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Everything posted by verticalzero

  1. Drayton Manor Theme Park needs to sort out the kiddies who jump on / off the train when its moving, Q jumpers and removing of chewing gum, litter and garffiti A few years back it was a lovely park to visit, last year when I visited it had fallen standards so I sent them an email to complai, which I got a nice reply to improve their standards. But I don't think they will.
  2. I buy tickets from the Internet to save between £10-£15 each, make sandwiches at home, buy drinks from the local food store (Tesco) the day before I go to the Park. I normally have £30 cash in my pocket and I use the spare car key instead of my normal set of about 15 keys.
  3. I recieved an update about the "Comet" and the state of the park. www.freewebs.com/lpcomet/lincolnparknowphotos.htm
  4. When did this happen..? I bet someone does not want the park to open for 2008. I'm glad it was not the "Blue Streak" which was "Fire'd", that is more of a loss than "El Toro" or "Boardwalk Bullet". I bet any modern wood coaster does not survive as long as the "Classic" woodies like "Blue Streak", "Big Dipper" and "Cyclone"
  5. On the Way / way home you can all visit CLP and support "Blue Streak" if it is open this year.
  6. The whole park is a main draw for me. I've long to visit SFMM someday, I would ride everything apart from "XI" and "Superman". They are not my type of coasters. Any coaster can be themed, even "Beast" if KI wanted to. Heidi Park is a good example of theming the front of the park and not the rear.
  7. I can't wait to see the film, what type of Monster is it..? Why does New York always get blown apart, another city in the USA should be used instead.
  8. Halifax Building Society ad which is shown on English TV. So annoying I switch over when ever it appears.
  9. One of these babies and a 12" Bazooka Tube for £900 http://www.alpine-europe.com/index.php?id=iva-d105r I got the DVD player "Chipped" so it plays any film whatever the Region code. e.g PAL and NTSC
  10. I would never go into the Army due to not being able to take orders by someone who is shouting and swearing all the time. I'll get Court Marshall'd within the 1st day. The UK should get "National Service" back for the 18-21 age backet, this will sort them out and the kids learn to respect people rather than hang round the streets in groups at night and cause problems.
  11. Drakes Fortune. It's amazing and it still does not use 1/2 the power of PS3.
  12. My area in South England will be switching off the old signal and switching over to Digital signal in 2012. I have "Freeview" and "Sky" digital tv, but not HD TV. I leave HD things to PS3 and 360. I have heard that UK Digital channels can display up to 1080i and not "true" HD 1080P.
  13. It's cheaper to pull down a coaster than it is to repair it if it has been SBNO for over 5 years. The City will choose the latter in a few years. It's a real shame when high people (Council's and Cities) can't decide what to do and it's the product which always suffers.
  14. Congrat's on your job, couple of things: Smile to everyone, be polite but firm to all those guests who don't obey your rules. Ban the following guests: Smokers in the Q line Rude guests who swear Drunk guests Q jumpers
  15. The layout is nearly a clone of "Griffon". I don't have a care for "Dive" coasters, I can't ride anything with a near to vertical drop. I've only been on "Oblivion" once since it opened in 98 and that was a horrible experience. Bring back "Black Hole" and "Thunderlooper". As Euro-fighter coasters have a 97 degree 1st drop I may have to ban these as well. I'll try TP version in 09.
  16. The T-Bars and seat belts better not fail when the coaster flys over the bridge section otherwise your be like the PS3 game called "Pain".. The bridge looks amazing, I agree there will be a lot of , is that gonna be too much ... View of bridge from different angle, it's gonna be a wild ride.
  17. I lift my legs up and create a ball with my body so i'm sliding on my back. I am super smooth so I gain a lot of speed.
  18. From the www.theage.com.au/news Seven people were rescued from Luna Park's Metropolis ride this afternoon after it was stopped because of an unusual noise. Fire crews were called to the St Kilda amusement park about 12.36pm and used a cherry picker to rescue the people from the ride, also known as the Mad Mouse. They were caught on the ride for about 15 minutes. Victoria Police said the ride was stopped as a precautionary measure when a roll-back bar on the ride malfunctioned. "That's something that stops the carriage from rolling backwards,'' a Victoria Police spokeswoman said. "With the assistance of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade, the six to seven people that were on that ride were sky-lifted to the ground.'' She said WorkSafe was notified and no one was injured in the incident. The ride is expected to be closed for the rest of the day. But the park's chief executive officer Mary Stuart was not able to say whether a malfunction with a roll-back mechanism was responsible. "The operator on the ride heard a noise that was not a usual noise. Their training is that they are to stop the ride if they hear noises that aren't usual,'' Ms Stuart said. "Nobody was in any danger. It's most unfortunate that it occurred obviously and we're very sorry that it's interrupted people's enjoyment of the park.'' Ms Stuart said the people were removed quickly from one of the high points of the track and she was awaiting a full briefing from the maintenance department to establish what had caused the noise. "We will be doing a thorough internal investigation and we will also be talking to any relevant authorities,'' she said. Witnesses who were roller blading past Luna Park at the time told The Age they heard people screaming. Windsor MFB senior station officer Ron Young also said a malfunction with an anti-roll back mechanism had caused the problem. He said two crews attended and the seven people were rescued from about 10 metres above the ground. It is not the first time people have had to be rescued from the ride. Eight people had to be rescued from the same roller-coaster ride in December after a power blackout caused chaotic scenes among the holiday crowd. And in 2005, five children and an adult were stranded on the Mad Mouse for about two hours.
