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Everything posted by KrakenKing

  1. Really? Batman the Ride? If anything, Manta will be the Montu of the B&M Flyer world. I don't think you fully understood what he was trying to say, though he did say it kind of poorly. I think he was trying to say that when inverted coasters first started happening they were all small like Batman: The Ride. Now they're huge like Montu and Katurn. That after coasters like Superman: Ultimate Flight, we'll see flying coasters get taller, faster, and more unpredictable which is the way Manta and Tatsu are.
  2. I like how at the end of the trailer it shows Phantom's Revenge and this movie is supposed to take place in '87. Of course, the majority of the people that will see this movie won't know that.
  3. Yes, it does. It will even have an effect where it looks like the coaster is splashing through the water. (Or it actually may hit the water)
  4. My math professor didn't show up for the fifth time this 8-week semester, and we only meet on Tuesday and Thursday!
  5. I've never read any of the Twilight books, but I'll probably get around to them eventually. About the movie, don't get your hopes up too much. I really enjoyed the book Eragon and was excited for the movie... which was a complete letdown. I hope this turns out better than that did.
  6. Man, I hope it travels through that fast enough so you're pushed against the restraints the whole time instead of falling on your back, like on Superman's heartline.
  7. My guess to those strange looking track pieces people are talking about is that they're going to be for the non-inverting loop. Look at this picture, you can see that between the first drop and part of the loop is a thicker spine and the rest of the coaster track (Jump cut) is thinner.
  8. Man, this ride is going to be awesome. The downward helix after the first inline looks awesome! Then right into another inline, nice.
  9. ^ ... because a flying coaster with a lift hill is copying Tatsu...
  10. Man, wish I did go to Cypress like I was planning to yesterday, I would've ran into you all, lol. Oh well.
  11. Ha! That barrel roll wasn't even listed ON the layout! That sure came out of nowhere.
  12. Doesn't look like they will. According to Wikipedia, there is a lot of DLC already announced for GHWT. Next full album for the game looks like Oasis - Dig Out Your Soul (Which is an awesome album, by the way). Kinda bummed that it's not releasing for RB2, especially after all the Oasis DLC that's out so far. Though, it doesn't matter. RB2 got Rush - Moving Pictures, Stevie Ray Vaughan - Texas Flood, Megadeath - Peace Sells, but who's buyin?, Red Hot Chili Peppers - Blood Sugar Sex Magik, The Pixies - Doolittle, and a whole slew of tracks from The Who. I'm content
  13. Yeah, I can see the whole intellectual property actions for YouTube. My best guess is to have credits either in the description or at the end of your video with the artist, album, and song. Maybe this will help the video stay up.
  14. ^ Is the biggest Pink Floyd fan out of millions of people who think they are as well < Was actually listening to Pink Floyd - "On The Run" when he read the above reply \/ Probably has listened to Pink Floyd before
  15. Mmm, three awesome songs releasing for DLC on Rock Band from The Killers on the 25th! Mr Brightside, Smile Like You Mean It, and the better of the two singles from their new album, Spaceman. But, next week is going to be AWESOME with the Dead Kennedys!
  16. ... Sam, stop with the drugs. They're slowing your brain down buddy. Lol j/k To stay on topic, this ride is looking to be pretty awesome. The pullout of the pretzel loop into that turn looks like it would be awesome in the back row!
  17. ^ Don't forget, there is the part of the coaster that goes between Shrek/Jimmy Neutron. That's going to be some major work, especially to keep those attractions open.
  18. HRRR and Manta, they're both 30min or less from me
  19. Here's an On-Ride video of Superman: Ultimate Flight at Six Flags over Georgia. The ride has a pretzel loop element after the first drop. www.sharktums.com/superman.zip Courtesy of TPR
  20. Yeah, that's extremely true Sam. (Yes, this is Mike by the way) Busch does wonders with coasters when they have limited space. I mean, look at SheiKra? They made the most thrilling ride they could with the small footprint of space they had right there, and I thought it turned out great. Sure it's not "Holy crap that was epic!" status to most of us, but to the GP, which is really what matters to the park in the grand scheme of things, SheiKra is amazing. That's what I'm thinking Manta is going to be. I mean, how long are the lines to Superman: Ultimate Flight during the summer? Upwards of 2hrs. This is going to be bigger than those, the first Flyer in Florida, and a uniquely themed experience. The GP will drool over this when it comes out. But to me it looks like it's going to be an overall fun ride, which is all that matters in my book.
  21. I just started playing on a private server. Screw paying $15 a month.
  22. No, you can clearly see the yellow line for the spine of the track in the picture. When it becomes thick yellow is when the bottom of the track (Where the train rides) is facing up and that only seems to happen during the inversions. ^ Man, I'd love to have a ride like Steel Eel. For some reason, of the hypers I've been on, Morgan has not disappointed. Of course, I've only been on Steel Force and Phantom's Revenge, but I thought they were great. ... But I'd really like to try the new B&M hyper trains. I really need to get back out to SeaWorld to see the progress myself and to check out how large the coaster really is.
  23. It's mostly for the electronic drum feature. If you have a drum program on your computer, you can have 3 cymbals and the other drum pads as well. I'll probably get them so I don't rely so much on sight-reading the songs, and will be paying more attention to the beat.
  24. ^ Is extremely tired from being coastercrazed, so he wants the weekend to come. < Is totally an underachiever V Will say something out me... duh.
  25. Haha, it's fun. Earned some new items and my level is getting more intricate.
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