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MOVIE: United 93


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It is my understanding that the filmakers got permission from all families to make this movie. I saw the interview on the Today show last week.


However, you won't get me to go see this. This whole country was effected by the tragedy of September 11th. I don't agree with making any movie that is hollywood-ized from these events. Just like World Trade Center (Oliver Stone (director) and Nicholas Cage (starring) ) makes me want to go no where near the theaters.


Hollywood is making money off of these movies. The first three days of United 93 the families get 10%. After that, the stars and director and whomever else get that money. How is that not making money from a tragedy?


I know this is based on all accounts of what happened that day are true and United Flight 93 was incredible for what they did for this country, but that doesn't make it right for Hollywood to jump in less then 5 years later to make this movie. It should never be made in my opinion.


//end rant.

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I think that if the directors got the families to agree to them making the movie, then yes, it should be released. I want to go see the movie too. I think they need to get as many things about September 11th out as possible so that no one will forget about how awful the events of that day were, and how awful the people we are fighting are. They are also using Ben Sliney, the FAA Operations Manager to play himself in the movie. Those who were present on the day and playing in the movie also have no script, they have it memorized in their heads what to say. I think that this is going to be a good way to keep it fresh in our minds how terrible that day was and how courageous those people on that flight and everywhere were to help others out.



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I think it's too soon.


But that's just me, removed as I am from it all.


From a distance, I still have the visual memory of the planes hitting the towers.


'Nuff said, hmm?


More time needed to heal, as far as I'm concerned.



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I'm going to see it when it comes out. There would probably be more controversy if the movie was about the other planes. My dad has a video of Flight 11, 175, and 77 hitting the buildings. I wonder which will be sadder, Munich or United 93.

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I personally think its too soon after the attacks. If they did get permission from the families of the victims, then I think they are well within their legal rights to do so, but you won't see me at the theater watching it. But, I'm not saying that a story like this shouldn't be told, but it would be almost like reliving it again, something I don't think I want to do.


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I kind of think of it as a story of courage. The people on the plane knew what was going to happen and decided to do something about it. The 9/11 conspiracy thread has some video on it. Some people at my school still think that fighter planes sot UA 93 down. I;m probably going to see it next week. They must have gone through extreme detail to make the movie. some of the characters look exactly like the real people.

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For those who think this was made JUST to make headlines/money, that's only partly true. This was made to tell a story, to put people in the places of the characters, and to bring the story to more of a human level.


When 9/11 happened, this story was obstructed by the WTCs, and their acts of heroism were put to the side a little bit more than they should have. They have the permission of the families, who are really the only people who have a real right to stop the film's release. I bet you those families aren't thinking mainly about the money, but more about the people on the plane. If you think it's too soon, don't see it. It's been 5 years, and I bet you that 2-3 years after we stop blubbering in Iraq, there'll be a movie. That's just how it works.


^^^^Just because it isn't a war movie, doesn't mean it shouldn't be told. I don't think Titanic was a war movie, but were people complaining?? Not really.

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Is it too soon? Not at all.


Will I go see it? Not at all.


The publicity of the movie itself keeps the story alive. I'm not much of a movie fan to begin with, I certainly don't want to experience the horrific final moments of that flight. (I personally think it's kind of tacky actually, permission or no permission.)


Dennis "is drinking wine, and is not responsible for his opinions".

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^ I agree. I'm not so much of the opinion one way or another if it should be made or not, I just no I have no interest in seeing it. Just like I had no interest in seeing Pearl Harbor.


But for those of you who thinks the 9/11 attacks makes for a good 2 hours of entertainment in your local theater, knock yourself out!


I can certainly think of worst movies to go see....like Win a Date With Tad Hamilton.


--Robb "It's like porn...if you're not into it...don't watch it...." Alvey

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I went and saw it last night. I think it's good that they made this movie. It was very intense during most of the movie. I got goosebumps when the planes hit the Twin Towers. It is rather depressing after watching it though. It really makes you angry how someone could want to kill themself and many others for what they believe in. I definitely recommend seeing it.

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I just got back from seeing the movie. It's very sad especially at the end. The passengers were so close to getting control of the plane. I was suprised that no one was crying. I was kind of graphic when the passengers started to attack the hijackers.

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Ok, I'll throw my two cents in.


I, primarily, have no interest whatsoever in watching this movie. I find it really sickening that Americans want to derive pleasure out of reliving terrorist attacks, and that people are making money by exploiting what was a horrible day in American history.


Second, since no one who is still alive was on that plane, no one knows what really happened. No one knows how close they were to saving the plane, or disabling the hijackers or anything. I think it's very irresponsible of Hollywood to make a movie like this based on assumptions of what happened because people will take it as fact.


In a word, sickening.



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^ I agree with you on some things. However, I think it is good that people are aware of what these people went through. It may not be 100% true, but I'm sure most of it is. They had cell phons to call family and tell them what was going on. That's how we know the passengers helped take down the plane.

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^I think you're thinking about a different movie. This was literally just released in theaters, so it would be a stupid idea to release it on TV as well, because it would generate a lot less money.

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I don't agree with making any movie that is hollywood-ized from these events. Just like World Trade Center (Oliver Stone (director) and Nicholas Cage (starring) ) makes me want to go no where near the theaters.


Hollywood is making money off of these movies. The first three days of United 93 the families get 10%. After that, the stars and director and whomever else get that money. How is that not making money from a tragedy?


//end rant.


Okay, time for me to throw my 2 cents in as well. Seriously, if you think about it, there's a HUGE percentage of films based on real life tragedies that Hollywood is capitalizing on. The list is way too long to include all, so I'll just give you a couple genres in which to consider. First, any "disaster" film.....such as Titanic, Towering Inferno, or any film with a natural disaster in the story line. They may not all be based on specific events, but try getting the folks in the Gulf Coast, or the tsunami victims to watch any disaster flick where a city is flooded by a huge wall of water.


Second, and most widespread is any war film ever made. There isn't any region of the world who hasn't been affected by war at some point in the last century, whether directly or indirectly. Everyone is connected to the experience of warfare in some way, shape or form. Think of any vietnam vet with lingering "problems" from their experience and ask them how they feel about folks like Oliver Stone or Stanley Kubrick making millions off their painful memories that haunt them to this day. Possibly even worse, imagine how any Jew still with a number branded on their arm feels about Hollywood raking in millions from another emotional take on what happened in WWII.


Finally, something that everyone continues to overlook is the onslaught of video games over the last two decades which simply trivialize warfare. I know this could really open a can of worms, but think about it. How would you feel if you were drafted into any of the major wars of our country's history? How would it feel to sit back and watch your grandson playing the latest simulation of what it was like to hit the beaches of Normandy when YOU actually did it? Sorry, Robb. I know this is your field, but don't consider it a personal attack.


The overall point is that as long as tragedies continue to happen, people will undoubtedly profit off of them. It's a viscious cycle, but one that you can easily ignore if you so choose. I think Robb actually put it best when he made the porn analogy.....if it's not for you, then don't watch it.


-End of my rant.

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BeemerBoy does have a point. Every time there is a tragedy, there is a movie about it(Titanic, Munich, Chindlers List). But, the movie is like a wake up call. There are already some people that already forgot that 9/11 occured. There are also people that said that 9/11 never happened. Check this link out: www.imdb.com/titlett0469641/ I wonder how much people would complain about that. People should not expect this movie to be accurate. The only way that we know what happened on the plane was through the phone calls of the people on board, the black boxes, and the people that saw UA93 hit the ground.

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