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Coasters you've never ridden but really want to ride

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To continue the Beast discussion, I love the Beast. Yes it is rough but I can handle it. Even on the helix, and if you sit near the back, you actually get some decent air on the first and second drops. Plus I love speeding through the woods. It feels like your in the middle of nowhere, especially at night.


a few coasters I want to ride


Expedition Everest

Superman: Ride of Steel (SFNE)

Wicked Twister (I've been to Cedar Point 3 times and I still haven't ridden it)

Medusa (SFGAdv)



Expedition GeForce

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Orphan Rocker


Moonsault Scramble

Atlantis Adventure

Shaft of Terror

Supersonic Odyssey


Alas Moonsault scramble is no longer with us!, going to OZ next February maybe the Orphan Rocker will be operating then. As for the ride I would love to ride it would have to be the Coney Island Tornado (RIP)

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I would basically like to ride any coaster that I haven't ridden yet.


Here are some examples:

Expedition Geforce

Silver Star

Top Thrill Dragster






Boulder Dash


Viper (SFMM)

Riddler's Revenge

Mamba or some other Morgan/Arrow hypercoaster (excluding PMBO, because I've been on it.)

any Schwarzkopf preferably looping


-and the list goes on.

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I would really love to ride Deja Vu @ SFOG, but I have always chickened out, afraid that I might black out and die!


Speaking of blacking out, I used to black out after the second loop of good ol' Shockwave at SF Great America, before they replaced it with Superman. It was still an interesting ride, but the on ride photos always looked funny because I would 'regain my senses,' right before the photo during the pretzel loop.


Probably wasn't good for me to ride the dam thing, but still.


thats funny you mentioned that...I thought that it was only me, everytime I hit that second loop .......black out.....then back right at the break run..


guess I should say that for years and years after seeing Roller Coaster, I always swore I was going to ride on the Revolution, and when I finally got to MM it was the first thing I rode! although it was sooo tamed down, and there were OTSR's I still enjoyed my first ride. Now there really isnt a coster that I dream about riding, now it's just if I get to ride a new one, Woo Hoo!

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So many enthusiasts go on and on about the Cyclone at Coney Island that I now feel compelled to ride it. I need to know wether it is just down to the fact that it was built in the 20s and has that Nostalgia attached OR is it really such a good ride anyway.

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i rode it twice when I was 7 yrs old. I hated it then, but i love it now. I wish SO badly that i could ride it again, if BGW didn't tear it down. Drachen Fire. I am building a really accurate rec. of it in No Limits becasue i am so obbsessed with the ride. You can check it out here: http://nldc.interfix.net/p1092. The most recent pics are at the bottom.


The only other coaster I want to ride REALLY badly is Expedition Everest. I just love disney and their effort they put into their rides.

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i rode it twice when I was 7 yrs old. I hated it then, but i love it now. I wish SO badly that i could ride it again, if BGW didn't tear it down. Drachen Fire. I am building a really accurate rec. of it in No Limits becasue i am so obbsessed with the ride. You can check it out here: http://nldc.interfix.net/p1092. The most recent pics are at the bottom.


The only other coaster I want to ride REALLY badly is Expedition Everest. I just love disney and their effort they put into their rides.

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