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The Official Nintendo Wii Discussion Thread

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Honestly. I'm not a fan boy of either. I think sony games are boring and rushed. Stuff like Mario has a nice long plot. Stuff like Final Fantasy? come on we don't need like 14 of the same game.


Mario, does have like a million games, true.




Mario is always different and fun.


I only like Sony for GTA.


And, Sony is going to charge the $hit out of you at the register for the PS3.

Nintendo is nice and affordable.

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I think it's so hard to equally compare Nintendo to Sony.


Nintendo, to me, has always had the better looking graphics and brighter colors in every generation of cosole ranked against it's rivals.


Where I feel the real BIG difference's are lies in what each compnay does with it's product.


Sony seems sought to make money more so than anything else. This can be seen in:

Buying exclusive rights to gaming (EA Sports)

Creating a greater scope of gaming that is more than just family friendly(Playboy, GTA, God of War),

Console price of still $150 and the $600 price tag of the PS3.


Nintendo knows full well they could make more money by buying exclusive rights, keeping their console price higher than $100, and make more gore type games that are the hot sellers today. BUT they don't. I give them props for that.


Nintendo make's enough to keep every type of gamer happy that buys their system. They have a few title's like Resident Evil for the gore fans and Mario titles for anyone in the family to enjoy. And from the looks of the Wii they are showing that they are more than just interested in the core unit being a super-processing gaming/graphic machine and spend more time trying to create a "funner" way to play the standard game that we are all used to.


Now Nintendo wants to make money too and trust me they do. Their handhelds make money that Sony only wishes it could make with the PSP. Saying that, it seems as if the company knows their home console could be much more of a cash making machine but they don't have to "sell out" and mimic the game line-up of their competitors to do so. They have more than enough revenue off their hand-held division to pad a financial hit that their console units may incur.


If you ask me, Nintendo has been the only game maker/company that has ever been consistently unique since it's conception.


I won't buy the Wii cause it doesn't seem to look like it will please my particular gaming pallet. But that by no means makes it a lesser system to the PS3 or 360.

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^ I totally agree. About the handhelds. You only usually see teens with the sony PSP. I mean, the PSP wasn't selling out crazy like gameboys sell today. If you go up to a kid and ask them what hanheld gaming system they are going to say Gameboy. Or atleast owned a gameboy.




well, i couldnt... so yeah...




also, sony has grn turismo, which is like the best racing game ever


Ew, I hate Grand Turismo. I have 3 and 4 for PS2. They're so BORING.

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Now I'm no fan of Gran Turismo or racing games in general, but I think it is a bit over-the-top to call it "boring". It's only sold six gazillion copies so that's got to be interesting to a bit more than a few people and better than being labeled "boring".


Plus calling the other franchises best games "boring" is what a fan boy would say anyway.

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^ I agree I don't think it's boring, that's not the word.

It's a pain in the ass, don't get me wrong, it's a great looking game, with its 700 plus cars and real world courses and all. But it's a simulator, not a racing game, I mean you have to get your freaking licence first, come on, I already have a licence and have for many years.

I wanna play a race game to do stuff I can't on the road, like smash into stuff and drift around corners, not break before and accelerate through the turn?

That's just crap, maybe cool for some, but it's not my cup of tea.

But it is pretty.



looks like this thread is gnna turn into a battle between nintendo and sony fanboys.


I don't think that will happen, after all this is the "Wii discussion", not the "which is better PS 3 or Wii discussion".

Other then trying to steal the Wii's thunder with their rumble-less controller, I don't really have a problem with Sony.

I think $600.00 is a pretty good price, considering it is a blue ray player right out of the box. Unlike the 360 with its HD DVD add on for about $150.00 this Christmas.

$400.(X box) + $150. (HD DVD add-on) + $100.(wireless adapter) = $ 650.00 8)

Sony has all that and more right away, for less, so it's not really a bad deal. Currently B-R players are going for $999.99, I look at it as a cheap Blue Ray player, with a bonus game system.


But I don't have an HD TV or an extra $600.00, so I will not be getting one for I while, although I might sell a few on E-bay in Nov.



P All "I do, however have my Wii $$ already, now just saving for some games"::D

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i think gran turismo will actually be alot more fun when GT5 comes out because there will FINALLY be online play. which could be pretty cool...



anyhoo, i think that nintendo's idea to be 'revolutionary' with its controller is a great idea, but i just dont see it becoming really popular... i dont know why, i just dont

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yeah, but it will look like a pile of crap compared to the PC or PS3, especially because the Wii wont be able to do any good lighting or weather effects etc. that FarCry has.


