It doeas all depend on the ride program, Ripsaw at Alton Towers is an decent topspin but has never set my heart racing.
But a few weeks ago on my last visit it was a wet day and an empty park. The ride op treated us to a insanely long ride in which we all got soaked (twice) and we were hung upside down twice. it was awsome
I first found your site in Sept 2004. I was looking for POV's on google and there TPR was. As I was still fairly 'new' to being 'in' to coasters it was a while before I began posting on the forums.
You do indeed spend most of the time on Air on your front.
Forgot to mention - I'm am glad you like spinball too. Many of my friends which I take don't like that ride and I love it. Just nice to know I'm not the only one.
Could someone help me find my teeth they dropped out in the cobra roll element
For me the whole point about Nemesis is that it suprises you. It is also so intense, alot of big massive coasters are fun and 'extreme' but you rarely feel the intesity because the elements are to big and linked by big transitions. This is because the trains are carrying massive speed and they need time to turn gradually. Intamin have created some good coasters like Expedition GF etc. But If you look at KK and TTD when the train is up to that sort of speed there is not much more to do than keep it fairly straight and then slow it down.
Nemesis doesn't have to be fast or high it is cleverer than that, it uses its closeness to the ground and lowish speed (60mph?)to its advantage.
Great TR Charlie looks pants, will see for myself in May.
Because of the way Nemesis is designed it just gets faster and faster as it goes through the circuit. If you think about the drop that was on drachen fire at BGW that is all that is happening on the initial drop of Nemesis. After that inversion (I think it is a wing-over) you carry on downwards in a helix accelerating all the way. The lowest point of the ride is not till later still.
Air is sadly not as awsome. Some of the elements are fun but it is just to damb slow and dull. Plus the restaints give me muchos asthma attacks
Not an ACE member...
Why do all you ACE's have such a fearsome reputation, do you really eat that much? It must just be a few spoiling it for the rest huh?
I think I might join the ECC when I finish uni. (And therfore have money to get to the events ).
Been on both, seperated by three years.
Could not make a judgement on this one. Some people just say this, that and indeed anything to make it seem like they know something we don't.
These people are talking rubbish
I have voted for B&M simply because as an overall package their coasters are far better than Intamin's creations. A B&M coaster really eats up the Q line (excluding Air in one train operation at Alton Towers ) and seem to offer a 'smoother', 'nicer' ride.
This is when we all stopped reading. You need to use normal sentences if you want people to read your post!
Have you read the posting rules for this forum? I thought not.
Great TR martinb. Shame about the ride closures.
Still not too sure about Stealth though, hopefully it will be just like Oblivion and just keep pulling me back for more! As I have previously metioned in this forum I havn't ridden Nemesis Inferno yet so I also have that to look forward to.
I am thinking of going in May - does anyone know when the school's have their half-terms etc etc so i can avoid these days.
martinb did you say you had a video of Colosus rattling - sure would like to see that?
There is still so much to do huh? This ride will be one of the last to open in 2006 for sure.
Looking great though, massive and impressive structure, this sure will be one powerfull ride!
Wow looks like a great trip Tom.
Just one comment... I dIdn't know you supported the GREATEST FOOTBALL CLUB IN THE KNOWN UNIVERSE
I guess with your coaster trip you missed the Juventus game on Tuesday, you are clearly one with good taste, Coasters and Arsenal, it beggers belief.
I think I am worried about two things.
1. The length - the UK does NOT need more 'short' rides (this reminds me of Oblivion which is great but too short).
2. Nothing really happens after the acceleration. Yeah I know its high but these rides really need to be extreme to work well. there is no 'extreme' element like a massive airtime hill/inversion.