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Walibi Belgium Discussion Thread

P. 28: Mecalodon family coaster announced!

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Watched the videos. Why would a park promote an accident where riders were stranded?


This accident made this coaster 'The legend coaster of Belgium'. Since this accident happened, the popularity increased enormously (strangely enough). Everybody wanted to ride 'Sirocco' for it's 'dangerous' feeling. If you ask a random Belgian if they know the name Sirocco, they all say yes (especially the old generation). But not only in Belgium, also in Germany, France, The Netherlands, ...


By the way, Psyké Underground will have his own anthem (dance-track). It will be played in the coaster, but also by the local radio-stations (and maybe even in other countries). You can hear a short part of it at the end of each video above.

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Watched the videos. Why would a park promote an accident where riders were stranded?


This accident made this coaster 'The legend coaster of Belgium'. Since this accident happened, the popularity increased enormously (strangely enough). Everybody wanted to ride 'Sirocco' for it's 'dangerous' feeling. If you ask a random Belgian if they know the name Sirocco, they all say yes (especially the old generation). But not only in Belgium, also in Germany, France, The Netherlands, ...


By the way, Psyké Underground will have his own anthem (dance-track). It will be played in the coaster, but also by the local radio-stations (and maybe even in other countries). You can hear a short part of it at the end of each video above.

Understandable. I thought it was bizarre for a park to advertise that way. I get what you are saying.

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Finally I can plan a date to go. Psyké Underground sounds kinda weird if you don't know the background of its story but the theme was expected here. Looking forward to ride this old Schwarzkopf.


About that video in French, I'm so happy that's Belgium. Because I speak no French but my Dutch is okay.

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Today Walibi Belgium released some cool new stuff!


The new name of 'Turbine' is Psyké Underground. The coaster is now fully enclosed and will feature some theming elements inside like 'glow-in-the-dark' bats and a 3D projection of a monster inside the loop! The launch-system changed to a LIM-launch by Gerstlauer. The capacity will be 700 p/h (25 launches each hour) and it shall open the second week of June. This might be the best looking Schwarzkopf Shuttle loop in the world! What do you think?


Two videos from Walibi Belgium Youtube Channel:


The history of Psyké Underground:


Some theming elements are shown in this video. Note: it's all in French:



=> Do I need to upload them in coastertube to get them in ? Because it doesn't work.

And two pictures:


The new train made by Gerstlauer:

The whole building in one picture (they are still working on the tubes):


As a local, I'm thrilled to see that this coaster is running again. My last ride was in 2008 and I really missed this thing. I will go just after opening, I'll then upload some more pictures !


Great thanks to Walibiband.be (they have more pictures but I can't upload them) and Themepark.nl!

WOW, this looks amazing! Definitely a nice way to spruce up Schwarzkopf goodness. Thank you for the update!


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I'll put the videos here so they can be viewed more conveniently:

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WOW, this looks amazing! Definitely a nice way to spruce up Schwarzkopf goodness. Thank you for the update!


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I'll put the videos here so they can be viewed more conveniently:


Thanks !


Again a new update. Once again thank you WalibiBand.be for the pictures!


Technical drawing of the trains *mmm lapbars...*


You can see here how the queue will go (beginning indoor = orange line) and the exit (blue line)


Accelerations curve of the LIM launch


You can see where all the last 6 remaining Schwarzkopf Shuttle loops are in the world

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I'm so glad Walibi dug in their archives and included the 82 commercial featuring Philippe Geluck, as I actually remembered the TV ad but had never been able to find any trace of it, even on my dozens of VHS tapes. Had totally forgotten the actor/TV animator/comics drawer (Google "le Chat" by Geluck, I'm sure some of you know the character) played in it too. I have a huge collection of items on this park (I know it's not the best park in the world but well, it's my home park) and I cannot wait to ride the new version of what I still consider the best coaster at that park.

