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Everything posted by riccoaster

  1. Cool PTR I was there too in a TPR Shirt. I saw those tracks from Titan, which had no line at all. But my back still hurts like crazy from that beating I took from Texas Giant, I hate that ride, they said they re tracked a bit of it but it felt like they just made it worse, tear it down I say! Well any way it was a great day there no lines in the beginning of the day and larger lines later, I had fun still. But whats up with the neon yellow clothes the employs are wearing?
  2. Dino Island was the best. But I think this is ok as a new movie but I hear it's just about flys going to the moon.... Sounds boring.
  3. My track work is done but I haven't AHG'ed it yet. You guys are fast I guess I just procrastinate too much.
  4. My favorite anime is, Yu Yu Hakusho(Great but haven't seen it in awhile) Inuyasha(My favorite) Full Metal Alchemist(I watch it off and on) Gundam (I only liked the first one) Zoids (Same with Gundam) Wolf's Rain (could of lasted a lot longer but the last 2 episodes were great!) Shin Chan (It's just weird in a good way)
  5. I need help where can you download streets like for cars, and parking lots.
  6. I really wish they kept the enterprise. And I'm glad they brought the Pink Things back, even though they are $2 which is a ripoff.
  7. I can hear loud thunder its about 10 mins away but it's shaking my house.
  8. Yes except zombie movies they freak me out still. Do you like your job?
  9. I get a Six Flags Season Pass and hit up all the Six Flags Parks I can. Plus I have relatives everywhere in the U.S. and A few have season passes to amusement parks with bring friends for free coupon books.
  10. First Looping Roller coaster- Loop The Loop
  11. Well I'd get NL1 because NL2 could come out from 2008-2010, so thats a long gap to wait if it does.
  12. RCT Inc has a patch right here http://rctinc.tycoonplanet.com/downloads/downloads.shtml
  13. It's been awhile since I have made a new coaster so I'm gonna start out 2008 with Electroshock and it's a lot of firsts for me. This is a B&M launched stand up, and It's my first elemented loop, and I custom supported the whole ride. Heres a few stats. Launch Speed: 50MPH Top Speed: 61MPH Length: 2,249ft Top Lats: 1.6 Top Verts: 4.8 Type: Launched B&M Stand Up Max Riders: 24ppl ENJOY! Electroshock.nltrack
  14. Mine would be Mr. Freeze at Six Flags Over Texas it's such a great ride!
  15. Yes it's sitting in pieces at Wonderland right now. When I went there in 06 I asked them about it and they said that they were trying to get land to build the ride on.
  16. I've just received some very depressing news today. At the end of season 4 Hatside Park will shut it's doors for good. Doug Smith has gone bankrupt after the cost of the concept coaster and the slide. Plus he lost his 2nd business which he was the owner of a wood furniture store. Loop The Loop has gotten very unreliable. The Park's rating is dropping. 13 years later..................... More Soon............
  17. It's 1908 and we got another attraction this year! Called American Slide, though it didn't have it's own press release, I'll give you the stats, It's a spiral type slide with a wooden frame and a metal slide which you slide down on. Loop The Loop is still drawing in a crowd. The New Attraction! More On The 25th.
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