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Everything posted by Purplepills

  1. My first proper full on kiss - Drunk, in a bar, dressed as Kevin the teenager from Harry Enfield (British mid 90's comedy sketch show character) with a woman dressed as Robin Hood, on new years eve. You know how I roll.
  2. ^Do you mean near future? Or long term? Six Flags probably don't know whats happening to the park much over 5-7 years from now, so to make a statement like that sounds a little far fetched to me. Near future you're probably right - Long term, who knows?
  3. ^ good funeral song I'm listening to Damaged - Plummet
  4. That must have been hard for you to post all those words being such an English Nazi On another note I haven't ever had anything thrown at me by a teacher.
  5. Just to add my 2 cents, or pence in my case, my cousin has been with the same guy since she was 13. She's now 27. Its very unusual but it does happen.
  6. ^ I agreee with the 2 statements above me. You can't hang around waiting for change. Its amazing as you get older how fast time goes by. I'm always saying I'll get around to different things, even crappy trivial things. Before you know it time has just gone, and its only when you look back you realise just how long doing this particular thing, or making a particular change has taken. And Goliath513, I'm sure college will be a good change for you, and by all means if you want to make specific changes they why not start now? Meeting lots of new people will open up loads of new opportunities and all that good stuff. As for the girl and the prom, even if it doesn't work out how you would like it to, just enjoy it for what it is, and just have a good time. On a general note to agree with whats been said already, its not easy to predict who 'the one' is very early on. Sure maybe you will get lucky and meet the one, know from the first time you met that it was right and live happily ever after. But then how many people do you know that have been in relationships for a couple of years and then realised that person isn't the one? I always remember that in the earlier stages of our relationship, me and my (now) wife were always realistic about it, we both agreed that if we did break up in the future, we could at least look back on the time we were together as a really good period in our lives. You shouldn't worry about the bad things that might happen in the future, but simply enjoy the time you do spend with people you like.
  7. I pronounce it OFT-EHN, and I should know, I'm English The US pronounciation of herb, or 'erb' as it seems to be bothers me a little. Oh and people who consistently use the wrong their/they're/there annoy me sometimes. I just don't think the concept is THAT difficult to grasp. /rant Right so I know its unrelated, I just didn't want to double post, but I really hate the whole culture of celebrity. What's annoyed me today is that on my ISP homepage there is a list of blonde female celebs who should know better cos they HAVEN'T HAD THEIR ROOTS DONE. So what if there's a dark strip down their parting? I just find it so irrelevant that maybe they've been looking in the mirror and thinking 'damn I really should get these done soon' and just not bothered to do it like thousands of other regular people very day. It's so unimportant, so bitchy how journalists seem to find the simplest little 'fault' and then explain how embarassed these people must be to have dark roots with blonde hair. My favourite quote? Maybe it's because she ISN'T embarassed you idiot. /end rant
  8. ^How is disc media on the way out? I realise downloads of both music and film/tv are becoming ever more popular, but I don't think by any means discs are being phased out. I'd say it will be several years before you see any kind of decrease in DVD discs. CD maybe not so long.
  9. In a very nerdy way thats a nice bunch of stuff. I don't actually have any memorabilia as I'm not THAT much of a nerd. I can't believe someone would actually keep paint chips from a construction wall though. Awesome.
  10. ^ Oh glandular fever. Yeah I haven't had that but I know people who have and thats gotta suck. Hope you feel better soon.
  11. Whats mono, where there's one of you? Like the opposite of Pluracy? Seriously though I have no idea what it is.
  12. Never been. Do you like Krispy Kreme donuts?
  13. I just got mocked for knowing that Vekoma is a make of rollercoaster.
  14. With any luck that will happen to Jekoon sometime, that way it'll stop him/her having the belief they are 'winning'. On a more serious note, if an op tells you to do something, you really should do it. Not only for your safety and the safety of those around you, but also to stop yourself looking like an ass, and potentially getting escorted out of the park.
  15. I think so, it was Nemesis Inferno at Thorpe Park. I did a search and could only find info relating to that record so I guess it hasn't been done since. I also agree there are too many pointless records, such as THIS one.
  16. Mika needs to go away. I just can't stand the high pitched wailing.
  17. ^Is the guy in the Drachen fire clip the actor from the Bill and Ted movies?
  18. I still prefer 'X multiplied quadratically to the second power'. I'll probably refer to it as X though even after the name change. It just saves all the energy of having to say the word 'two'.
  19. Yeah, now you mention it I can see that wasn't your intention, just the way I read it. It does appear in this case, at least from reading the reports, that the ride restraints were not used properly, essentially resulting in the death of the girl. As far as I am concerned, it is the responsibility of the ride ops at the park, and in turn the park's responsibility to ensure ride ops are both trained effectively, and also operaing the ride to the expected standard. This must be what the HSE has picked up on, and why Oakwood are being fined, and in my view, this is the right action to be taken. I understand what you're saying about ending up having to protect people from their own stupidity, and it is a shame that it's necessary to do this. The main thing to remember is that in *most* cases, the park would have to be proven negligent on some point, i.e. the fence climbing you mentioned. The HSE has guidelines that must be met, and I would assume that if these guidelines are met, the park cannot be held responsible if someone does climb over a fence and get injured. As long as the fencing meets the guidelines, the park would most likely not be fined, however then the HSE would probably make suggestions to make it more difficult to climb over said fence. I do still know however that there are some ridiculous examples of people who have acted in a completely retarded manner and got compensation for it. I have little sympathy for those who get injured or killed due to their own stupidity, such as the guy who was killed getting his hat from under Katun (I think) sometime in the last few months. He climbed a fence and paid the ultimate price, all for the sake of a hat. Sadly, in this case, someone died as a result of another persons actions.
  20. Was the accident the girl's fault? I think its a bit harsh to suggest the girl died because of her stupidity if you don't know what happened. If you have more information then fair enough, and please share it. I remember reading about it a while ago, there was talk of the boat being able to leave the station with the lapbar up, or partially up, have no idea how true this is, can anyone shed any light on this? If a rider(s) who was a lot larger was in the same row, the lapbar would have not come down as far, and slimmer people would have a much larger gap between them and the lap bar.
  21. You'd probably find most parks in the US are alot cheaper than the UK anyway, as are most things, especially when the exchange rate is in our favour so much. 6 Months ago we got tickets for SFMM at $35 each. Also if you take into account online prices you'll probably be able to get tickets for Thorpe at £24-26 anyway during the summer. Comparing park entry prices in different parts of the world doesn't give a fair judgement. I understand what you are saying about Thorpe, but I have always found a comparison to a Disney park is also unfair. Disney has several other business areas they they earn millions from. In addition to this, Disney is open all year round, and isn't seasonal like Thorpe. Thorpe makes NO money during the winter months, and so the money needs to be made over the spring/summer. I'm not defending the park's poor approach, just saying that you can't really compare Thorpe to the likes of Disney.
  22. As ^ said, the train isnt even complete yet so it can't have been around the circuit. I'm guessing you're referring to the fact the red paint is missing from the points where the wheels contact the rails. It looks to me as though the rails have been painted but they have tried to avoid painting these contact sections. Looks more like where the brush marks end than than having been worn off by the wheels.
  23. Its really sad to hear about the deaths of these kids, and my thoughts go out to their friends and families. Its so sad also that 2 of the 4 killed were brothers, so horrible for all involved.
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