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Everything posted by lapseofreason

  1. Stuff like that is just wrong. I mean, lighting people on fire...wow.
  2. I've been to Mexico. That's it.... it was ok, even though I only went to Tijuana. And it took nearly three hours to get back across the border because we took a stupid bus due to the fact that one of the people in our group was too lazy to walk. (We could have. Seriously.) I almost bought a few M-80s and a cheapo classical guitar but I didn't. The coolest part was that the Hard Rock Cafe there sold a drink called "Pink Floyd". Best 3 or 4 (I don't remember) bucks I've ever spent. -Amanda "Don't go to Tijuana unless you want nine zillion Mexicans hitting you up to buy stuff" V.
  3. Ladiies and gentlemen, I present to you.... HAMBURGER TREE!!! http://www.stripgenerator.com/view.php?id=108351 (I think I forgot to email it to myself, so the URL will have to do)
  4. Age Bracket: 15-25 ; 26-40 ; 41-60 ; Over 60 Sex: Male/Female Area of U.S.: North East ; South East ; Mid West ; South West ; North West 1. What do you feel is the most important issue in the U.S. today? Iraq War ; Terrorism ; Healthcare/Insurance ; other_______ 2. Do you think taxes are: Too high ; where they must be ; must be raised to cure budget problems 3. If you won $1 million, what would you definitely do? buy a house ; buy a car ; pay off debts ; other_______ 4. How would you rate George W. Bush's performance as President? 1 (below average) ; 2 ; 3 (average) ; 4 ; 5 (superior) 5. Do you think Osama bin Laden is: Alive in Iraq ; hiding in a cave in Afghanistan ; dead ; other______ 6. If raising taxes would solve the U.S.'s economic difficulties, would you say: definitely raise them ; I'll go along without complaint ; I don't believe that 7. If you could accomplish it, what law would you pass that has not yet been enacted? __________________________________________________ ______ 8. What has been the biggest historical event of your lifetime? September 11th ; Kennedy Assassination ; Challenger ; other______ 9. Who has been the most important person of your lifetime so far? Georg W. Bush ; Reagan ; Churchill ; other______ 10. What new advances in technology do you think will take place in the next 10 years? handheld computers ; robots ; other______
  5. The first coaster I remember riding was the Corkscrew at Geauga Lake; I think I was 8 or 9. (I do remember riding a few flats when I was 4, though).
  6. Day hikes when I feel up to it.... oh, and I also play disc golf, which I have been for 4 years now but I still pretty much suck at it.
  7. Age Bracket: 15-25 Sex: Female Area of U.S.: South West 1. What do you feel is the most important issue in the U.S. today? other: illegal immigration 2. Do you think taxes are: where they must be 3. If you won $1 million, what would you definitely do? move to Las Vegas 4. How would you rate George W. Bush's performance as President? 1 (below average) 5. Do you think Osama bin Laden is: dead 6. If raising taxes would solve the U.S.'s economic difficulties, would you say: I'll go along without complaint 7. If you could accomplish it, what law would you pass that has not yet been enacted? immigration law 8. What has been the biggest historical event of your lifetime? other: Live 8 9. Who has been the most important person of your lifetime so far? other: nobody 10. What new advances in technology do you think will take place in the next 10 years? robots
  8. I play guitar (about 7 years now) and bass (about 2 or 3, I can't remember). When I have spare time, I'm also trying to learn keyboards (what a beotch) and clarinet (even bigger beotch). Oh, and I have a violin that I've been playing since fifth grade but that gets the least use of them all as I never got too far with it. I think I need to play less instruments -amanda
  9. OK, after a quick look on Google, this site says that the park was west of the 405 in Van Nuys: http://www.westworld.com/~elson/la/history/things.html hope that helps, I'll keep looking.
  10. EDIT: Now I see the railroad crossing. Obviously that is NOT the 405. Weird; looks like it's time to play with Google. I have no idea, but I'll ask my husband tomorrow morning (he's lived in LA his entire life, unlike me) and see if he remembers WTF was up with that place. -amanda
  11. Mazel tov! You're a year ahead of us. Ain't love grand? Wow, good for you guys. I'm still fighting with it. -Amanda "Being bi-curious and married at the same time sucks" V.
  12. Meh; if my cell phone wasn't so crapppy, I'd check it out. Sorry. -Amanda "My cell phone screen is only blue background and black text, and it DOESN'T take pictures...how ghetto is that?" V.
  13. Damn, that is really cool. I was never good with scratchboard. Keep up the awesome work! -Amanda "I haven't had time to do art in a while" V. EDIT: Never mind, I think someone else already got what coaster it is.
