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Everything posted by riccoaster

  1. Well it looks it would take awhile for repeat rides.
  2. I cant because I have loads of family birthdays and I have to go to a 4th of July party and my sister wants me to see Transformers with her.
  3. I don't know I might cancle it because your the only one I know of that is almost done with it and I have to admit i'm only 1/2 way done.
  4. I go to the outskirts of Dallas buy them and set them off there.
  5. Ok i've redone the project to make it A lot bigger and here are the screens of what i've done so far. I've finished the left side parking lot and almost done with the picnic areas. SFOTREC5.bmp SFOTREC4.bmp SFOTREC3.bmp SFOTREC2.bmp SFOTREC1.bmp
  6. you are so good at this please make another scary RCT3 park because if you made any scary parks better then the ones you have made I would personally give you a gold medal.
  7. Sorry to bring this topic back to life but i'm thinking about getting Nl Fairgrounds is it worth getting?
  8. I've been trying to decide wether or not to put that in for i've never really had experience with building picnic areas in RCT2.
  9. Ok i've decided to make a recreation of Six Flags Over Texas and it will be way better then the one that comes in the game. Here are a few screens of my progress and I haven't gotten to landscaping yet. Ps. If anyone knows a better layout of the parking lot please tell me because I haven't seen the parking lot in years because i'm always dropped off. Oh comment please. SFOTREC5.bmp Whats done so far SFOTREC4.bmp Parking lot SFOTREC3.bmp Parking entrance SFOTREC2.bmp Pick up/Drop off area SFOTREC1.bmp Comming in to Six Flags Over Texas
  10. My mom tries to avoid my sudden ramblings about coasters and any time we get close to the subject she changes it so some times I ramble to myself to get by plus she hates rollercoasters. My friends think i'm crazy but they sometimes listen to my ramblings.
  11. Nice Photo TR this really helps me for my missouri trip in 2008!
  12. I made a recreation of Wiener Looping and i've never rode it. But it looks like the real thing (well as close you can get on RCT2.) wl3.bmp wl2.bmp wl1.bmp Wiener Looping roofed.TD6
  13. I still have the RCT2 one and it is a pretty good recreation of Great America.
  14. Does anyone know where i could find the nolimits operating booth thing that you can get for RCT3 to make your ride look like it can be operated.
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