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Walibi Belgium Discussion Thread

P. 28: Mecalodon family coaster announced!

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I just got back from WB. I think this looks really cool - the lack of supports meant that it didn't stand out too much or disrupt the theming for me. It's a personal thing though, I suppose.


Gutted that it was still not open though. I didn't see any problems arise, and it was testing all day with 4 cars, from what I saw. Looked pretty fast too.

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Vertigo still has some problems. This means the ride is closed almost the whole day long, it just opens the last 2 hours of opening time. This will last a couple of days.

So I called to the informations and they said Vertigo is just a couple of days away from opening a whole day long. I'm going to check this ride in a couple of hours, report of this will be online.

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And i'm back again.


Vertigo is now officious open. The ride will open tomorrow at 10 AM. The park is going to give tickets away with a specific hour to ride Vertigo. This means they can control the wading queues. These tickets are for free, and everyone has to get one if they want to ride the attraction. It's a lot like a fastpass, but it's not exactly the same.




The ride opened again at 4 PM. I was at the park just to check this out (and of course Turbine!), and it's just relaxing. Vertigo is not a coaster or anything else, it is just unique.


The restraint or marvellous, I never got that much freedom on any ride. You can bend your whole upper body and reach with your arms to your feet. I'm really enthusiastic about this type of attraction. We've had a little conversation with the park's manager and he said he was delighted to see all the positive reactions about the ride.



ps: I was probably the first Themeparkfan who has ever ridden this type of attraction! I've had a small World Premiere!

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  • 11 months later...

I just read this on a Belgian newssite:


"Scarcely two months after it has been officially taken in use and two weeks after the festive inauguration, the amusement park Walibi Belgium had to close Vertigo already. During a check-up, it was discovered that the revolutionary coaster is already suffering wear.


The management can't say when Vertigo will be open again. The incident is in advance way out in the calculations of Walibi. The complete publicity campaign for this season had been built around the Vertigo. Together with the coaster, the management has now also stopped the campaign."



I sure hope it will be open again real soon. I was going to visit the park in June, and so is the TPR Europe Trip!

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Thank god I rode that! I bet the problem revolves around the helex, because that got really rough.

Hope it will be open soon however.


--James 'don't worry everyone, it's nothing amazing' Flint


I'm not worried. Van Damme is on the job!

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