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Everything posted by goleafsgo

  1. im not sure. because on the gamecube they hd real simulation sports games... i just think it takes away form most of the fun. when you play a simulation sports game like madden or something, its cool to be your favorite team and make them better or whatever, instead of just playing as a bunch of made up cartoons...
  2. I think Nintendo are making a mistake by targeting younger people and whatnot. for example... there are not going to be and 'real' sports games for the Wii. its going to be like a collection of stupid looking cartoonish sports games without any real players or anything... i'm not sure if this is just for the system's launch or not, but still i think it is quite a bad idea.
  3. well it looks really good, but i think the supports are a bit too much.
  4. actually, i think you just sit on your ass and move your arms:
  5. i have a metal plate in my shoulder area from a ski jump gone wrong...
  6. nope... does anyone here like good bands like the trajically hip?
  7. i think steroids are just gnna be part of the game nowadays. I think that the amount of players using steroids in baseball however will go down quite alot, because it is pretty easy to tell when a guy starts using 'roids. (hits 5 HRs one season, and 30 the next...) However, i think that in the other major league sports (NBA, NFL, NHL), steroid use will only increase, due to the fact that there is no real drug testing policy in any of those leagues. also, it is hard to tell when a hockey player is using steroids, because all that it would really do for a player is decrease rehab times. Dick Pound (hahaha, what a dumb name) has been saying for a while that 1/3 of hockey players use steroids. All of the hockey community in Canada thinks hes an idiot and whatnot, just because they dont want to believe it is true. However, the NHL hasnt even got a drig testing policy, and i think they are afraid to immpliment a 'real' one, because they are worried about the possible consiquences(sp?)... Nobody in Canada (and some big hockey towns in the US) wants to believe that steroids are being used in 'their' sport, and think its only for a few baseball players or whatever. I think the best idea for all major league sports is to impliment a drug testing policy that tests as many players as possible as much as possible, with very severe penalties (ex// 1 offense = 1 year ban, 2 offenses = lifetime ban). That will scare most, if not all, players from using mainstream performance enhancing drugs... BUT! the real problem, is that there are new drugs being developed much faster than there are tests for them, so the use of steroids in sports may be a never ending story, with athaletes just using newer and newer drugs while the league tries to find tests for alll of them... ANYHOOOO, that was a long-ass post, i hope it kinda makes sense...
  8. lol. no, i mean the motion sensing function that they were developing that is completely different from the Wii's one... the idea might have been gotten from Ninntendo, but thats how innovation works. just like how sony started the dual analog stick idea with the ps1, and then microsoft and nintendo 'copied' it with the gamecube and the xbox...
  9. i heard around 200. theres no way it will cost as much as the ps3 or 360...
  10. umm, you dont get off your ass and exercise, you just move your arms around and look like an idiot... also, dont forget that the ps3 also has a montion sensing functing on its controller. it is not as complex as the Wii's, but it looks really cool for flying games and such...
  11. yeah i also agree the ps3 is way too expensive, but i am still going to get it because it is superior to the xbox360, and i have a ps2...
  12. i dont see why everyone thinks blu-ray wont work. it is the next step in the technology of movies and games...
  13. okay, the B&M Hyper has been pretty much completly redesigned. the spagetti bowl is now much smaller and looks a bit better now, and comments or critisim would be appreciated...: view of the station. it is built into another building, i kept the brick walls to make it blend in to wverything else more... close up of the new spagetti bowl section overview of the redesigned ride... im still looking for names and/or color schemes
  14. i think that nintendo's idea with the interactive controller or whatever you call it isnt going to be that good. people want to sit on their couch and play a game, not wave their arms all over the place and look like an idiot... and, the graphics look as good as the ps2's graphics now.
  15. umm, just wow. i think you take this a bit too seriously... i guess, in my opinion, your parks are stupid. there ya go. i think it looks bad, and i dont think it is hard to build a big ass coaster with no theming... i have a vendetta against you because i think that coasters you design in a video game are bad? umm, i did not say that. maybe instead of spending the hour building a huge ass coaster with no theming, build a normal ride, and add theming, not that hard to do... umm, i have posted 1 rct2 park and one rct3 park of mine... and i spend 1-2 hours a day on them, and i still manage to add theming... ANYHOOO, the fact that you have a mental breakdown because someone on the internet doesnt like what you do in a video game suggests to me that you should seek mental help...
  16. your parks are just stupid. it doesnt take skill to make a park with a bunch of coasters with no theming or anything...
  17. everybody can make crap looking coasters that have good ratings in rct. its extremly easy to do. nobody wants to see an ugly park with stupid looking rides in it that takes no skill whatsoever. that is why you are getting bad feedback.
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