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Robb & Elissa's Mini-UK Trip!

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Well this was a busy day's postings, hmmm?


Wow, where to start, where to start....


Eh. I won't.


The whole day's touring and reading has been great, guys. Good to see the Meet & Early Greet 'Tour' went A-OK there with Lou joining your evil forces, mwa - ha - hah.


~ ~ ~ ~


I agree with niiic on the height thing. I won't do some walkbacks - or more precisely, walkUps?


Now, tell me your fear, hee hee hee.

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^^You mean you're not familiar with the quaint American custom of the meat-slapping dance? It dates from the time of the Louisiana Purchase, when mountain men were forced to slap their meat against each other to tenderize it. The first one to be rendered unconscious from the meat slapping would receive "the tough end of the butt" (of meat, that is).


Eventually, to be told "Let me slap you with my meat" bcame an invitation to partake of a meal--a great honor among mountain men, especially during times of scarcity.


Yes, this is how we now get dates in America. Never seems to work for me, though. Sigh . . . no one appreciates our great heritage . . .


Dude, you are nearly as insane as Guy...


R&E do you know what the standard names were for those KMG flats you were on? (and can you share them?)

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Looks like we've run out of time tonight to post the pictures.


I'll post one teaser, then we should have EVEN MORE tomorrow!


Lou's looking pretty demonic in that picture. Maybe I should drop from the UK trip, she has threatened to have BarryH kill me in my sleep already...

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A thought has just occured to me.....




For just $99 THIS COULD BE YOU!


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N-G Tom seems to have at least one lucky hand there, you can all fight over which hand was luckier...


What I found funniest about the whole update is what 'wagamama' actually means in Japanese!

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DubaiDave, since you ask so nice and now I don't have four consecutive posts in this high-class British porn thread:


wagamama = headstrong or stubborn, it's actually part of the nickname I gave my wife and her parents ROLLED laughing when I told them, an unusual reaction from 'elder' Japanese folks to be sure. Yeah, I paid for it when I got home, but it was SOOOO worth it!

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Lou's looking pretty demonic in that picture. Maybe I should drop from the UK trip, she has threatened to have BarryH kill me in my sleep already...


I look demonic/evil/weird/insane/scared in every photo of that update, maybe I really am and had just never noticed before. I'll be seeing Elissa (and maybe Robb) later today, maybe I'll try and get them to take some vaguely normal photos to calm your fears.


Oh, and Mike ^... Thanks for sharing, you have fun now.

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I agree with niiic on the height thing. I won't do some walkbacks - or more precisely, walkUps?


If ever given the opportunity, I'd do a walkback. I just hope the floor wouldn't be as... see-through. I'd be ok on a woodie... sturdier feeling I suppose. But if I had to walk up Kumali, I'd be clinging to the railing or whoever is nearest to me!

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^ Probably the first time I've heard "woody" and "sturdier" used together.


I would definetly do something like that, however I'm sure it would scare the crap out of me. I'm fine with heights as long as I'm strapped into something. Standing at the edge of a cliff or something is what tends to freak me out.

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^^You mean you're not familiar with the quaint American custom of the meat-slapping dance? It dates from the time of the Louisiana Purchase, when mountain men were forced to slap their meat against each other to tenderize it. The first one to be rendered unconscious from the meat slapping would receive "the tough end of the butt" (of meat, that is).


Eventually, to be told "Let me slap you with my meat" bcame an invitation to partake of a meal--a great honor among mountain men, especially during times of scarcity.


Yes, this is how we now get dates in America. Never seems to work for me, though. Sigh . . . no one appreciates our great heritage . . .


Dude, you are nearly as insane as Guy...


R&E do you know what the standard names were for those KMG flats you were on? (and can you share them?)


It's funny you said that. I was thinking to myself as I read it, this is something that I would write.


So, that begs the questions. Did I influence someone? Or, is there another evil genious out there in the world? Or, is it my equally evil twin?Or, have I finaly been successfull in cloning myself? Or, is it all of the above?


I will never tell!


Guy "Preparing his army of Evil Guybots!" Koepp

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^You are correct!


No, actually, SLC = Suspended Looping Coaster


Now you know...and knowing is half the battle!


Gggggggggggggggggiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjoooooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!


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^Oh no, Barry forgot to take his meds again. Snake Eyes, help the man out!


I very much appreciate the Vertical Loop pics, but the ELoussa pictures I'm pretty much disappointed in. You'd think a porn star would have more sultry seductiveness and show more, but then again, she is British.


Gimme more Robb on Tom on Ed pictures, that's where the bandwidth is taken up right now!

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Hey CoasterLou + Elissa, don't take offense to that last post. DerekRx has made it clear where His preferences lie!


So Elissa + CoasterLou feel free to keep this great thread going by posting some nude...Uhh... I mean "New" photos.


If you had this much fun on this mini-UK trip, I can only imagine whats going to happen on upcoming UK adventure.

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