robbalvey Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 DETAILED INFORMATION! This has been emailed to everyone I have on the RSVP list. If you DID NOT recieve this email, you should contact me ASAP at Hey everyone! If you have received this email obviously you are on the list for Tatsu Camp Out this Wednesday, May 10th. Note that you only have to RESPOND TO THIS EMAIL if: - You will be arriving after 8pm - You have NOT given me your guests name (we MUST have your guest on the list) - You cannot make the event Ok, on to some details!!! First off, the basics: When: Wednesday, May 10th (overnight) through Thursday, May 11th Time: You can show up anytime between 5pm and Midnight Where: Six Flags Magic Mountain (TPR Check in will be by group sales) Why: To be one of the first riders on Tatsu! Things to know about the event. This is the important part! Please read ALL of the following: 1. When you show up for the camp out you will be given a TPR wristband. This wristband will allow you to receive a TPR Event T-Shirt (for the first 200 that signed up), pizza, chips, and a drink which are provided by Robb & Elissa. We will be camping in the entrance plaza area of the park. You will also receive a wristband from SFMM which will allow you to ride Tatsu as much as possible on Thursday. They might need to stop running the ride for certain amount of times for media reasons, but we are told they should be running it most of the operating day. Only those with the Tatsu wristband will be allowed in the station to ride. Admission to the park that day will be free. 2. TPR Tatsu Event T-Shirts will be given to the first 200 people who RSVP'd for the event. We apologize for not having enough for everyone, but the turnout was overwhelming, and we could only order so many shirts (remember, they are on our dime!) Note that if you had RSVP'd and then LATER added on a guest, your guest might not be able to get a shirt. 3. You MUST be 18 years old or have a parent or "legal" guardian with you at this event. We cannot stress this enough. Please note that a "legal" guardian is someone that is legally responsible for you. This does NOT mean "someone who happens to be over the age of 18." That is not a legal guardian. We have posted a form below that your parents will need to fill out if you are under 18 and someone else is accompanying you. You will NOT be allowed into the event if you are under 18 and do not have a parent or legal guardian with you. No exceptions. 4. I have been told that they will start to allow the campers in around 5am and we MAY be asked to go in groups to the ride. The reason being is that there could be as many as 500 people total showing up and they do not want a mad rush to Tatsu. EVERYONE WILL GET TO RIDE that day, probably many times. So please be patient if you are asked to wait a few extra minutes. I mean, you'll have already waited an entire night, what's an extra half an hour or so? It will really depend on how many campers show up, and what their filming needs are that morning if we will go in groups. Remember, we are basically there to be "extras" on the train during media filming. 5. TPR will supply dinner (pizza, chips, and a soda) and will be served at 8pm. If you plan to arrive AFTER 8pm and will not be there for dinner, please LET US KNOW. Dinner is on us, and we need to know how much food to order. 6. We are planning (and plans may always change based on circumstances) to have activities such as showing coaster movies on the walls of one of the plaza areas, games, and contests for TPR members. 7. What can you bring? You can bring sleeping bags, air mattresses, coolers, games, etc. There has been some talk about Mario Kart DS competition, so if you have a Nintendo DS and Mario Kart, bring that too! The only thing we have been told you can NOT bring is a tent of any kind, alcohol, or anything combustible. They don't want us blowing up the place! There also will not be any electric outlets available so if you are planning to bring any electronics, they should be battery operated. 8. Keep in mind that many people will have ridden Tatsu before anyone at the campout. Employees, riders for TV commercials, etc. So that coveted "first rider on Tatsu" will be long gone by the time we ride. Therefore there will not need to be any "line" for the ride at the campout. Just hang out, enjoy the atmosphere, and you don't need to worry about having a "front of the gate" spot. It's not like the Best Buy lines for the XBOX 360 where if you're at the end of the line you might not get one. EVERYONE WILL GET TO RIDE! Again, if we are called in groups, please be patient if you are not asked first, even if you were one of the first to arrive for the camp out. 9. Cameras & all your stuff. No cameras will be allowed on Tatsu. This is a very strict rule and if you attempt to "sneak" your camera on the ride you will not only be asked to leave the event, but you risk your membership on TPR being banned. Not something you want to have happen especially as we want the park to invite us back for the next coaster! You will be able to put all your stuff either back in your car or in a locker before we are allowed in the park to ride. 10. MOST IMPORTANT! If you plan to attend the camp out, you and your guest must stay THE ENTIRE NIGHT. Some people have asked "Can we sleep in the car?" or "Can my guest (parent) stay in a hotel while I stay at the park?" The answer is no. The point of the camp out is for the media to see us all camping out and they want as many people as possible. If you leave the area for an extended amount of time (an hour or more), you will not be allowed back and you will not be able to ride. If you are under 18, and your parent or guardian leaves, you will have to leave with them. 11. Please be on your best behavior. If anyone appears to be intoxicated, causing problems, or obnoxiously complaining (remember this entire event is FREE so there should be no reason to complain) you will be asked to leave and could risk being suspended or banned from Theme Park Review. 