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Everything posted by goleafsgo

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prNqiLJTds0&mode=related&search=
  2. hahaha, it says annoying on the back of his shirt
  3. well, i couldnt... so yeah... also, sony has grn turismo, which is like the best racing game ever
  4. yep ill pay more, but i am also buying a blu-ray player, and 10-times better graphics
  5. FINE! but you are not allowed to make the 1st drop any larger than 140 feet by lowering ground and whatnot, but tunnels and the likes are allowed everywhere else
  6. looks like this thread is gnna turn into a battle between nintendo and sony fanboys.
  7. its funny that barry bonds actually never tested positive for roids.
  8. i will go on any ride no problem, but i think its much more fun if you are a bit nervous before doing ride like KK or something, add to the fun IMO.
  9. okay, well, seeing as the stormrunner competition was unfair to poeple who didnt have wild etc. so here we go... Rules -"Twister" coaser must be used -Max height - 140 feet -Max length 3500 feet -minimun 3 inverseions, maximum 7 inversions -No custom scenery may be used except for the supports -Landscaping is allowed, but none to make the 1st drop any larger... Contestants 1. asr 2. weetopia 3. 4. 5. 6. judges 1. 2. 3. The rides will be judged on: origionality how it looks design okay, if you want to sign up for this, just post... the judges must be unbiased and whatnot, and yeah... if you have a problem with some of the rules, just say so...
  10. hold shift and drag the support up to the deseried height...
  11. good idea, ima gnna start a new contest thread for everyone if anyone is interested...
  12. or you could just not use the 2 new scenery packs that come with wild?
  13. i think there should be a max launch speed limit or maybe a max height limit...
  14. mint chocolate chip is my favorite icecream flavour strawberry is my favorite gelato flavour
  15. wy would you sell anything if it wasnt for money?
  16. Peter in KFC: "Im looking for the colonel... KFC Worker: " I say you he ded"
  17. make sure you go to my computer > program files > atari > roller coaster tycoon 3 > styles > themed...
  18. okay, the ride is now called medusa, and it has a nice new coat of paint... i dont know what to do next though i dunno what to put in that area. its alot of space, and i dont wan tto just throw another coaster in there... first riders goin' up the hill
  19. umm, i think that is a bit unfair because all i have is MS paint, while other people have photoshop to work with.
  20. OMG. okay, i was in a golf match (stfu, i play golf, big whoop) with my dad, and we were playing some old guy and his son, and the old guy said his handicapp was fricken 29, and he shot like a 90. and i was like, you cheating old man pile of crap, ill kick yo ass mofo. (i didnt say that, but that was what i was thinkning)...
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