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Everything posted by KrakenKing

  1. Some pics taken Thursday 12/18. I know, they're two days late, but I'm lazy. If you look closely, you can now see HRRR from the parking garage. They had just added that arch to the station not too long before this shot was taken. Wow, rhyme. Station construction. New permanent stage construction. This is going to look awesome with the non-inverting loop behind it. My favorite shot. Most of the Treble Clef. They had just finished the element earlier in the day. Obligatory shot of the drop leading into the Treble Clef. Yeah, it's gonna fly over your head while waiting in Twister's queue. "Artsy" shot. Overbanked? You decide. What you see from the park entrance.
  2. Yeah, when I read the stats for Air in my mind I was like... "okay? and?" Wow, I really hope this baby turns out alright.
  3. ^ Hmm, I see your point But I kind of like coasters that are kind of thrilling and then meander back into the station, especially if they're not trying to be thrilling (See: Hulk). Whizzer at SFGAm is a good example of this.
  4. I have some footage of Hypersonic... but I don't have a camera that can play MiniDVs I'll look for the tapes. If I can find them, I'll send them in.
  5. There wasn't a lot of room to begin with, so adding a helix or another element doesn't seem like it would be feasible. It looks like the train will be going pretty fast when it enters the MCBR as well, looking at the height difference between the top of the lift and it.
  6. They could possibly have four trains on the track at once. One on the lift, one finishing, one ready to dispatch, and one loading. That's A LOT of guests! They'd need speedy ride ops though.
  7. I was there yesterday, ended up going to Universal around 5 to check out the construction... bad timing, I forgot about the Parade. Did look neat though, and that drop is pretty steep.
  8. I assume you're talking about the cross-ties. They may be a bit further apart there, just because it's a straight section of track. All they really have to worry about it minor shifts in weight, not really g-force, so those sections (Including the brake run and station) have less ties. At least I assume that's the reason.
  9. Yeah, I downloaded it. Lol. It's quite amusing actually. Only played the first tune that you put down, haha... clever.
  10. PS3 (PSN: KrakenKing) LittleBigPlanet Burnout Paradise Rock Band 2 Soon: CoD5 PC: CoD5
  11. Do the Superman clones have Mags? I thought they had standard brakes on it. I think Tatsu is the only one with Mags... which I can see why, the coaster is going pretty fast into the brake run. Manta doesn't seem like it'd be going that fast when it ends.
  12. Song: Hyper Music Artist: Muse Album: Origin Of Symmetry
  13. I hear they're going to replace the water in the vortex with reclaimed water from the park's restrooms. This will make the attraction fit the theme of being even more s*****
  14. There is still a lot going on about the war in the book. Some of the other content is hard to read (Just shocking) but there are a lot of parts that will make you smile.
  15. A Thousand Splendid Suns - Khaled Hosseini If you've read The Kite Runner, you'll really enjoy this book by the same author. Black Hawk Down - Mark Bowden Reading for a second time. Great book, much better than the movie.
  16. The Mars Volta - Agadez But I'm listening to the full The Bedlam in Goliath album.
  17. Haha, I saw Joe too a few days ago. But it wasn't at IAAPA or a Theme Park. It was actually at a Publix (Grocery Store) near my house. Joe, I don't know what you were doing over here, unless you went to UCF to check it out or something, we're no where near the attractions.
  18. Haha, free Dr Pepper. Why? Because Guns n' Roses (Or shall I say Axl) decided to finally release Chinese Democracy after 14 years of making it. Thank god I got my free Dr Pepper, was worth it after hearing the album. Dr Pepper > Chinese Democracy
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