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Everything posted by Purplepills

  1. Yep so I agree, the renderings make it look great. Really looking forward to seeing how this one ends up. ^I also thought it would be cool if the wheels touched the tarmac and rolled, like you say its a bit of a long shot and I guess would cause a bit more resistance and slow it down. But it would still be cool.
  2. There is a NoLimits video here created by a fan at Thorpe Park Mania, this has been created from the plans submitted to the council, a full list can be found here. Note that in the NoLimits simulation the first section prior to the lift is going to be indoors, and I would assume pretty dark. Yeah it would be more impressive, but unfortunately UK planning laws are unlikely to allow anything of that size at Thorpe due to the high visibility for local residents. I believe they got permission for Stealth (205ft) as a one off. It's the parks 6th coaster. In 2007 they relocated the Flying Fish, a Mack powered coaster which had been removed to make way for Stealth. It all depends on what you want to count. I guess what they mean is its the parks 4th Major coaster, with the other 2 being more family, less thrills.
  3. The first thing I thought of was the connection to Jet Fighters etc, I reckon this is a much improved name over flight deck! Well done whoever in charge decided the name sucked and needed changing.
  4. I haven't actually got much of a clue who Hannah Montana is. She does sound annoying though.
  5. ^Is the worlds worst Wii player V Smells of cheese
  6. No, I see them fine. I just can't pass this test. I passed the test with flying colours. No pun intended.
  7. ^^ Didn't know there had been a press release, so thanks for that. I'd looked but couldn't see anything on their (awesome new THORPE PARK) website about it. I was more thinking towards the stealth style billboards around the construction area, and announcements/sections on the website to inform the GP and suchlike.
  8. ^ That is weird that it mentions that, yet seems to be about something completely different. Maybe there is confusion about the words inverted and inversion. I'm with the others, it must be the dive coaster. Someone would have noticed by now if they were building a massive inverted coaster due to open in less than 3 weeks time.
  9. Really nice to see those random shots of bits of California taken from the car, reminds me of our trip there in September. We did the whole Hollywood thing too and yeah some of it's kinda tacky but then its still cool to see the stuff you see on tv After we drove through Hollywood we did go along some windy road towards Santa Monica (I think) which didnt really seem wide enough for the cars and SUV's. That for me was also the only time I felt a bit nervous driving over there. I like the big wide straight roads!
  10. ^Yes it was created by a fan, so I see where you were coming from with the previous post. Had it been the official video I would have to agree it would be a little disappointing. ^^It may be a copy, but then does it realllllly matter? Like you say, I bet if you went up to people at the park and asked them about MM at Dollywood about 95% of them or more would be likely to stare at you blankly and wonder what the hell you were going on about. Thats the problem when you're into coasters, you know what exists elsewhere and tend to compare it with other things. Not long ago I was talking to someone about Stealth, and she had no idea that TTD or KK even existed, she just thought Stealth was tall and fast. I do see your point but I don't think it will take away from the ride. As for Texas Chainsaw Massacre theming that does seem a bit weird to me aswell. I guess it would be more about being chased by some crazy person with a chainsaw than seeing people get cut up. Just have to wait and see.
  11. Thats the only non-photo trip report that long that I've read all the way through. Really well written, and it sounds like you guys had a great time!
  12. Whats so bad about it? Will be interesting to compare it to the final POV. I thought it was a pretty good effort myself. As for the next stage, like Dave said we're waiting for the council to make up their minds. There's not going to be much to report until they do, asides a little infilling of the lake and suchlike. I believe the project has already been mentioned in staff newsletters, but the next big stage is the official announcement from the park and construction photos. If Thorpe do what they did for the last coaster Stealth, there was a mini website setup following the construction anyway, with preview videos posted of the ride and surrounding area, much like a lot of other rides recently.
  13. ^ I agree with the points made, especially about the rule breaking. It pisses me off when something like this happens due to their own stupidity, and then the park gets sued. Use your common sense people. Should there really be big signs saying 'This ride may collapse if overloaded'?. I really think people need to take more responsibility for their own actions. If anything, I hope accidents like this only highlight the dangers of doing this sort of thing and stops others getting hurt, or at least trying retarded ideas like this.
  14. Happy birthday Robb, hope you have a great day!
  15. If you visit in September check the opening dates of places you want to visit. In 2007 Magic Mountain was open for the week after Labor Day (first Monday in September), then it only opened weekends after that. I would recommend visiting Major attractions on a weekday after Labor day if possible as schools are back in and the parks will be fairly empty. Check the park websites for opening hours and suchlike. Things to do in the LA area would be Disney Magic Mountain Universal Studios Sea World Hollywood If you like beaches try Newport beach, can't comment on the others. There's a lot more if you have more time to do it. Depending on when you go, you might want more than one day at Disney/Magic Mountain, really depends on what you wanted. We did Disney in one day on a busy day, and would've gone back for a second day if we had the time. We did get on all the rides though at least once though. If you're in the Anaheim area Downtown Disney has some decent places to eat and a nice family atmosphere for the evenings, easy to get to and free parking for 3 hours. You probably wont want a hell of a lot of time in Las Vegas itself (most people I think would find 4-5 days enough), but surrounding it you have national parks and the Grand Canyon, well worth a visit.
  16. Really nice photos and captions PA looks like a really nice park, think I'll have to go there sometime to see for myself.
  17. ^Personally that would have annoyed me, its selling you something over the phone. Granted its something you've bought previously, but I still hate getting phonecalls from people trying to sell me stuff, regardless of whether I want it or not. A reminder in the post would have suited me better. Personal opinion I know, but thats my take on it.
  18. Wow that jacket is so cool, and there was a vest too?! Thats just simply....awesome. Are there any photos of Robb wearing both at the same time? I just think that would possibly be the greatest fashion decision ever. Like patch porn.
  19. I don't know anything about medication, but I'll second whats written here. Especially if you're planning a trip to the US when it will be hot, just make sure you take plenty of fluids since walking long distances around the parks in heat you aren't used to does have quite an effect.
  20. ^Yeah I think saying it has 8 inversions is over the top. They've counted each fly to lie as one, and also the horseshoe. As for the names Nighthawk is ok, although it sounds like an 80's TV show. Flight deck? Sounds like some kind of Jumbo Jet simulator (boring).
  21. I remember seeing this one, and noticing it was Knott's. the weird thing is I have only seen it once, but seen the others a lot more.
  22. ^You would hope his parents would say that, although it depends if he was with adults at the time. All I can say is what an idiot. It would've been nice to see how long it was before the next boat came down, and whether or not he was spotted and the ride stopped. Did this make any news reports anywhere at the time?
  23. Great TR, funny captions and all, thanks for posting. KT is so adorable, even if she does seem to have a thing for Jahan's glasses! Merry xmas/happy holidays to you all!
  24. Is beer available in many other US parks? I know here in the UK some of the major parks do have alcohol available, including spirits. Or at least last time I looked they did, I don't normally drink then go ride coasters. Never noticed any problems, although did encounter one or 2 drunk people sat next to me on rides and got concerned they might throw up on me
  25. Thanks for the big update Jahan. It may be many years before I get to go back to MM, but I still like to see whats going on there
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