  19. I just did a search for Lincoln Park News and I found the article. Shame the coaster was not saved when the park closed. Did you manage to get any items to keep, e.g. NAD train Joking
  20. Taken from: www.SouthCoastToday.com The Comet roller coaster, the centerpiece of the former amusement park, could be demolished in late spring or early summer. The developers of The Village at Lincoln Park are nearing the start of construction for their mammoth commercial and residential project at the former amusement park. But exactly when construction will begin is uncertain. Town officials don't foresee final approval at the next authority meeting on Feb. 5, but feel it is not too far off. Jay Williams, a partner in the development group, Midway Realty LLC, said they plan to start construction on a 15,500-square-foot, mixed-use commercial structure shortly after the permit board gives final approval of Phase I of the project. Mr. Williams said Phase I includes five commercial buildings that will abut State Road: The 15,500-square-foot multi-use building, which will be built first by the developers. An 1,800-square-foot branch bank with four drive-through bays. A 7,200-square-foot restaurant. Mr. Williams said there are three possible tenants. A 15,500-square-foot building, possibly for a pharmacy. A 10,000-square-foot building, possibly for a small market or perhaps a liquor store, according to Mr. Williams. Developers want to begin construction of the commercial aspect of the project first, hoping it spurs interest in the residential portion. The Comet roller coaster, the centerpiece of the former amusement park, could be demolished in late spring or early summer, Mr. Williams said. The development, which will include 205 condos and 112 apartments along with the commercial parcels, is what the state calls a 40R Smart Growth project, which encourages mixed-use development by providing financial incentives to cities and towns. The Lincoln Park project has been on the drawing board for three years, but the only work completed has been the clearing of the land along State Road. "We want to get the commercial started. The last two years, though, wasn't the best time to start the condos," Mr. Williams said, noting the slow housing market conditions. Town officials — who support the project, despite their concerns — said it is a big undertaking because of its density and size, but want to give it due diligence. Donald Perry, the town's director of planning, said it could be a couple of months before the project receives final approval. "I think it will take a little more review," he said. "We need to know the details. It's a big project. We just want to make sure it all meshes. "It could go very well. The success will come out through the details. That's why we're paying close attention to it." "I think it's going good," Town Executive Administrator Michael J. Gagne. "I see the end in sight. I think it's making good progress considering the size of the project." Roger L. Tougas, a member of the authority board and chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals, said any drainage and traffic issues are surmountable, but he could not pinpoint when final approval will come. "I have great anticipation for it," he said. "Something has to happen and something will happen, but when it happens is up for grabs." The authority board is comprised of Kathleen Horan McLean, chairwoman of the Select Board; Planning Board member John P. Haran; and Mr. Tougas. Mr. Williams said the bank and restaurant in Phase I could be completed this year after the multi-use building is finished, depending on tenant contracts. In addition, there are plans for three buildings behind the five commercial structures. Mr. Williams said these buildings will require separate approval from the authority board. Two of the proposed buildings are each 12,500 square feet with commercial tenants on the bottom floors and likely 16 units of apartments atop them, according to Mr. Williams. The third building is proposed for 48 apartment units. "We feel there is a need for apartments in Dartmouth," Mr. Williams said, pointing to demand generated by UMass Dartmouth students. Developers contend there is a need for more commercial space, since there is not much vacant space available on State Road. Forty-one of the two and three-bedroom townhouse condominiums and 112 of the apartments qualify as affordable units under the state's affordable housing program. Under the terms of the 40R smart growth development, Mr. Williams said the developers can change the configuration of the condo units between unrestricted and age-restricted units with the town's approval, depending on market conditions. The town has already received a $350,000 one-time payment from the state, after Town Meeting approved the new zoning district for the project, and will receive an additional $3,000 from the state each time a building permit for a condo or apartment unit is issued, according to Mr. Gagne. Mr. Williams said the developers will also contribute a $100,000 impact fee to Fire District 3 and $7,000 each time a building permit is issued for a non-affordable housing unit. Mr. Gagne said the town will receive educational aid equal to the difference paid in taxes and the per-pupil expenditure for every child who moves into the development.
  21. What an interesting park, shame it had to close and l love those rubbish bins.
  22. If the final layout is like the No Limits video I will be happy with that. It is not a copy from any other ride. 1 thing missing though: Hills
  23. I buy Blu Ray films from America and most of them play on my PAL PS3, e.g. Cars does not come to the UK till Feb so I bought the USA version. HD DVD films are ok to play on my PAL 360 Add-on drive as it is multi-region. I bought the HD DVD "Blade Runner Briefcase" because the Blu Ray version does not play on my PAL PS3. I don't mind who wins the war as I have both formats.
  24. It's very sad when an Actor or Actress dies, but if they can't deal with life and too afraid to go into re-hab or get some help then death is the only cure. Anyone seen "The Bridge" film, it's very shocking to see people jump off the Golden Gate Bridge and you wonder why the people do it when there is so much help in the city.
  25. An abandoned Theme Park in Belgium: http://www.cobrapit.be/urban-exploring/?album=4&gallery=15
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