Becouse hypers don't have inversions and aren't made of wood! And i know that hypers are supposed to be over 200ft, but except for the height, EGF and Goliath fit perfectly into the definition of a hyper coaster, plus Intamin itself calls it a "hyper coaster" so it mus be one! If you can't accept that then at least accept them to be a sort of "mini hyper", and we're counting them in this race becouse otherwise we would have only 2 hypers to discuss about and thats just to sad...
So yeah IMO EGF and Goliath are hypers, i don't expect you to share that opinion just accept the fact that they count as a (mini) hyper in this particular thread.
Ow yeah and chill out dude you're taking this way to serious!
Don't call me dude! a post was made before I made any ,somebody else stated that Egf was not a hyper, I agree and that is based purley on what most coaster enthusiasts would count as a a hyper the reason I got pissed is because typical Amercan style if they don't agree with what you are saying they change the rules. EGF is not a Hyper. Whay can't a hyper be made out of wood (bang you just shot your self in the foot) It has nothing to do with what it's made with. I bet when all you credit whores rode your first 200+ coaster you where excited about riding your first Hyper.