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Everything posted by Purplepills

  1. Don't forget the ones with the g-string on view cutting into the layers of fat. Has the human race really come to the point of stupidity where we need a warning on a pack of nuts that says 'This product contains nuts'?? Like you would eat them and then be able to consider suing someone because you have a nut allergy. Its RIDICULOUS.
  2. The weight limit on the harnesses you mention would be far above the weight (x G's) for anyone that could physically fit into the seats. There probably is some published upper weight limit, but because the seats are designed to fit an 'average' body size/shape range, anyone near the weight limit wouldn't be able to fit in the seat and close the harness properly.
  3. ^^ He said drop tower credit, not coaster credit. Its up to you if you count it as a credit. Different people have different ideas on what is a coaster credit, so you can make your own mind up whether its a drop credit or not.
  4. Alton Towers and Thorpe Park, plus one other. I really get around.
  5. I just watched the film, it didn't make me feel sick on the big screen which I guess is a bonus. Thought it was ok, nothing amazing but its always nice to sit in a theater watching stuff blow up and have the heavy bass shaking the place with the sound of explosions and suchlike. Overall I'd say its one of those films you can just sit down and enjoy without having to think too much. I think for the way its been filmed/produced from a first person point of view it was really well done, but I probably wouldn't be that bothered about watching it again any time soon.
  6. Yeah but you don't have to read ALL the spoiler text. It probably wouldn't work with something short like : ****SPOILER***** THE MOTHER DIES! ****END SPOILER***** But if its a whole sentence or more it ok, you'd have to go out of your way to take it all in accidentally.
  7. I'm currently working on a mould for a '29cm Dished Platter'.
  8. We got tickets to see the mighty Bristol Rovers in the FA cup next week, now the lowest seeded team left in the competition! We're gonna win!
  9. Agreed in most cases you're right. It just the way its been written in the English language for ages, and it does avoid any confusion about Feb 7th or a statistic about 7 things in Feb. Unlikely but I think plausible. What I dont get is why dates in the US start with the Month, then the day, then the year, i.e. 12/25/2007. As most of you probably know in the UK its dd/mm/yyyy or 25/12/2007. It just seems to make more sense, anyone know if there is a reason for this?
  10. Deja Vu (x3) The first coaster triplets, same colours, design and name opened at the same time (give or take a few weeks )
  11. If you want bad service try coming to England! we went on honeymoon to the US, and basically the average service we received there had to be 2 or 3 times better than what you get over here. Its a bit weird because to a point we have come to expect what we get here, so its not like we're getting BAD service, its just better over there. The main difference of course is over here you don't get free refills, so its £2 (about $3.70) for a pint of coke, and if you want more its another £2. Which is annoying. Another thing we noticed was the amount of times the waiting staff would come and ask you if everything was ok or if you wanted anything (which is partly where the refills come into it - if you don't get free refills, they dont come to see if you want one), or someone would even fill the drink up when you weren't even looking. Over here essentially you get asked once after you food has been served if its ok, and if you want anything else you have to call them over, which can be a pain in the ass and half the time they're annoyed that you have done it. I think its probably to do with the fact that the tips are a lot higher % in the US, and I always gave more to the people I thought served us really well. I'd trade the standards of service any day though.
  12. ^I think Hangover at Liseberg was the first Invertigo, 1997. ^^Yeah I think 'almosts' aren't really good enough. I haven't seen any entries in the Guiness book of Records about people who almost did something
  13. ^^ Yeah see, it would be okay if just one person got it wrong, but everyone I have heard say it has said it wrong. I guess its destined to annoy me for the rest of my life.
  14. Whats up with stupid expressions that make no sense? I mean I know everyone uses expressions, but somewhere along the line some have gotten mistranslated. My personal worst expression ever over here in the UK? 'Cheap at half the price!' (used when something appears to be a bargain). OF COURSE ITS CHEAP AT HALF THE PRICE YOU MORON. If its already cheap and then you halve the price again, its even cheaper. If the expression was 'Cheap at TWICE the price' that would make sense. This sort of thing just really annoys me.
  15. ^ I'm pretty sure you'd have trouble getting a well known coaster company to put their name on the majority of the stuff in the thread so far. I would think its more the designers than the parks which limit designs. For example, if we ever see a launched flyer, I'd put money on it not being a B&M.
  16. My initial impression is that while I like the idea of free swinging cars, you hit a problem in as much as if they swing in the wrong direction at the wrong time, you might get pull 4g's forward out your seat into the restaint, which would suck. Launched woodie/flyer? Gets my vote.
  17. I agree also, I don't really see it as a problem. I guess its mainly since the only thing you can compare X2 to is Eejanaika, so it might seem disappointing to some that they look pretty much the same. But then lets face it, its difficult to please everyone when it comes to colours. Personally I think it looks better.
  18. But but if they made it smoother, it would no longer make my fillings hurt if I ride it more than 5 times! Seriously though, I'd love the ride if it didn't vibrate SO much.
  19. Well, with any luck, Merlin will want to make a decent impression with the first Major investment at Thorpe since they took over. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
  20. Maybe, but then when the photo was taken you could still see freefall standing in the park, and wouldn't know the bottom part had been eaten by an evil machine. Plus it hasn't been shut for ages.
  21. From what I have read on other forums, a woodie has previously been considered for Thorpe. The only problem being that the structure is too dense for the land, which may cause some kind of problem with subsidence or something similar due to the increased weight. I don't know how true that all is, but it sounds fairly reasonable to me. Having said that I have to agree that a woodie there at some point in the future would be fantastic. I still think the Eurofighter will be a good addition to the park, especially looking at the concept art for the station and the amount of effort that appears to be putting into the theming for the ride. Like you say, the thought of the Eurofighter doesn't make me want to get there as soon as I can to ride it like a new flyer would, or a decent woodie.
  22. Really nice update, its great to see such close ups of the trains being the engineering enthusiat that I am!
  23. I would disgree about 'most' people knowing about Adventure Island at Southend, it does depend on where you live I think. The only people I know that have heard of it are friends who live in London, and they were surprised I knew it was called Adventure Island. I haven't ever seen any advertising for it here in Devon, so I think unless you're in the catchment area or have visited nearby you wouldn't have heard of it. Its not somewhere people will travel 3 or 4 hours to get to like the other parks, so they don't bother advertising it in areas further away. But its only disappointing because of Mystery Mine, and like you say you and the thousands of other people who are going to go and ride it aren't likely to ride MM anytime soon, infact you'll probably find a huge percentage of them haven't heard of it either. Its pretty difficult for a park in the UK to put something original in if you start making comparisons to coasters to the US, or even Europe. The majority of the country has restrictions on height which doesn't help, and there are only so many types of coaster out there which will make a big enough impact on advertising, and have a high enough throughput for a park like Thorpe, which means its likely a similar one will already exist elsewhere.
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