I disagree, it won't look as good as the ps3 or xbox360, which will be pretty much identical graphically, but I think it will look ok, and it will be ALOT cheaper

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yeah, but it will look like a pile of crap compared to the PC or PS3, especially because the Wii wont be able to do any good lighting or weather effects etc. that FarCry has.


Perhaps this comment shows my age - but aren't games supposed to be about fun and replay value and not "OMG LOOK AT TEH F/X AND TEH RENDERING!!11!!". I know a lot of people do buy consoles and gaming PC's for the fastest, newest, best grafix card. But there is something to be said about a simple game like animal crossing which is horribly addictive and fun..but the graphix...meh - forgettable.

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I disagree, it won't look as good as the ps3 or xbox360, which will be pretty much identical graphically, but I think it will look ok, and it will be ALOT cheaper



ps3 will have far superior graphics to the xbox360 and PC for the 1st few months, then pc will catch up to it. but the revolution will have marginally better graphics than the gamecube...


Perhaps this comment shows my age - but aren't games supposed to be about fun and replay value and not "OMG LOOK AT TEH F/X AND TEH RENDERING!!11!!". I know a lot of people do buy consoles and gaming PC's for the fastest, newest, best grafix card. But there is something to be said about a simple game like animal crossing which is horribly addictive and fun..but the graphix...meh - forgettable.



i dunno. i mean, graphics are part of what draws you into the game experience, and having graphics that are getting close to photo realistic now for the latest PC games really make you feel like you are part of the game more...








P.S. sorry for turning this thread into a graphics argument.

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^Graphics arguments are stuid. So what if it doesn't have the greatest graphics in the world? What matters is the games that you play on it. Sure, XBOX360 has AMAZING graphics, but a library of games that only appeal to a certain audience (hard core gamers). But the wii is meant for those hard core gamers AND the general public. A console that anyone will be able to pick up and start playing immediately.


Andrew "That's what counts." C.

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meh. i dont play xbox anyway...


im gnna get the ps3 for its graphics/blu-ray player/amazing games.



Gotta love them feudal Japan Giant Enemy Crabs


Wii for Mii.... [not obvious at all eh?]


yeah, but it will look like a pile of crap compared to the PC or PS3, especially because the Wii wont be able to do any good lighting or weather effects etc. that FarCry has.


BS. The GameCube version of RE4 looked much better than the PS2's.


Wii has slightly better graphics than the current generation X-Box which isn't bad by any means.

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^Hit its weak point for MASSIVE DAMAGE! (Sony at E3 still amazes me a little).


Seriously, stupid customers are the ones that go for "Wow, this has mustache shading technology, superior for this graphics processor." Thats kind of like the newer Star Wars movies (or maybe Tron back in 1982 or The Great Mouse Detective in 1986 [obscure Disney films ftw]), state of the art CGI.


And yes, RE4 was WAAYYY watered down for it to barely run on the PS2's system. Also, many PS2 versions of multi-platform releases were watered down and or extremely laggy/buggy.


Sony fanboys, in the perspective of neutral/Nintendo/Microsoft fans are retarded. Heck, the "connecting the PSP to the PS3" "innovation" was taken from Nintendo's GCN/GBA link thing that sadly didn't go over too good.

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I disagree, it won't look as good as the ps3 or xbox360, which will be pretty much identical graphically, but I think it will look ok, and it will be ALOT cheaper



ps3 will have far superior graphics to the xbox360 and PC for the 1st few months, then pc will catch up to it. but the revolution will have marginally better graphics than the gamecube...




I'm glad you think so, but sorry dude, if you look at the numbers, and how these machines work, they are both very very powerful, and quite evenly matched. The only machine that will have a graphical weakness is the Wii, and thats not Nintendo's game



You can spend all that money on a ps3 if you want, I'm sure it will be a fine system, but don't count on the blu-ray becoming the medium of choice for the hd crowd, Sony has tried and failed every time they try doing the propietary medium thing, and they havn't learned yet.

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Some info?


"We've been hearing rumblings of a Nintendo event in which Nintendo of America's Regginator will be present on September 14th. All we've been told officially is that Reggie will be there, and there will be Wii gameplay, and some big announcements.


While Nintendo has been rather secretive about the pricing and release date for Wii, if we're betting men (and we are), this could be the event where Nintendo reveals this information. It goes along with when they'd spill these details, and it's just a week before the Tokyo Game Show - which Nintendo once again isn't attending."



Maybe soon we will find out what's going on. I got my Wii $$ ready, I just need to save a little more for some games.

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