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Everything posted by boldikus

  1. I can't imagine actually being angry about this kind of stuff. They have a rapids ride whose sole purpose is to drown you, bro.
  2. The screenshot I posted is my screenshot so yes I've seen both this and the Insta post with my own eyes. Official RMC account.
  3. Dude, do you really think if RMC had nothing to do with whatever is happening here that they would have posted that comment in multiple places/posts?
  4. I also have a good feeling they're going to go for a hyper with this. It sits right along Hersheypark Drive and they can use their giant lift truss ala Iron Gwazi and make this thing pretty massive and eye catching for everyone driving along there. They'll also have three hypers to go with their three drop towers. Hershey already has one of the most stacked coaster line-ups in the world, an RMC is just the icing on the cake. Beyond stoked for this.
  5. Still confused? Same comment from RMC on the Insta post. This is essentially confirmed.
  6. He said he hasn't been there in 8 years in the very post you quoted.
  7. You could... ya know... link to an article or something. https://www.bizjournals.com/sanjose/news/2022/06/28/gilroy-gardens-is-no-longer-managed-by-cedar-fair.html
  8. See? Two consecutive posts from the same person, saying the same things that have been said in here 847 times.
  9. I've never been to either park so I have no dog in this fight but I picked flumes and booze because duh. I also want to go to Knotts more than any other park in Cali.
  10. If they do some GCI steel retrack bullsh!t and don't RMC this POS I swear to god I will flip the entire park over.
  11. Oh glorious day... photos have surfaced of markings all over Wildcat's footers. It's happening, folks. Praise be. (Prob not kosher to share the photos here so fire up that google, kids)
  12. As long as you realize you're "thinking" about this the way an enthusiast would, not how a business would.
  13. BuT ThEy ShOuLd BuILd A nEw RoLLiE CoAsTiE!!!.!.!! ItS WhAt tHe ThOoSiEs WaNt!!,,!!
  14. ^^ How exactly did he make false promises and string enthusiasts along? Serious question, I haven't been really following this.
  15. That roll is great because its legit upside-down ejector air. I think it f*cks most people up as it actually feels like its trying dump you into the water. If you stand by it (or just watch some off-ride footage) every single train is filled with people screaming in terror/elation as it rips through that element. With just the lapbar, I'm sure its horrifying for some people lol. Happy to hear the ride lived up to the hype for you.
  16. What I posted there is actually this thing we call a screenshot. That post is essentially a screen capture of a Facebook post the park made and unfortunately we're not quite at the point of being able to click on links embedded into an image, so in order for you to actually go to that link there you'd have to type those exact characters into your web browser which in theory should take you to the post on Knoebels website. Best of luck!
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