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Everything posted by Loco

  1. Im pretty sure mine was Ultimate Rollercoaster. Either that or America Coasters, im not sure.
  2. Yes Have you watched Rush Hour 3?
  3. ^ Yeah I was just about to say that too. I love the feeling of the wind in between my toes.
  4. The area is gated for a reason! You would think people are smart enough not to go in there. Even if they do, like hello...there is a freakin' 65 MPH coaster heading your way! It's common sense!
  5. Screamscape: 28 Evacs in one month! Thats like almost one each day! I had a hunch something like this would happen after the floorless transformation.
  6. I don't smoke, It's disgusting! Between the ages of 5-9 my grandfather lived with us and he smoked around me ALL the time so of course it smelled horrible and I got seriously sick of it and now I can't stand the smell of cigarettes!
  7. And to think I went on a portable ferris wheel last month thinking "Oh it's not going to be that bad". Ferris Wheels scare the crap out of me.
  8. Riddlers Revenge, The corkscrews. Medusa (SFDK) Those corkscrews and the little helix at the end are awesome.
  9. Barbie. Barbie got so mad she spontaneously combusted while Diddy watched and...
  10. Is it just me, or does this look painful on the ribs? Ouch.
  11. Ive always liked Tizona's colors. Oh yeah and Scream at SFMM...I love that color scheme for some reason. Tizona Scream
  12. ^ LOL That sounds great! I can picture it now.
  13. Stewie planning a plot to kill Lois for making him go on a kiddie ride. Peter seeing the chicken guy at the park with his wife, and they fight again.
  14. It looks awesome, and you're right, the cobra roll does looks bigger than the drop, heck even the loop does.
  15. The trains look alright, it just needs padding on the seats and the restraints. But I can't really imagine myself riding a boomerang with trains like that, it's weird.
  16. Yes Do you watch Little People, Big World?
  17. I lost mine on Top Gun at Great America. I couldn't even tell I was upside-down since I was sitting in the middle of the train, it all went by so quick.
  18. Thats so horrible! I can't believe those girls thought of it as a joke. How sickening!
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