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Walibi Belgium Discussion Thread

P. 28: Mecalodon family coaster announced!

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  • 3 weeks later...

First of all, the official opening of Vertigo is set July 18th, although Walibi Belgium will give away 'preview-rides' on July 15th.


As been told in the press-release for Vertigo, the queueline for this ride will be of a special kind. Belgian newspaper 'La Derniere Heure' wrote that the experience of the whole ride will be 'flying in open air'.


With special wind and mist effects and mirrors, the Q should make people feel like they are flying while standing with their both feet on the ground. The station of Vertigo will be situated above the Q and should represent 'the blue sky above'. So actually the Q would be the journey up to heaven...or something corny like that!

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This thing looks kinda interesting. Kinda like a ski lift that has unlatched from the lift cable and free floated down. Does anybody know the speed on this thing. The on ride looked pretty decent. However, the offride looks pretty slow. I think the thrill of this ride will be in the height and the fact that there are very few supports. That in and of itself is a little un-nerving.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Vertigo, the suspended coaster type ride from Doppelmayr has been postponed until 2007 following technical difficulties...


It says the ride passed the initial testing stages, but fails to function as necessary.



This is the second high profile ride not to open in 2006, following on from the Flying Dutchman project at Efteling, which has also been postponed until 2007.



I'm pretty sure Doppelmayr had built a test circuit for this ride to iron out technical difficulties before proceeding with a park installation - anyone know more?

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I'm not surprised, that thing is definately a prototype that will have its share of little tweaks before it's able to open. Hopefully we see more of these once it gets going, this coaster looks pretty interesting, especially the suspension-bridge-like structure.

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That's a real shame that this coaster has been delayed as well as Flying Dutchman. I was there on Tuesday and they were still hoping to get the ride ready for opening next week.


Looks like I may well be going back to Belgium and Holland next year to go on all the new coaster scheduled to open for 2007! Toverland's Woodie, Rick's Delight, Drievliet's X-Car, Flying Garden Ornament and now this!

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