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Everything posted by Purplepills

  1. I think we may have a winner. I would definitely say we have a winner. VIDEO Clearly shows the right lapbar, headrests, and if you look behind the guy doing the filming you can see the single belt over both riders :o) Well done aplengeist 4!
  2. Twister II is painted white in the rest of the RCDB photos. Roar has the headrests, but the restraints are diferent again. I guess it may be a problem knowing if they have been changed or not. www.rcdb.com/ig485.htm?picture=1 Is there any kind of clue from the title of the original posted image on the Mensa boards? I've worked stuff out before from the image path etc.
  3. It is a shame if innocent people are forced to leave due to the actions of others, but, as Disney said, if their policy is to eject whole groups then I am glad they stuck to that. There is no excuse for violent behaviour, and I'm not surprised Disney take swift action to avoid further problems. If the groups were told to leave in the morning, thats a lot of time for them to either fight more, or cause general disruption on the resort. As many have said, the parents shouldn't be moaning about the way it was handled. I'm sure the fact that Disney is, and remains, a family friendly environment is more important than the view of a few people who think they were treated unfairly after being involved in violent incidents on Disney property. After all, I would say a massive majority of visitors would agree with the way it was handled.
  4. I would've thought something has been dropped on it, or it's hit something. Some kind of impact anyway. How recent is the pic? If it broke during normal use I would guess they would've shut the ride for a while and maybe changed/reviewed all of the restraints on Baco, if not all other trains of the same design worldwide.
  5. No, but now I want some. Have you been on your PC too long?
  6. Depends what area you wanted to go on, design, maintenance, the business side of things. You'll need a lot of luck, as you might imagine there aren't that many jobs, especially on the technical side. I don't know for a fact but I would guess to get hired by a coaster design company you would need a lot of previous experience at a relevant position. So if you wanted to design the tracks, trains, or other components you would have to come from a job designing something else structural, buildings, bridges, or some other kind of similar mechanical thingy. I don't think you can go straight into a job without years of experience and a proven track record as an engineer, unless you're extremely lucky. And to do that, a structural engineering degree would probably be a good start.
  7. Some kind of yellow glow device to shine on the actor. Yes or no?
  8. This reminds me of many years ago when cell phones were really not very common, but a few people had them. I was in some chatroom, and eveytime someone on there got a call, she never said 'phone brb', she said 'I have a call on my cell phone, brb'. It just really got to me. I hate store assistants in a bad mood. I'm not saying they have to be cheerful or anything, but this guy I had the displeasure of dealing with just looked at me like I was a piece of shit. Basically I bought a door frame pack from the hardware store, and 3 bits of the wood were no good. So I took them back to get 3 decent bits. The guy said I should've brought the whole pack bask, which is ok, but I didnt want to get another pack only to find 3 more bad bits. I didn't see the difference. Basically the store was going to end up with one opened, returned pack, and I was going to end up with one good pack. Maybe I should have taken the whole thing back but it pissed me off that he was so unhelpful and made such a fuss, gave a disgusting look, then did it anyway.
  9. Wow the theming on the tower is amazing! Nice to see some photos, I haven't actually ever look at any before. Weird thing was I was looking at one of the first photos thinking 'is that a model?' before I saw the caption, glad I'm not the only one! Thanks for the update, it all looks fantastic.
  10. I know both Alton Towers and Thorpe park offer the Parent swap facility mentioned in previous posts, allowing one of you to wait in line whilst the other looks after the child, then swap over at the exit gate. I think you'll find most park websites have information on this sort of thing.
  11. He entertained thousands of people over the years, and obviously lived doing something he really enjoyed. I do think for someone who's been beaten up that much over the years he did pretty well to live to 70. RIP
  12. ^The thing is, I don't think people ARE worried about going to theme parks. Okay maybe some, but they must be an extremely small minority. Park attendance figures aren't dwindling because of all the negative press the industy gets worldwide. I am positive that some people are put off going to Amusement parks because of accidents, infact I think I read somewhere there was a noticable effect after the girl's feet were cut off on Tower of Power at SFKK. This was either in terms of the park numbers or the value of shares or something like that. But, the people who are afraid to go to amusement parks are just a tiny percentage of the people who would consider going, and I don' think that will change anytime soon.
  13. Just really to help you count, theres a decent counter over at www.coasterfanatics.com. Quite simple, basically you pick from a list the ones you have ridden, and it keeps count for you. You can link to it to show as your signature if you like aswell (see underneath the last post Carnage made).
  14. I agree that the 5th dimension thing is a bit lame, since you can already hear and see stuff when you're on it anyway. You'll just be hearing and seeing different things I guess. Unless they add a smell to it or something fantastically awesome like that. I don't know if I will ever get to ride X again, but it would've been a great ride if it wasn't so rough on the fly to lie etc, so I think any improvement to that will be great.
  15. I'd say he didn't 'fall to his death' so much as died of a result of a fall, going by the tiny bit of information given. At first glance it seems this could've happened anywhere, it just made the news as it was on Disney property. Whether thats the case or there's more to it, should be able to see if more details are released.
  16. ^ ooh you little whore Me well I'm just hoping to get a a few UK parks this year, possibly Disneyland Paris, nothing too exciting but at least I'll get to have some fun.
  17. See now thats a good idea, if it was actually out over the edge, or sort of 50% over the edge. The view as you roll over the ends would be awesome.
  18. I do feel for people injured or killed on amusement rides when it is not fault of the victim. I have little sympathy for those who cross fences, or otherwise break park rules, or seem to have no common sense. As long as I can remember, if there is an accident at a theme park here in the UK, it's all over the news. The worst thing about these reports is that usually they have little or no information on the cause of the accident, so people do assume it is the fault of the ride. Whereas this is the case occasionally, it does just seem to get distorted and spread by word of mouth. I'm sure a lot of you have heard these stories over the years, knowing full well they aren't true. There are countless times a Journalist gets bored and decides to do a report on accidents at theme parks, or a report about 'Are rollercoasters safe?' when bigger and faster coasters are built. Naturally these do focus on the more negative aspects, stating several people who have been killed or injured, not necessarily giving the reasons for said injuries. I disagree with grouping travelling fairs together with fixed site rides, and the small fair operators together with the likes of Disney and Six Flags. Its in the park industry's interest to keep rides safe, lets face it if your local park had 10 deaths in seperate incidents in one season, all at the fault of the ride, you probably wouldn't go there, or would at least think twice. As for extra safety rules governing the rides, I really don't think they are necessary for fixed site parks given the available statistics. There may be a case for the traveling fairs, to ensure the maintenance is done correctly and the rides are operated safely.
  19. I haven't been on one, but looking at it it just doesn't look interesting to me. I'd go on it if I were at a park it was in, but I'd never specifically visit a park just to ride it.
  20. Ref. all the opinions about coasters up there, and whats good and bad. The whole point of the coaster poll is to take the averages and work out what was the most liked in general, thus removing the need to challenge other peoples opinions, or at least question someone enjoying a ride. Some people like one thing, some people like another, I really don't get why people seem to become offended when someone doesn't agree with them!
  21. Corkscrew at Alton Towers, also was my first 'proper' coaster. I'd post a pic but does anyone really want to see a Vekoma Corkscrew?
  22. Have to agree it looks kinda slow through the elements, but maybe it means you'll experience a proper bit of floaty zero g through the roll
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