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Everything posted by KrakenKing

  1. I'm actually going to recreate this... or try. Just because. I'll post whenever it's done.
  2. Try going around 5pm or so. That's when the construction crews start to leave and the SeaWorld management/heads of construction run the tests.
  3. Very smooth ride. The only problem I see with it is a support collision going into the first corkscrew, besides that, great job!
  4. Wish I lived up there. This challenge would be a piece of cake, especially if I can ride Python (R.I.P) all day, non-stop (Park was DEAD and I knew it was the last days of the "mighty" Python).
  5. It's all about The United States of Tara! Congrats on making Family Guy! I love that show and if I were to get mentioned in it I'd want to call up Seth MacFarlane and thank him.
  6. So it seems like the site for the NL Track Packager is non-existent now. Is there another source to download it from?
  7. Were you on drugs? Many yellow lats, lots of pumps, and at the end... the turn after the brakes, the cars of the train collide with eachother and a hand rail goes right across the middle because the turn is so sharp. You may want to work out some of these problems.
  8. I've seen Steven Tyler (Aerosmith) taking a questionnaire at Universal Orlando I saw Hulk Hogan and his family being escorted around USO The last one I saw was Ellen DeGeneres at IoA riding Hulk, I was after her in line. We waited a while for our ride because they took forever to set up the camera.
  9. ^ Knew? Awesome that it's finally testing! I'll try to get there sometime this week to see it for myself.
  10. There are a lot of supports on this ride. But if you think about it, it's going to be traveling at a pretty high speed throughout the course. I'm sure that the supports are placed perfectly so the track doesn't have much give, therefore making the rides pacing much better. It also looks much better in person.
  11. Plus, with the problems Cedar Fair had with Intamin (MF, TTD, Maverick, Xcellerater (I think)), didn't they opt not to go to them anymore?
  12. So they're just leaving the reach envelope things up for decoration then, huh? Why is Manta's still there? There's PLENTY of room
  13. When will people see that this is not a "Fail". You can clearly see a wire of some kind running across the edge of the building and under the track. The wire is lined up directly with the edge of the tunnel exit. Now, if you look at where the reach envelope is you can tell that it's a few feet away from where the edge of the building actually is (count the cross ties). Also, the spine of the track is basically touching the building itself. The banking of the turn is making the height of the ride rail just above the building, leaving enough room for the up-stop wheels to clear the building. I was there the other day, it's just an optical illusion. There is plenty of clearance. Same with the other side, the reach envelope is not directly lined up with the entrance to the tunnel. Though this is going to be one hell of a headchopper! Plenty of clearance.
  14. Wow, I was there yesterday and they had only just started the twist-out of the loop. Now, if this is going to open on Memorial Day Weekend. I hope it doesn't open the same day as Manta!
  15. ^ Because it probably isn't as interesting to them as it is to us nerds.
  16. Premier Rides reprofiled the loops I thought.
  17. No, you're not the only one. We watch: Hell's Kitchen Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares Top Chef (Sad Carla didn't win) Iron Chef and Throwdown with Bobby Flay Among others...
  18. .. Putting McDonalds or Carrabba's on a plate and taking a picture? That should be easy for you Gerd
  19. Could it be? A game that actually makes me pick up my wii-mote and dust it off? Looks like a cool game so far. I'll keep my eye on updates and such through here, ign, and wiki.
  20. Wow, Busch really spared no expense with building this ride. The detail in the trains is amazing.
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