  14. But David Gilmour is pissing me off by playing such a short tour. I live near Minneapolis and he won't come near my area. Chicago is the closest show! Fat lazy bastard. I hope Roger Waters makes a return to Minnespolis when he plays the USA this fall. I saw him on his last tour and he will do the entire DSOTM album. I know, he pissed a LOT of people off (especially in Brazil) by making this tour so short. If I still lived in Cleveland, I would be really upset right now...I think Gilmour's just so lazy now, and greedy for money, he'll just play the major cities and be done with it. I hope Roger plays a lot of cities too. I missed out on all that stuff he did the last few years (long story)... yeah, it would be cool if he did Dark Side like he's gonna do in France and stuff. Dude, I've been there (in fact, I've been waiting 10 years for this show and I've still got 19 days to go). I hope you see someone Floyd-related live soon. -amanda
  15. Good for you. My Kings aren't looking too good right now, so I'm not too sure they'll make it in the playoffs. And stupid Vancouver and Edmonton are ahead of us, which makes it even worse (they're 2 of our biggest rivals). Oh, and I won't even mention San Jose and Dallas. RRRRR. -Amanda "Go Kings, anyways" V.
  16. ^What, does that mean they're going to get rid of that dude on Log Jammer that swung out on a rope and scared the crap out of me last year? I also don't see any changes on the SFMM website except, woohoo, a bluish background color, which clashes horribly with the red tables. -Amanda "I need to freaking go to school for more webpage design skills; some of these sites need a lesson" V.
  17. Oh, I wanna go. I REALLY wanna go. But I have to ask for 2 days off in the week before the Media Day already, and my husband's not a TPR member, so... ...I'll have to wait until Tatsu opens and we get a chance to go stand 4 hours in line. Or something. Whoever's going, you have fun, though. -amanda
  18. I hate to say it, but Viper (SFMM) was my first coaster this season. Stupid crowded park. EDIT: Technically, my first coaster this year was Canyon Blaster at the Adventuredome in Las Vegas. But as theme parks count, my first visit to SFMM this year was today, so Viper would be it.
  19. OMFG, this thing actually works! You Are Heineken You appreciate a good beer, but you're not a snob about it. You like your beer mild and easy to drink, so you can concentrate on being drunk. Overall, you're a friendly drunk who's likely to buy a whole round for your friends... many times. Sometimes you can be a bit boring when you drink. You may be prone to go on about topics no one cares about. What's Your Beer Personality? http://www.blogthings.com/whatsyourbeerpersonalityquiz/ ...and Heineken is my absolute favorite beer.
  20. Honestly... is Flashback that bad of a headbanger? I really don't know, since I haven't ridden it yet. My husband rode it back when it opened and to him, it's just "not that much". Is Flashback really that painful nowadays that we must bash it constantly? I mean, if they decide to open it in the near future, cool beans. If they don't, hey, SFMM is home of the world's most awesome lawn ornament. I know it's torture to have a coaster sitting there that you can't ride, but hey, it's ultimately up to the park whether we can ride it or not, yeah? -amanda
  21. That's not necessarily true. When Sierra Twist went thru rehab earlier last year, I remember that all it had was a "Sorry, this attraction is closed" banner across the entrance. But then again, we're talking a flat ride versus a coaster rehab, so... It seems like there have been quite a few Flashback threads lately and I'll just say it again, it really doesn't look like Flashback is going to freaking open anytime soon, IMHO. -amanda
  22. From what I remember, in 3rd or 4th grade (or both) in Ohio we had to take CAT (California Achievement Test?). There was some kind a proficiency test in eighth grade, and random writing tests in 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th. Starting in ninth grade, you had to pass proficiency tests in I think science, math, reading, and writing. The same in twelfth grade; if you didn't pass everything by then you didn't graduate. There were also more stupidly easy random writing tests, this one weird test I took to see if I was gifted, and of course the SAT and ACT. Oh, and the PSAT. I think that's it, at least for the county I lived in in OH (Cuyahoga). -amanda
  23. The Adventuredome is definitely worth going to. Go during the week, though; the last time I went was on a Saturday and it was totally jammed with local kids in addition to the tourists. They have a pretty good selection of rides, though the only ones I'd recommend riding are the Chance Inverter and their only coaster, the Canyon Blaster (as mentioned before, it's an Arrow corkscrew and one of the smoothest coasters I've ever ridden). The last I knew, an all day wristband is $24, which isn't that bad of a deal. Hope that helps. -Amanda PS: I haven't heard anything about the Stratosphere except for that they are in the process of permanently removing their coaster, High Roller.
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