12. REALLY MOST IMPORTANT! Have fun! That's what this is all about! You'll all get to ride the new coaster before most anyone else! And that's pretty darn cool. If you have any questions please feel free to ask, and if you are not able to make the camp out, PLEASE email us and let us know ASAP! Also, we will continue to update information on the forum, so please check out this thread and you can also post your questions there: Please remember that Robb & Elissa have invested a lot of time and money in this event making it special for everyone at Theme Park Review. We are the ones providing food, drinks, shirts, and activities for TPR members at the event so please be on your best behavior. See you Wednesday night! --Robb Alvey legalguardianform_214.doc AUTHORIZATION FOR TEMPORARY GUARDIANSHIP OF MINOR DOCUMENT - This MUST be filled out if you are under 18 and NOT coming with your parent. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rollermonkey Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 I sincerely hope that everyone who is able to attend (D@mn Pacific ocean is in my way!) gives big sloppy kisses to Robb to thank him for being the coolest website operator on Magic Mountain Parkway! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted May 8, 2006 Author Share Posted May 8, 2006 I'm going to post some of the questions I've been emailed here just in case other people have the same question. So please check back to this post for updated info. Q: What happens if I can't make it by midnight? A: You should still be fine, but please let us know in advance if you can. Q: We were however wondering if there were plans for breakfast? A: We have some Granola Bars but if you want to bring doughnuts or something you are more than welcome. Q: Is there any likelihood of making it onto other rides before park opening? A: No, there will not be any other rides open. Please remember that this is a media event for Tatsu. No other rides will be operating. Q: I'd like to film some off-ride footage and the festivities in and around the station, is that ok? A: You cannot bring your camera on the ride, but I see no reason why you wouldn't be allowed to film anywhere else provided you put your camera in a locker before riding. There will not be any place on the ride's platform to leave your camera. Q: We will be there around 5 or so. Will you be there that early? A: Yes. We should be there around 3pm. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nrthwnd Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 Have a fun overnight and morning everybody! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Corkscrewed Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 Well, that settles that. If I want to ride, then I gotta stow my camera away first... unless I can trust someone enough to leave it with them. I propose we campers get free use of SFMM lockers for that day. BE LIKE DISNEY!!! J/P... sorta... Thanks again for setting all of this up! This is going to be a hectic week for me, but Tatsu will be worth it! Albert "No really... free lockers = pwnage" Lam Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeezus Juice Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 Not that I would ever do this but what about a camera locked inside of a cargo pocket? Otherwise maybe we can designate somebody an official TPR camera rack! Anyone have a parent that would be happy sitting out? It would save a lot of people from running back and forth up the hill! -Don "Not interested in a POV anyway, just want to ride" Garrison Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 Would we be able to leave the park during park hours and come back, Also how will parking wor Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mintyfresh Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 Hi everyone. I've been on the mailing list for a while .. Finally got around to registering for the boards. Hey ... wish I could join you all on the evening of May 10th. Love to meet the whole gang. But the earliest I can get up to Valencia is Friday just to meet some hardcore coaster enthusiasts! Anyboby perhaps going on the 15th (Monday)? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted May 8, 2006 Author Share Posted May 8, 2006 Would we be able to leave the park during park hours and come back, Also how will parking work I would imagine that you would be able to leave and come back once the park is open just like on any other day. Parking, as far as I am aware is free for the camp out. --Robb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Corkscrewed Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 Oh, so they repealed that stupid "can't re-enter park after leaving it, even with a handstamp" rule that they introduced a couple of months ago? That's a relief! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twister II Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 How many members are signed up at this point, with guests? If I were to attend, would my parent/legal guardian count as a guest? When is the closing date to sign up? After the event, will shirts be on sale if any left over? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kaliboiryda510 Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 Wel i see that the event is now only 2 days away and my guest, which was also my ride, backed out on me!! I had no other back-up plan too! Unless there is someone in the San Jose, Ca area that is making the drive down there that i can hitch a ride with!! I do not want to have to miss this event!!!! I realize that there will be more like it, but i want to go to this one! Ok... just thought i would share that with everyone!! lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PURE Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 I just wanted to thank Robb and Elissa and anyone else involved allowing us all to come along and join the party...and providing food! Hell yeah! Really looking forward to it. Now I just hope I was one of the first 200 to RSVP... So there's an estimated 500 people total showing up? Or just theme park review members...I'm just trying to get an idea of how many people you think are gonnab e walking around at 5am. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CoasterCrazy Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 It sounds like its going to be a lot of fun! I wish I could attend the event! I'm looking forward to seeing pictures from the event! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xdisneyfan Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 Not that I would ever do this but what about a camera locked inside of a cargo pocket? Actually, as I wrote previously, I do that all the time on coasters, and it's never been an issue. However, in this case, the rule is clearly NO CAMERAS on the ride, and we need to respect that. Otherwise maybe we can designate somebody an official TPR camera rack! Anyone have a parent that would be happy sitting out? It would save a lot of people from running back and forth up the hill! How close are lockers to Tatsu? My concern is that there may be so many people storing items that there aren't enough lockers to go around. Appointing a designated TPR camera rack person seems like a good idea. From what I've read here, it doesn't appear that someone would have to sit the ride out entirely. The job could simply be handed off from one person to another as different groups board. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
