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About MWkc

  • Birthday 04/15/1992

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  1. Awesome TR man! Bringing back some awesome memories, god I wanna go back.
  2. Geez, thats slack of me. Its in January.
  3. Hey guys, I bet you get this question alllll the time but I just got the itinerary for my trip to LA/San Fran/San Diego and wanted to know a few things. We arrive on the 3rd and leave on the 18th and I'm just wondering what the weather will be like. I've heard its heaps cold. We go to Disney land on Tuesday the 6th, Knott's on Wednesday the 7th and Universal on Friday the 9th. Any idea what the crowds are gonna be like? Cheers guys. Edit: January is the month.
  4. You know when people say that Kangaroos don't run down streets in Australia, I witnessed one running down my street a few nights ago. It shocked me but also made me wonder why I hadn't seen it happen earlier.
  5. Well I'm going on a date and we are seeing this movie. Looking forward to the movie almost as much as the date
  6. Made by Aussie comedian John Safran, he shows you how to get into Disneyland for free, lol. -Link Removed: By mod.
  7. Amazing man, shame you lost but. Love the souljah boy song but!
  8. If your still around in about 14 months you can see the pictures lol. Someone said Disneyland is still packed, anyone else think that?
  9. Hey, well in January 09 (Yes I know thats a damn long time lol) I'm heading out to LA with a school exchange program and for the first few days we are going to be at Knotts, Disneyland and Universal and I was wondering if the parks are packed at this time of the year and if there are many ride closures. Thanks
  10. I'm planning my trip to America and I'm wondering in your opinion whats the best 4 star hotel in these citys. I'm looking at all the tourist websites but I would like some good honest opinions. cheers
  11. Lol nah, pretty much a sport to keep me interested in the off season when the Super 14 and NRL aren't on and I'm not playing rugby. Urlachers my favorite player but he will be everyones after superbowl so I'm thinking Champ.
  12. Would that turn me into a stubborn old man?
  13. there copying the guy from Sydney, some people do it at school. Its a bit weird.
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