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Everything posted by goleafsgo

  1. look at the sticky post at the very top of this page...
  2. HAHAAHAHAHA. that was friken hillarious when she blew up... ahh. good times...
  3. looks really cool. but wouldnt it be going through the smaller part of the wingover really fast?
  4. Anyone tried the mentos and diet coke thing? i did it and it was friken hillarious. theres another was to do it where you put them in then scew on the top really fast then throw it on the ground andthe bottle goes like 20 feet high, but i havent been able to screw on the cap before the reaction takes place...
  5. omg, that guy in that video got JACKED UP!
  6. i hate when you shake the ketchup but that gross ketchup liquid still comes out...
  7. yep im pretty sure its will be released wth the launch of the ps3.
  8. looks pretty crazy. can you post a POV? and i think there is some flame/smoke scenery that comes with the origional game or maybe soaked.
  9. bump for those who care: http://ps3.ign.com/articles/720/720734p3.html "By clicking down on both analog sticks, the camera will pan out to a close-up side view as the game slows to a crawl. The analog sticks then each control one of your feet and your board moves from being part of your animation to an actual physics object. By moving the sticks, you're able to independently control your feet to kick and tap your board into spins, rotations and more" sounds hella cool.
  10. its not a bug. i don tthink they give high nausea ratings unless the rides takes inversions at exsessive speeds.
  11. lol. its not your graphics card or hard drive space... try re-installing...
  12. Phoenix has been taken down, and a new coaster has been built in its place. It reaches speeds over 65mph and has 7 inversions... The ride does not yet have a name, so any suggestions would be nice. ratings zero-G roll. (im gnna fix the supports on it...) interlocking corkscrews towards the end of the ride. overview of the new ride.
  13. lol, that coastwe would have ti be like 10000000000 feet tall or have launches every mile or so :O
  14. umm, im pretty sure gravity doesnt slow time... remember that all (or most) of wikipedia is written by random people, not scientists or whatever...
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