synaesthetique Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 A: We have some Granola Bars but if you want to bring doughnuts or something you are more than welcome. I have some Granola bars I can bring as well. They are healthier than dognuts anyway, good suggestion. What would we all do without you Robb! Edit: certain unmentionables mentioned here are no longer here... stupid question, stupid answer..... sorry about that, I'm impulsive, what can I say (might want to nix the next post for consistency) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted May 8, 2006 Author Share Posted May 8, 2006 I wonder who will get the first POV, since nobody at media day would risk it and miss out on riding.... Six Flags Magic Mountain as they are filming for TV commercials! Also, it's probably not the best idea to talk about trying to get POV in a thread that the park reads? This is the kind of thing that could get you suspended from the site or asked not to show up at the event! --Robb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted May 8, 2006 Author Share Posted May 8, 2006 How many members are signed up at this point, with guests? If I were to attend, would my parent/legal guardian count as a guest? When is the closing date to sign up? After the event, will shirts be on sale if any left over? 1. We have about 250 TPR members & guests signed up right now. 2. Yes, your parent counts as your guest. 3. There is no closing date to sign up, but being that the event is 2 days away, I'd have to know ASAP. 4. I guarantee you, there won't be any shirts left over! --Robb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coasterjunkie91350 Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 hey guys i might be at the park between 10 or 11 am today so if anyone has planned to go to the park today besides me let me know between now and 9:15 cause i have to catch the 9:26 bus to the park thanks OH so you know what im wearing if by chance your there today im waering a black vans tshirt and blue dickie jeans just yell matt if you see me later Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Corkscrewed Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 Yeah, guys, don't even joke about trying to sneak POV's (more of a preventative statement at this point), since we don't want the park to get any ideas. On the other hand, I definitely plan on filming the people in line, just because the circumstances might be entertaining (assumiing I'm awake... 5:00 am isn't a good time for me. ). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
twisted_propaganda Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 So I can't bring friend+friend's parent as guardian?? If this is the case, I can't go. What if I pay for my extra guest or something?? What if he registers for TPR and we share a guardian?? Please?? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CoasterCrazy Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 ^ 3. You MUST be 18 years old or have a parent or "legal" guardian with you at this event. We cannot stress this enough. Please note that a "legal" guardian is someone that is legally responsible for you. This does NOT mean "someone who happens to be over the age of 18." That is not a legal guardian. We have posted a form in the Tatsu Camp Out thread on the forums that your parents will need to fill out if you are under 18 and someone else is accompanying you. You will NOT be allowed into the event if you are under 18 and do not have a parent or legal guardian with you. No exceptions. --Robb Alvey Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted May 8, 2006 Author Share Posted May 8, 2006 So I can't bring friend+friend's parent as guardian?? If this is the case, I can't go. What if I pay for my extra guest or something?? What if he registers for TPR and we share a guardian?? Please?? Yes, what Anthony said. Your "friends, friend's parent" is technically not your "legal guardian." I have uploaded the form again in this thread (on the front page) and that is what you would need for your guardian to fill out. So to clarify, and this goes for EVERYONE who is attending that is under 18 years of age and is NOT going with their parent. They *NEED* to have the Legal Guardian form filled out completely or show some other document proving legal guardianship. There will be NO exceptions to this rule! --Robb legalguardianform_214.doc AUTHORIZATION FOR TEMPORARY GUARDIANSHIP OF MINOR DOCUMENT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
speedracer Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 A: We have some Granola Bars but if you want to bring doughnuts or something you are more than welcome. I have some Granola bars I can bring as well. They are healthier than dognuts anyway, good suggestion. Yeah, I'll take a granola bar over DOGNUTS anyday, mkthanks! And another big thank you Robb and Elissa for doing all this for us, really appreciate everything and all your hard work, should be one incredible event! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
synaesthetique Posted May 8, 2006 Share Posted May 8, 2006 ^Finally someone caught my word-game. Sure you don't want any?! I've got to go shopping for a thanky present! And I appologize for making any reference to a POV in that other post. I'll be on my best behaviour, scouts promise. I'm surprised Guy hasn't made an appearance on this thread yet... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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