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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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Here are some of the changes in and around the park....


So no 30th Anniversary exhibit anywhere, correct?


Any word on the status of the Cas Walker building? Is it still intact?


Personally, I feel it would have been a better move to keep the fountain (and renovate it) & tear down the Liberty store if they felt traffic flow needed to be improved in that area. There's other areas in the park that become quite "clustered" at times that could have used improving first, IMO.

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Also the park is getting all new fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo this year. Here is a pic of new updated electronic fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo like at six flags or Disney. You pay 1 fee for all day usage instead of $1 each time you go in and out. These are all over the park, in places where the old fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo were and in new places as well.

Awesome! That's the same system they put in at SDC last year, and it's fantastic. A longtime SDC employee told me last October that the bunnies aren't owned by the park, so they only have so much say in it, but HFE is insistent on keeping the prices as low as possible. They were $3 all day at SDC last year, so I'm happy to see that Dollywood's are not too much higher than that. At $6, it's worth it even if you don't strictly need one, just for the convenience of not having to carry everything.

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I am happy to see the prices low as well.. I have seen them as high as $25 - $30/day for systems just like this..


And yes I almost always get a locker for that reason.. I used to just bring about $3 - $4 in quarters and leave them in the locker.. I only needed in the locker once or twice throughout the day.. Mainly to toss a hoodie in on cool mornings once it warmed up or to leave sunscreen or phone or something in.

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The Cas Walker building is still there. The "garage" that was beside it has been torn out and all the old cars are now in the employee parking lot. The building is completely empty and I have been told one of two things will happen, 1) it will be redesigned as the exit for the new ride as a gift shop like Wild Eagle, 2) it will be torn down due to the cost to repair most of it (ceiling leaks everywhere and other issues).

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The Cas Walker building is still there. The "garage" that was beside it has been torn out and all the old cars are now in the employee parking lot. The building is completely empty and I have been told one of two things will happen, 1) it will be redesigned as the exit for the new ride as a gift shop like Wild Eagle, 2) it will be torn down due to the cost to repair most of it (ceiling leaks everywhere and other issues).

Ahhh...the new ride. Can't wait to ride them!

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Historically speaking, how busy will the park be for opening weekend, including Friday preview day?

With 80% of the local schools being out for spring break this week and the park being closed up until Friday missing most of the areas spring break


A lot of locals will be spending their LAST day of spring break there Friday and probably Saturday.. It'll be a busy weekend I bet..


I just booked a room in Atlanta so it looks like I'll be going to six flags instead of Dollywood.. Girlfriend won! As she wanted to go to six flags haha.. I wanted Dollywood.. I'll probably hit Dollywood next weekend though.. She's right, I don't get many full weekends off so best to get the backwards batman at six flags while I can.. I do Dollywood all the time

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So I guess the big news is that Dolly Parton is actually performing at Dollywood a few says in August?


I never really knew why she didn't perform there much anyways as I figured it would be a great way to bring people into the park haha

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So I guess the big news is that Dolly Parton is actually performing at Dollywood a few says in August?


I never really knew why she didn't perform there much anyways as I figured it would be a great way to bring people into the park haha


Yup, that was it. Sounds like the new ride will be announced later this summer.

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Mini Opening Day Trip Report



1) The Shows- Ireland was wonderful and it was good to see a different show than the one they had a few years ago. Also the Tuvan throat singers were awesome, something you don't get to see or hear everyday. Trinidad was amazing as always.

2) Friendship Fountain- I was skeptical at first about seeing this gone, but it opened up a lot more seating for Market Square restaurants (which were very busy today)

3) Cinnamon Bread- No explanation needed

4) The rides- Everything was great as always, but after 12pm all of the (non-water) rides had 30 min plus waits (yes even the swings). Also I have never seen Blazing Fury with a full queue, holy cow.



1) The new parking situation- Parking spaces were not marked clearly and it was just a general mess. It was really really bad. It took us at least 15 min to find our way out of the parking lot. Hopefully this gets fixed soon.

2) This Sign-IMG_1895.thumb.JPG.64a1baeaaa83a4c9329f446dce47bf54.JPG

Dollywood had almost 3 months to prepare the park for opening and nobody noticed Holly Jolly Junction.

3) BBQ Corner- It was my favorite place to get a bite to eat in the park but it looks like it is gone for good.

4) Pavement on Showstreet- I watched so many people trip over the cracks and bumps in the pavement today. This really needs to be fixed.


Overall it was a really good day at the park with good shows, great rides, and some really good cinnamon bread.

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I think it just spoke and said random things.. Kids try to make it talk but the past two years I haven't noticed it really interacting with anyone other than tell random stories and songs.. Its funny watching the kids yelling trying to wake it lol

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I think it just spoke and said random things.. Kids try to make it talk but the past two years I haven't noticed it really interacting with anyone other than tell random stories and songs.. Its funny watching the kids yelling trying to wake it lol


If I remember correctly it was a couple of weeks after it opened so it could've been an early thing that probably broke or didn't work out, even though it was fun when it was there, can anyone confirm this though?

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