Two détails (from the videos) though: It seems the ride won't start from zero but will be accelerated from 7 (seven) km/h to 85km/h in 3 seconds. I a&ssume they'll use some type of friction Wheel to move the train forward to a point where the LIMS will take the job over. Also: the brakes are now magnetic like the ones used on Intamin drop towers. Not sure if the train will still climb very high up the backwards spike... wait and see.

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You can see where all the last 6 remaining Schwarzkopf Shuttle loops are in the world

Good to see parks doing there homework. I mean they're all that's left of this design, and they can point out that it's a far trip from Europe to the next one.

I haven't said it last time so now: I'm so happy with the Lap-bars, nothing tops going through a inversion in a train with lap-bars.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally, the park is learning from it's mistakes! After several years of bad maintenance, Walibi is finally growing up through it's old problems. All the rides have a new coat of paint, all the old effects are up and running again, the operations are much much better then a few years ago (all the rollercoasters ride on full capacity, 2 trains each ride; Dalton all coaches,...)


Some water effects working again on the track of Calamity Mine, that was about time!




The best element on Radja River works again, the water ceiling! The most soaking element on this Rapid is back finally!


Also other changes like this for instance:


Covering the queue line of Loup - Garou against rain and the hot blazing sun in the summer




They are still working on the renovation of Turbi... eeh.. Psyké Underground :




Great thanks to Bobby Turbo from pretparken.be, WalibiBand.be and pretparkkriebels.be!

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  • 2 weeks later...

First tube of Psyké is done. The opening of the coaster is pretty nearby now...



Thanks to Ameworld!


Ow yeah by the way, Walibi introduced a new 'fast pass' system, which you can buy in two formulas:

- One of 15 euros, where you can skip the line of 4 attractions. This formula isn't name based so you can skip with 4 friends 1 line, with 2 you can skip 2 lines etc.

- The second of 36 euros. This is an unlimited 'skip the line' formula for one person (so it's name-based and can give it to friends). You can skip every line you like unlimited throughout your stay at the park. They sell only 500 'golden' fast passes each day to make sure the capacity of the rides isn't going to drop again.


And also another thing. All Radja Rivers old effects are all working again, finnaly! Like this one for instance:



Walibi is becoming really beautiful this year and I don't know why. Previous year, every fan was complaining that Walibi is nasty, boring etc. This year, they are improving each ride to guaranty the maximum of pleasure for every guest. And all of the sudden non of the fans are complaining. The only thing everybody still complains about is that they aren't building a new ride for (I think) 6 years. But I think, with this improvement, the park is ready for a whole new ride!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Psyké Underground is almost open for public!


A new picture-update. I must say, Psyké is really looking awesome with the whole new theming. The old flywheel is also part of the new theming and works as 'old machine-room'. They wanted to keep it as a remark of the old Sirocco/Turbine, what I appreciate. I'm looking forward to it's reopening, I think it will finally open in a week ore so !


Main Entrance


Old re-themed flywheel


Entering the station






Looping with glowing bats and Monster (gets a 3D projection)


Working on the last tube


Thanks to Fotogalerijen.be! More pictures: http://www.fotogalerijen.be/20130621walibi/index.htm


EDIT: Here is the themesong of the ride:


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I just read that they going to use a presorting system in the station. The next 28 persons will be brought into a separate room in the queue, where they get some extra explanation about the metro of Psyké. As the previous rides will fly backwards through the station (say where the video up here starts) they can take place at the gates. When the train is unloaded and loaded again you'll see a small (funny) video before launching.


I must say this sounds really good, I like that they want to do more then just the ride and add a whole experience around the ride.


Source in Dutch.

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I was searching around and I think I found this photo of Turbine's new train. NOT SURE. CAN SOMEBODY CONFIRM?

Not sure if serious...or just trolling.

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Although it is in French, here is an interesting report / guided tour for pupils, where lots of the "secrets" (special FX and so on) on the new version of the ride are revealed. It comes from Belgian TV channel RTL / TVI and... YES, you'll see the launch... partly. Video Embedded for you. If you want me to translate a specific passage, let me know (with video timing)


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