion where nothing makes sense so ymmv.) So you're willing to deal with the clusterf*ck of the six of you trying to line up in six rows just so you can ride in separate rows on the same train? JFC. Just jump on where you can and move along to the next ride. Bill is 100% right, you're putting way too much thought into this.
  11. That depends - how close are you and your buddies? Sitting in your buddies lap is only going to be awkward if you make it awkward. Also, are any of you going to die if you can't all ride together?
  12. This! How anyone can take seriously a website that looks like/is laid out like it is, is beyond me. Yes he's right half of the time, he's also wrong half of the time.
  13. Today I learned all free spins have trims in those locations.
  14. Welp, today was opening day. Tumbili operated for about 20 minutes before it closed for weather, followed by the park @ 1pm. For those of you who find the free-spins to be too intense, rest assured KD put trims on both drops. No, I'm not joking. Video is floating around if you do some searching.
  15. Maybe jump back just one page where this is explained?
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