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Everything posted by yankees15

  1. I am also planning on a trip very similar to this next year. Right now I'm planning on leaving PA saturday 6/13 and arriving in Kings Mills that night. I would spend all of sunday 6/14 at Kings Island. Monday morning until around 1 would also be spent at Kings Island, and the night would be spent at Cedar Point. Tuesday and Wednesday would be spent at Cedar point and then I would come back home on thursday 6/18. I'm also wondering how long the line would be for both parks.
  2. ^^I agree with how steep this lift is going to be. I believe I said something about it a few pages back about it but your picture really shows it.
  3. I think the reason why I love the roar so much is because my home park is Dorney Park. Their B&M's are filled with sand, so they don't have it. When I visit a park that has B&M's with the roar it makes it that much better since I don't hear it very often. I also enjoy listening to Voodoo's launch which I'm pretty sure sounds the same as Wicked Twister's. Maybe I'm the weird one cause I know a lot of people don't like that "scream" the launch has.
  4. I certainly hope Diamondback is not filled with sand. A lot of the newer B&M's have been lately and it really takes away from the first impression of the ride in person. When you walk up to a coaster and it has that roar to it, it's very intimidating and makes it seem like there is a lot of force to it. I absolutely love that roar and I hope Diamondback has it.
  5. Your trip report is absolutely amazing so far! It looks like Hershey wasn't too crowded when you were there. How were the lines for Storm Runner and Fahrenheit? I would also like to say that my parents bought about 3 or 4 of those "I survived the Sooperdooperlooper" shirt's and all of them are different.
  6. I wonder if this coaster will be like Maverick. I want to hear more about this.
  7. Yeah the only time I was there this year while Fahrenheit was open it was running three trains with a 35-40 minute wait. They were stacking all three trains almost every other run. The rest of the park had maximum capacity on the coasters except Lightning Racer.
  8. Great pictures, especially of Great Bear! I can't wait to get to hershey in October. I also think Sidewinder is the smoothest Boomerang I have ridden so far. It was alot smoother than Sea Serpent at Morey's.
  9. ^That would make sense to have the slope then. I just thought I read somewhere that magnetic brakes can not stop a train fully. I guess the slope just keeps the train at a certain speed or something.
  10. Well I realize that a brake run does need to have a slight slope in it in order for the train to return to the station if it is e-stopped. What I was getting as was how steep the brake run is. There are very few coasters with a brake run sloped as steeply as this one.
  11. It looks like the splash area is coming along well. The last hill should be fun going into the sloped brake run. I think the sloped brake runs are quite fun.
  12. I have always thought Skycar looked like one of the BEST intamin rocket coasters. Finally seeing some quality pictures of it was great! This trip just looks like its so much fun!
  13. Hydra the Revenge this afternoon. My friends mom works at ppl, who rented out the park today and it was not crowded at all. It was walk ons for everything and very short waits in the water park as well.
  14. ^Now I would love to see B&M construct a pre-fabricated wooden coaster similar to Intamin. I don't think they would be nearly as intense but they would be great fun. I also want B&M to construct a launch coaster of some sort.
  15. Very nice update! I can't wait to see how massive this coaster will look over the park.
  16. ^I believe you are right. In the concept it looks as though the train will dive down towards the water, giving the illusion that it will go into the water. The splash will come off the side of the train as it's turning.
  17. I'm very glad to hear that the ride will be open for this event. I figured it would but it's just nice to know for sure it will be. I can't wait to ride this a few more times! I need to ride it again before I can officially rate it.
  18. I am happy to see that El Toro has moved up on the list. It should be higher though. I can never get over Storm Runner being so low. Also just something interesting I noticed, they put Sheikra ahead of Griffon when Griffon had 4 more points.
  19. I'm guessing you visited kings Dominion this year. If you could fit on Anaconda then you should fit on Corkscrew. On the downside if you could not fit on Volcano then I doubt you could on Wicked Twister. As stated the wooden coasters might be iffy as well as Millennium Force and Top Thrill Dragster. Raptor should have a bigger seat in row 5 and Maverick should be no problem. If your weight is evenly distributed then I think you should be alright for most coasters if not all of them. Good luck! By the way, I am very jealous of you getting to Cedar Point.
  20. This coaster reminds me alot of the part on Lightning Racer where the trains keep turning and jumping over one another. If this coaster gives me the same feeling I get when Lightning Racer does it, then this coaster will be awesome! ^^ I also love GCI coasters and I hope Cedar Fair continues this trend as well. I would love to see one at Dorney, they need a good woody. A GCI would fit perfectly at Dorney but I wouldn't object to an Intamin
  21. 2005 Hydra the Revenge at Dorney Park (home park) Doo Wopper at Morey's piers 2006 El Toro at Six Flags Great Adventure 2007 Griffon at Busch Gardens Europe 2008 Voodoo at Dorney Park (home park) Fahrenheit at Hersheypark I might add The Dark Knight at Great Adventure later this month but i doubt I'll ride it.
  22. It's definitely not the normal GCI twister coaster. I really do like the looks of it though. I'm excited to see how it turns out.
  23. ^They will probably announce it around 11 in central time zone.
  24. It looks like this will be another steep lift. There isn't that much space between those supports, but the hight difference is pretty great. This ride is going to look quite impressive when it's finished.
  25. Busch Gardens Europe Le Mans Raceway Wild Maus Dorney Park Hercules Joker Hersheypark Chaos Kings Dominion Hypersonic xlc Six Flags Great Adventure Spongebob
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