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Everything posted by Loco

  1. I like twisting/swooping drops better than any other. Right behind comes straight drops like Medusa West.
  2. I don't really like the fact that they made the iPod Touch look exactly like the iPhone. I rather get the iPhone.
  3. Done. Sorry I took so long. I kinda forgot about this. lol Anyways, added an Inclined Loop sorta turn. weetopia, your up! Inclined Loop Loco.nltrack
  4. I didn't know him. I only knew him by his posts, but it's still very sad. R.I.P. Dan
  5. Yes! Ever had a one-night stand?
  6. One word: Parents. My parents were totally harsh when I came out. It kinda settled down a little now and it's been over a year I told them.
  7. Awww sorry to hear that! Hope you feel better soon.
  8. Nearest city: Modesto (About 35 min away) Nearest "BIG" city: San Jose (About 1hr 1/2 away)
  9. *sigh* My home park...people might say it's crappy, but I love it to death!
  10. Yeah, that first drop is pretty much the defining moment of the ride I would say. From the animation it looks like the back row will go over the drop so fast, hopefully producing some sweet ejector airtime. Heck yes! The longer the train...the more ejector air in the back row.
  11. The trains look funky, but other than I like it! Especially the Hammer-head turn. It's really going to tower over IJ:ST
  12. His best friend...bowling ball! They both held hands and skipped off to...
  13. Me and my cousins were on Drop Zone at PGA and when the ride op came to check our restraints she was like "Don't worry guys, this ride hasn't crashed to the ground....yet" The look on my cousins faces were priceless, but then after she laughed it off and said we were perfectly safe.
  14. Rihanna. Singing her stupid "Umbrella" song. Thinking quickly, he snatched her umbrella and...
  15. suddenly stopped, only to come across a Britney Spears comeback performance! Ears bleeding and all, the talking bowling pin quickly...
  16. That second picture just looks like a simple Exit or Entrance for the station.
  17. Well there is a rumor that CP wants to add a new "water" ride to make up for the removal of WWL. I guess Riptide kinda qualifies as a water ride...
  18. Hilarious TR! Oh and if you don't mind me saying...Terry, you are a very fine man!
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