My first coaster was Giant Dipper at SCBB
Now my first looping coaster was Top Gun at GA. I remember I was scared out of my mind!
I was around 9 or 10 years old for both of them.
^^Scream shields. Since there are houses just outside of disney. It's the same reason why California Screamin' has those tunnels.
Awesome TR!
I've always wanted to go to SFMM with little crowds like that, but I always have bad luck.
^ Im psyched about the new haunt coming next year.
I just wish Cedar Fair knew how to do haunts like Six Flags, but whatever, atleast it's a huge improvement.
^ So true. They have been so into their BB the past few years.
I hate to say this but hopefully after the recent death at BB their jets cooled off about adding new stuff to the waterpark for a long while and decide add a coaster soon (like next year please!)
^ I remember that picture clearly. It was when Paramount was doing those park surveys a few years ago for TRFF.
IMO a top spin would be cool, but...they always get toned down after like the first season. So im not sure what to think of a Top Spin
^ I used to love Sky Hawk. I was crushed when I went the following season and it was gone.
My favorite has to be either a KMG Fireball or a Huss Breakdance