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Everything posted by TheGreatOne

  1. Granite Park purchased a Moser Mexican Fiesta from Wild West World's liquidation for $300,000 last week.
  2. Usually, when people start these kind of threads, the actual thing they're self-promoting isn't worth the time or hype. This is actually is. I love the background of the sky...really sweet! -Bryan "not a big fan of MF, but this is my new desktop" Wood
  3. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks Millennium Force is overrated. People around here look at me like I'm nuts when I say that. I get the same look when I tell people the Beast isn't even close to being the best woodie out there today. So yes, we do have the worst fanboys in the world.
  4. ^ They did the same thing Six Flags did. They spent too much money acquiring parks and they're in over their head. I called this back at the Paramount purchase, but this is much sooner than I expected.
  5. Actually, ProSlide tornadoes have escalator-style conveyors that pull rafts up to the top of the slide as shown in the picture in the link below: http://freizeitparkweb.de/dcf/User_files/44fc7adc2c59e96a.jpg
  6. The aunt and mother of these kids posted on ThrillNetwork back when the "incident" happened. She got absolutely ripped apart and she made no valid arguments. She better hope they have some good lawyers, because this is a suit without merit. They'd be lucky if the judge tells SF to foot the medical bills only. I knew someone who worked maintenance at SFGAm and he said nothing wrong was found with the ride. EDIT: The slide releases water in streams to slow down momentum at a point where the raft isn't even vertical. So why would having a very light weight suddenly make the raft go high? Physics-wise, that makes zero sense. The kids were acting up on the ride and probably did it to themselves. EDIT 2: They originally claimed that the water pressure was to blame. However, their lawyer must've realized that lie was not believable enough, so they tried to go the "physics" route, which also doesn't make sense.
  7. The funniest thing of all is that there is a word incorrectly spelled on the Racer plaque. ACE might have to shell over $1200 plaque to replace it if it's their fault.
  8. The first full red G-train was sitting in the station with water dummies in it this afternoon.
  9. I don't think his TR is looking for ways not to have fun. His complaint about Dorney's concrete jungle is absolutely legit. My last visit to Dorney was in the 90's and sunny. It was unbearable and made me feel sluggish. Last week, I made a visit to Dollywood with exactly similar conditions, but with the great amount of shade at Dollywood, it never effected me or the 8 million old people in motorized scooters there. Cedar Fair knows that happier guests make for better guests who are more inclined to spend money. However, they always fail at providing adequate shade at their parks except for tiny strips (Frontier Trail at CP and "Thunderhawk Alley" at Dorney). For the record, I do like Dorney, but I'm not a big fan of it's sterile atmosphere and the fact that CF has ripped almost all of the great history right out of the park.
  10. http://www.newsnet5.com/news/13518055/detail.html ...and there is your gratuitous media report for the accident atheists...
  11. I concur. I did that and it was cheaper and I got 10-some straight rides on Avalanche plus two rounds of golf in about an hour.
  12. Man..this does not sound like fun...an X-Car coaster stalled at the upside-down part of the top of the lift. I hear the restraints are uncomfortable...imagine being stuck upside-down in them! Associated Press HOT SPRINGS, Ark. - A dozen riders on a roller coaster spent half an hour hanging upside down - 150 feet above the ground - after a power outage shut down the attraction. It took about 30 minutes for the city Fire Department to rescue the riders using a ladder truck Saturday evening, said Aundrea Crary, spokeswoman for the Springs & Crystal Falls amusement park. Spectators cheered when the riders were brought to the ground from the highest point of a loop on the X-Coaster, but one passenger threw up after reaching safety. The X-Coaster was one of several rides brought to a halt by the outage that originated somewhere near the park. "You could tell who got off the (X-Coaster) because their faces were red," said Angela Salter. She was riding the Gauntlet, another coaster, and said park employees worked quickly to free her. The park resumed normal operations, although the X-Coaster remained closed. One X-Coaster passenger, Jay Plummer, 37, was taken to St. Joseph Mercy Medical Center in Hot Springs after complaining of neck pain and a headache. "It was very scary," said his girlfriend, Connie McBride. "I love the amusement park, but I will never get on the X-Coaster again." The park has experienced outages before, but usually they last only seconds, said Dan Aylward, Magic Springs president and general manager. Entergy Corp. was investigating but crews found no faulty wiring. "The cause could be a (tree) limb or as simple as an animal (on the lines)," said Mark Hunt, general manager of customer service for Entergy. "We could find no faults, but we are going to continue to investigate until we find the cause." Courtesy of KTHV
  13. You can definitely see a coaster in the second picture. It looks to be a Gerstlauer-style spinner. Hopefully they go for custom and not a stock Reverchon/Zamperla.
  14. They don't. The maximum height on the ARM/Larson Super Shots are 140 feet. I guess they could build them a custom one, so that isn't entirely out of the question.
  15. I'll venture a guess and say sleeping with the producers? -Bryan "Obvious" Wood
  16. ^Yep. They're Reverchon stock-model Crazy Mice. I think Zamperla now has the rights to the ride.
  17. "Headbutting" a lady in the pooper? What a convenient excuse. Well, that would be my "excuse"! Also, from what I gather from this update is that people need to go to WDW and talk about how much they have to do in so little time, and they get fastpasses thrown at them!
  18. What is weird is that they list SFDL on the menu and when you select, they have a notice saying "As you may have heard, Six Flags Darien Lake theme park is being sold. But rest assured the park will be open for business May 5, 2007. Please come to the park for another exciting season of rides, fun and attractions." I thought that was pretty interesting. Perhaps it was part of the deal to keep a notice on their website?
  19. OMG! While it wasn't a big deal during un-solace weekend, the time previously I went to Disneyland I waited in a security line that stretched almost all the way back to the parking lot trams! I couldn't believe it! And there I was, without a bag to check, waiting in a 20 minute line that could have been avoid with the "Guest Without Bags" line. --Robb I had the same experience there last January. It's not a good way to get first-timers excited to experience the Disneyland magic, that's for sure. Luckily, I loved the park so much I've pretty much forgotten about it. It is a pretty ridiculous policy.
  20. Screamscape has found that Cedar Fair has purchased www.knottsgreatamerica.com It currently redirects to the Great America website. This seems certain now.
  21. ^ Yep. Kings Island had this over by SoB over the summer for a week or two. It seemed like it was there on and off at least twice this past year. I imagine CF might have been testing to see if it would legitimately bring in money. You might as well try it out in Cincinnati where everyone likes to cornhole at each other's houses.
  22. I wouldn't get your hopes up....it probably won't be functional until 2010.
  23. Changing their marketing slogan really isn't going to do much to take the bad taste out of people's mouths. I've been talking to a lot of my "GP friends" up in Akron (I grew up there and at GL) and it seems even casual visitors are not very happy with losing X-Flight and Superman/Steel Venom. People are not happy that they're losing dry rides by the handful and they're not being replaced by more dry rides. I understand what CF is trying to do there, but it's difficult to explain it to 95% of your customers that just go to have fun and don't care about business aspects of things.
  24. Very cool PTR....I love seeing these Asian parks that I know I'll never get to. So is all that bamboo around the spinning wild mouse coaster decoration or is it like a scaffolding support? I'm completely ignorant to things like that, but it almost looks like it's holding scaffolding. Overall, the park looks very clean and beautiful....there are some parks on this side of the pond who could take some pointers! -Bryan "I heart Engrish" Wood
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