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Everything posted by goleafsgo

  1. Alton Towers and Thorpe Park are packed most of the time because they are the only 2 real premier theme parks in the UK. The best time ot go is anytime when kids are in school. So weekdays in september, october, november, febuary, may, june... i left out quite a few months because usually there are hollidays those months for alot of schools. also, stay away from mondays and fridays... i went to alton towers late June a few years ago and it was packed, except Nemesis (the best ride in the park) was almost walk on the whole day, while oblivion and air had 1 /12 - 2 hour waits.
  2. i spent so long playing final fantasy 8. i miss that game ... i am also addicted to CoD2 and BF2.
  3. http://www.ataricommunity.com/forums/showthread.php?t=521177 but you have to register on those forums to DL...
  4. okay, well, if you want to do the large loop support: build a large loop. look at the loop from the drop and look at with way it turns. click on the large loop support (heading left or right) line it up with the bottom of the loop. hold shift, and drag up. if it doesnt line up right, move it around until it does. its pretty simple...
  5. yeah i was thinking the same thing, it looks pretty crappy.
  6. okay, some theming has been added to launch pad, and a water ride has been added. and, a new B&M hyper has been built, but not theming or anything has been added, because i cant think of a name: view of the 'twisty' section of the ride. i was thinking about calling it either the name of a mythalogicalish creature like phoenix, to get a trend going, but i dunno... overview of the new coaster... what should i call it? another view of the tunnel. i made it look like it was falling apart at the end as the train gets ready to go up the spike... a tunnel has been added over the launch run of 'launch pad.' i think it looks pretty sexy. the new water ride, compete with a 'splash zone'
  7. that would be pretty cool to have a stadium with a theme park in the background.
  8. i actually like the chargers throwbacks. and the cowboys throwbacks are kinda subtle beut look really good
  9. if you fix the ride so that there arent huge lateral Gs on the final turn and other crap like that, then i would give it a 9/10
  10. meh, id rather ride good new rides than old ones that hurt, so i guess i wouldnt go back in time to visit a park
  11. what team is that? hopefully not an NHL team...
  12. k, im planning on building another bigger coaster, but i dont know what type. its gnna go in the area behind the Ferris wheel, but i dont want it to take up too much space... any ideas?
  13. SFMM doesnt need all of its coasters, but they still build a new one like every other year it seems...
  14. i know they dont need it, but they gotta have some cash saved up. they could just be nice and build a good coaster.
  15. i dont see how that is offensive, i just read some article on PETAs website and am posting my opinion...
  16. PCW is a terrible coaster park. the only good coaster it has is vortex... they keep adding kiddie crap and other terrible coasters like the tomb-raider coaster and the italian job thing. if they add a nice big B&M floorless or something, then it would be a great park.
  17. yep, throw a fly in there and take a video
  18. i just read an article on PETAs website saying that eating meat causes global warming . even though what they meant to say was: farming animals makes there be more methane released into the atmosphere becsause they fart alot. and they forgot to mention that global warming is BS. i find it annoying how they are trying to convert everyone to be like themseleves, it really pisses me off.
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