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Everything posted by riccoaster

  1. One day at SOFT there was barley anyone there so I went on the Judge Roy Scream about 47 tames with out getting off.
  2. NL is the best rollercoaster game, but RCT2 is the best amusement park game. So do you mean in building coasters or making parks?
  3. Oh I have a question how do you get and make the rails for the coaster?
  4. I'm thinking of doing A backyard coaster too not that high like 10 or 15 feet but this might take 3 to 7 years on the count of school and money whies. And I made a NL rec of what it might look like to give you an idea of what I'm going to build. please if any one could give me an idea where to get supplies for this I would like to know PM me or tell me on this thread. ps. I probably wont make a lift i'll just push it up the hill and get on it. mybackyardcoaster1-0704101733430075556.bmp Here is the NL picture
  5. Man my coaster drawings Suck with a capital S but yours are awsome you should enter a drawing contest or something.
  6. Yes have you ever ate squid and liked it?
  7. I know you can give links so you can give links to what site you uploaded it to and people will download it from there.
  8. England when she landed she saw Alton Towers and....
  9. I got it from the NL dev center scrap yard and made all the red go away but there is some yellow still, anyways i'am posting it here becouse there are not alot of Pinifari coasters on NL and I used the Gerstlauer station becouse with a regular station the track would get in thy way. 201-cboomf-PinfariStyleCoaster-Edit riccoaster.nltrack 201-cboomf-PinfariStyleCoaster-Edit riccoaster-07040321313200056566565.bmp
  10. No, Have you ever fell into A pool on accident?
  11. ^Thanks, but I really need suggestions for what to put next I cant really think of any thing.
  12. The log flume is supposed to be compact becouse its one of those compact models you see at small parks.
  13. My 3rd RCT2 park Medow Park this is about 37% done. But I have coaster block and cant think of what to build next suggestions really needed. Medow Park3.bmp Medow Park2.bmp Medow Park1.bmp
  14. The park looks really good and like the real thing, but I dont have TT.
  15. Wow that coaster looks awsome!, i'am still alittle new with NL how do you make all those coasters be together?
  16. yes Did you do something bad today?
  17. Are you sure it still is more than A month you should have enough time.
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