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Everything posted by Loco

  1. Starbucks: The ride! It can be a launched Intamin with lots of helixes (kinda like being in a blender) with brown track and green supports!
  2. Is this the only ride of its kind to do this more often? Because i've never really heard of Invertigo getting stuck. *sigh* Just another usual news story, blown out of proportion
  3. Sad to report, not very well. Got some really bad rides this season, major jackhammering and way too much shuffling. Having ridden every season since it opened, this years were some of the worst rides it's given. Needs some serious trackwork and TLC, which unfortunately SF isn't known for. Tell me about it. Some spots are actually painful. The last bit of bunnyhops are torture! Major jackhammering. But it's still pretty fun.
  4. ^Because every ride gets changed in some way after a season or two.
  5. ^Yes, but they dont dispatch a car until after the 1st goes down the first "big" drop. By the time the 2nd car reaches the top...the first car is already sitting on the blocks. Everytime I go, they always have around 4 cars stacked at once on the blocks. We end up sitting there for like 5 min.
  6. ^ I haven't been on one yet, but they look (again, LOOK) pretty painful.
  7. ^ You know, now that you mention it, your so right! Mystery Mine seems exactly what Paramount had in mind for their Adam's Family coaster a long time ago.
  8. Yeah I remember seeing it here on TPR somewhere for the first time.
  9. That was funny. I only understood like half the stuff he was saying.
  10. I don't know if I could do it. Worms are gross and creepy.
  11. The thing ive been thinking about lately is that GA probably considers Survivor a coaster. So technically for the park (and only the park) they added a "coaster" in 2006. Oh and something new from Screamscape: If that is correct (and lately Screamscape has been right) then that means they would go 8 years without a new coaster! Wow!
  12. ^You hit post like 3 times... Anyways, we have to be patient. Maybe next year will be our turn.
  13. ^That horrid death machine is loved by the GP. (I can't see why) I don't see it being bulldozed anytime soon.
  14. ^Dominator...In Vortex's place?... How on earth would it fit!? Im still hoping they would get either a GCI or an Intamin rocket. We need something like a rocket.
  15. Ok! I just remembered another one. We were getting off of Kong and this kid in front of us (probably about 11) was like "Dude!! That was totally..umm..righteous!!!!" The way he said it made it seem funnier though.
  16. Imagine facing downward when the chain catches the car on the second spike. OUCH! You'll be slammed forward into the restraint.
  17. Waiting in line for Invertigo - "Does this ride take me backwards, I want the side that doesn't go backwards!" She was in for a real surprise later...haha
  18. ^ True But I think he was talking about all parks in general, not just Six Flags parks.
  19. Awesome! My name suggestion was chosen! So when can we download it? Edit: Your welcome jpdupuis
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